thankyou for calling everyone in this forum a 10 year old, and why would that mean i should re-evaulaute my beliefs, legend imagine a game which said it is absolutely impossible for a god in any way to exist ever, would you go along with that theory? for me the theory of an entity that you can never interact with is ridicolous.
Well, in Xenogears, you in effect, kill 'God'. 'He' is the final boss. And you know what? I was fine with that, as were a bunch of my Christian friends.
And my point to suggesting that you should re-evaluate you own beliefs is this:
Chrono Trigger and its (in my opinion, inferior) sequel Chrono Cross are great games. But in the end, that is all they are: mere video games. Fictional, somewhat interactive tales, a digital version of those old choose your own adventure books I used to read when I was a kid. Entertainment, nothing more. As such, why would a fictional tale bother your core beliefs so much? I’m not Christian, but I thoroughly enjoy the Left Behind series of books, even though according to them, I’m going to hell. On the flipside, I am wiccan, however I also enjoy the Harry Potter books/movies, even though they pervert just about everything I hold as sacred when it comes to the subject of magick (and that spelling was intentional). How is such as thing possible? Because I am confident enough in my beliefs that the fictional works of a couple pf preachers (the authors of Left Behind), some British twit (J.K. Rollings, author of Harry Potter), or a room filled with Japanese script writers (responsible for the plot for Trigger and Cross) cannot shake them. The same cannot be said for you, since by your own words:
i personally cannot and will not believe there is an entity until you physically see it or its definite effect, it goes against all my personal beliefs, so no, cant do it.
Thusly, I can only conclude, that your are not confident in your beliefs. Therefore, you should re-evaluate them.
And again I say: The presence of Dinopolis in 7600 BC is all the proof you need. The game tells you, in no uncertain terms, that the planet brought it back, and we can all agree that if the entity does exists, it is the planet, right?
so you know that the planet thought, o look chronopolis has been pulled back, lets have a good laugh and bring dinopolis back too.
Yeah, pretty much. Only the thought was more like: “Curses! My age-old foe, whom I thought I had bested at long last, has called his champion race to his aid at the height of their power (Humans, and their future city of Chronopolis). All I have done shall be for naught (ie: all the events of Chrono Trigger) unless I act swiftly! And behold! I see the future as it should have been! The Reptites evolved into a race every bit the equal of humans! What is more, they understand and respect the world they live on, the physical manifestation of my very self! I will call these great beings to my aid. I can only hope it will be enough…”
Seriously, did you even play this game? C’mom man, I was on pain killers when I played Chrono Cross, and even I got the message clearly when I wasn’t marveling at the trails I was seeing every time a character moved (slight exaggeration, but you get my point).