Ugh, PLEASE tell me we're not going to PURPOSEFULLY mess up Frog's 'old' (or w/e the right term) english
I just did a search for 'frog' in the script, and his first lines are even wrong:
Lower thine guard and thou'rt allowing
the enemy in.
Thou'rt here to save the Queen?
The lair is deep within.
Will thee accompany me?
Again, thine can't go with gaurd.. and 'thee' is objective, not subjective, so the word would be 'thou'
Frog: I failed to protect
Queen Leene.
I hath disgraced thee.
Ugh, hath is for 3rd person.. guh
Frog: Crono, you hath potential
to be a good swordsman!
Ugh, more discrepency.. he uses 'thee/thou' when they're not supposed to be used, then suddenly switches to 'you'GUH.. anyway, 'thou hast', not 'you hath
Frog: 'Tis thee, Crono!
Thou art here to practice thy
skill in swordplay?
This isn't TOO bad, since most people make the same mistake in modern english; should be 'tis thou', just as it should be 'it is I', not 'it is me'
Frog: What?!
The King hast been injured?
hath.. not hast
Frog: 'Tis nary a thing I canst do...
Please be on thy way.[./quote]
can, just can
and I'm not sure about that thy, it might be thine; thine sounds right, but you say 'a way', not 'an way', so it might be thy
Frog: You hath done well to find
this locale.
Th, the Hero Badge!
Frog: Thee hath returned?
Th, the Hero Medal!
Frog: Aye...
Then thou hast seen the lad.
Yet there's nary a thing I canst do
against Magus.
these were all bunched together.. so meh
Thou hast done well
Thou hast returned
nary a thing I can do
Frog: Nary a soul remains to
mend'eth the Masamune.
Since when are infinitives considered to be 3rd person present singular? mend
Frog: 'Tis thee again.
Frog: I must ponder this turn of
Remain'eth here the night.
Tis thou again, again (HAHAHAHA)
Remain'eth should just be remain.. if it were singular (like, you, one person, remain here!) it might be remainst, but I'm not sure.. BUT YOU NEVER PUT APOSTROPHES BETWEEN A WORD AND A SUFFIX
I think I'm done <_<