Author Topic: Audition Thread for CT Flash Series  (Read 11881 times)

teh Schala

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Audition Thread for CT Flash Series
« Reply #45 on: August 12, 2005, 09:31:14 pm »
We've got the vocoder taken care of...  It'll be used in the actual stuff ;)


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Audition Thread for CT Flash Series
« Reply #46 on: August 12, 2005, 10:47:57 pm »
Aha, Missing Piece. Yeah, that should be covered. SilentMartyr is taking care of that; I think we've got a lot of it covered in terms of high-res scans. He just has to do an interview and a page with missing characters who weren't added to the game.


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Audition Thread for CT Flash Series
« Reply #47 on: August 13, 2005, 12:21:09 am »
Tamashii, I can't tell if those parantheses are there for sarcasm or not <_<; if you need a place to 'buy' the OST, you can PM me... not that I'll help.. I'm just, uh, curious to know...


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Audition Thread for CT Flash Series
« Reply #48 on: August 13, 2005, 12:24:40 am »
Well, make sure it's not an EverAnime or SonMay bootLEG lOLALz


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Audition Thread for CT Flash Series
« Reply #49 on: August 13, 2005, 01:16:46 am »
Wow, Jake-A-Roonie, this sounds like an awesome undertaking...  I'd love to put in an audition or two for this thing...   *looks around for something to record with*...   I sincerely doubt I can match the absolutely magical performance of DeweyisOverrated for the part of Lara lol, that was awesome.


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Audition Thread for CT Flash Series
« Reply #50 on: August 13, 2005, 01:43:29 am »
Nice Karsh avatar, and welcome to the Compendium!

Note that if you didn't get a welcome, I probably...didn't see you or something. Welcoming is sort of standard, but often I just miss people.


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Audition Thread for CT Flash Series
« Reply #51 on: August 13, 2005, 02:02:53 am »
Oh, the parentheses weren't implying sarcasm, I really do want to buy it. (And I know a few places where I can. ^_^) I was making a poke at the people that download stuff and don't buy it, which is understandable, but...I like to poke at it. :P Just...don't mind me.

(For the record, I currently own the OSTs for FFVII, FFVIII, and Kingdom Hearts, as well as the FFIX and FFX collections released domestically, and the Final Fantasy N and S Generation albums. Though N Generation has been mysteriously MIA since I last moved...)

Yeah, I know about bootlegs, believe me. :x I saw the CC OST at an anime store, and it was Ever Anime, which I knew was a rip-off, so I didn't get it. That store had rip-offs of just about every Square-Enix OST to date...someone really needs to do something about Taiwanese companies and bootlegs...though, it makes me wonder if stores here even know that they're stocking bootlegs or not.

And Jake-A-Roonie, I do hope you've gotten my most recent e-mail, as well as the earlier one...before the last one you replied to...since I'm trying horribly to make this a bit more on topic albeit confusingly so... :P

teh Schala

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Audition Thread for CT Flash Series
« Reply #52 on: August 13, 2005, 02:49:56 am »
Yes, I got it. :)  I forgot to respond because I was STILL hanging out with my friend...  We listened to your latest clip SEVERAL times, kinda mulling over whether it would work for that character...and then I somehow ended up on WoW and forgot all about it.  My apologies!

Well, I think we can safely say we likely have voices for the big three, CML: Crono, Marle and Lucca, along with Taban and 2 others. :)

Anyway, we still need a Gina (Crono's Mom) and a Melchior before we can release episode 1...  Auditions are coming in nicely, but no one has yet auditioned for these.  Let's see what ya got! :D

Legend of the Past

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Audition Thread for CT Flash Series
« Reply #53 on: August 13, 2005, 03:11:02 am »
Bah. We need a Gina and a Melchior, huh? :/ That just sucks... But hey, I'll pray for this project!

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Audition Thread for CT Flash Series
« Reply #54 on: August 13, 2005, 09:31:27 am »
Thanks Jake-A-Roonie. ^_^ I'll wait for more word from you then, be annoyingly secretive here in this thread. 8)

I could try Gina if no one else does, since it's not like she has THAT many lines. >_> I might be kind of scary as anyone's mom though... *puts on a sickening motherly voice* "Oh Crooooonooooo, you little sleeeeeepyhead, time to get uuuuuuuup! *tugs his ears*" :shock:

Kidding, kidding, oh dear. :D


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Audition Thread for CT Flash Series
« Reply #55 on: August 13, 2005, 12:02:35 pm »
Wow, now I feel awkward... I'd buy the real OSTs if I knew where to get them, and actually had money <_<

I'd like to audition for Frog if I can ever get my microphone working, but it seemed to only work in certain positions, and now I can't get it to work at all.. Also, the audition text for Frog/Glenn is incorrect.. if you're trying to be "old" and use 'mine' instead of 'my' you can only do it infront of words that start with vowels, like a/an and thy/thine, so 'Mine name' just sounds like you're trying too hard, not to mention its inaccuracy


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Audition Thread for CT Flash Series
« Reply #56 on: August 13, 2005, 12:31:49 pm »
You can get the soundtrack at most sites that sell Japanese music...I got my FFVII and FFVIII OST imports from, pretty good and reliable, but yeah, it's expensive. That's all because of expensive CD prices in Japan though, singles alone cost like 1200 yen...which is like, $11. :shock:'s online store also has it, I believe.

Then again, there's always bootlegs on eBay for like...$5. :roll:

Don't feel awkward, like I said, it's totally understandable. Of course, I avoid the guilt trip (which I get with anything on my computer just about) by keeping only PSFs of OSTs I don't have, so I can argue "well, it was all in my game, and I bought that!" Lol.

If you're mic keeps malfunctioning, you can get a decent one at places like Staples for only around $10.

As for the mine name thing, it sounds unnatural anyway, inaccuracy aside. I mean, it sounds like "my name" anyway. Just with a stress on the 'n'...

teh Schala

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Audition Thread for CT Flash Series
« Reply #57 on: August 13, 2005, 03:01:27 pm »
Quote from: Shadow_Dragon
Also, the audition text for Frog/Glenn is incorrect.. if you're trying to be "old" and use 'mine' instead of 'my' you can only do it infront of words that start with vowels, like a/an and thy/thine, so 'Mine name' just sounds like you're trying too hard, not to mention its inaccuracy

Well, it's "accurate" in the sense that that's what the original script had.  That's what's in the game.  Whether it's "proper" is another story. ;)  Anyway, at least it's a line, eh?  Put some fire into it, and let's hear it. ^_^  Also, I'm not opposed to anybody doing different lines than the ones in the list...  Those are just the first ones I could think of off the top of my head.


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Audition Thread for CT Flash Series
« Reply #58 on: August 13, 2005, 03:23:12 pm »
Hey, yeah, that is in the script. :shock: Hm, I hadn't noticed. Ah, well, like you said, at least it's a line. :P

You want any more lines from me, Jake-A-Roonie? (I'm bored, Saturday afternoons are horrible sometimes. :roll: )


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Audition Thread for CT Flash Series
« Reply #59 on: August 13, 2005, 03:40:47 pm »
I tried doing a serious Masa (Mune) line, and it was horrible.  I tried doing some lchildish whisper tone, and it came out horrendously.