Unless you count those first early Zelda games on the old 8-Bit Nintendo, my first RPG experience was FFVI (then known to me as FFIII). I was immediately hooked and eventually I beat it on Christmas. On my birthday (Sept. 13) of the following year, which would have made me around ten, I got a used SNES cart from my parents. The game? None other than Chrono Trigger. When I first put it in, I was a little turned off by the graphics. It was so different from the one and only RPG I had really ever seen that it took me a while to realize that the graphics were actually
better. I played it, fell in love with the characters, fell in love with the plot, beat it, and played it again and again. Never have I played a game so many times after beating it.
Eventually, four or five years later, I went out and got Chrono Cross when it came out (again, on my birthday). I was amazed by how it looked and how it played. To know that the Chrono saga was not over was something that filled me with a real sense of joy. When Radical Dreamers was translated, I realized that the potential for the series was just as, if not greater than, that of Final Fantasy.
When PlayOnline had their forums, I was constantly in the Chrono forum talking about the series and helping people out. I didn't care how bad the forums looked and how you didn't have an avatar or anything, since it really was like my first forum (it was even more plain than GameFAQs!). Eventually this ended w/PlayOnline liquidating their forum section. Then I went to GameFAQs and went into their Chrono forums.
Then, as always happens w/me and GameFAQs, I grew tired of the boring conversations and endless blather about GameFAQs' newest poll...So I searched for other forums and came across FFInsider and SquareInsider, both of which I've been w/ever since. FFI went through many variations and eventually got rid of their Chrono forum (which I think is rediculous when they made a RagnarockOnline forum & KingdomHearts forum in its place...At least SI kept theirs, which kept me happy...for a while...
The Chrono community in SI was limited. FFI & SI are basically sister-sites and the main community for both are FF fans. I wanted a CHRONO forum for Chrono fans. So I went to IcyBrian, and found that they don't like reviving dead threads even if you have something intelligent to add...
I actually don't remember, it was probably through another stint in GameFAQs, but I found my way into the Chrono Compendium after everyone had just set up after cutting off from the OCR thread. I've been enjoying coming and discussing the series immensely. The people here are some of the most intelligent I've ever e-known.
Here's to another ten years and another ten games!