It would have had to go into the MM at some point, as Lavos' energy was required to complete the forging. And then of course, its broken, goes to Denarado (sp?) and remains there for... probably a really long time.
The sword wasn't broken until the fight between Cyrus and Magus.
Yeah, god knows where it was hidden up 'till then.
Probably it resided in the Denardo Mountains, since Masa was such a big fan of wind. But it would be near impossible to determine exactly.
Nah, it was only Mune who's fan of the wind. Masa just tells him he will be the wind someday...
Anyhow... Maybe they found it in Choras, at he castle where Cyrus is buried? Protected by Masa and Mune, of course. It would make sense of having Frog bury him there because:
A. It was the place where they found the sword.
B. It gets powered up there... Yes, I know it was Frog's dreams and all, but it makes sense it would be the place it powers up. It was where it was found and hidden, after all.