Author Topic: Why didn't Another World get sent to DBT?  (Read 8193 times)


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Re: Why didn't Another World get sent to DBT?
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2005, 06:00:53 pm »
Quote from: Eriol
I read through most of the articles, and this jumped out at me as a DIRECT result of the Principle of Discarded Timelines.  To re-state it:
Whenever a timeline is altered by a time traveler, a new timeline is created as a result of these changes. The original timeline from that point onward is sent into the Darkness Beyond Time, a realm of frozen non-existense containing all discarded timelines.

So if this is true, the instant Kid saved Serge, then "another world" should have stopped existing, and only Home World should have continued, exactly as occured in any other instance of changing, like how when Lucca saved her mother's use of her legs.

I'm saying Another World is NOT necessary for Kid to have saved Serge, as it obviously is not according to How Changing the Past Affects Those Time Travelers whose Past Now No Longer Exists.  The example of the "Jerky" from the article is apt, as it is the same type of thing.  Kid only needed to go back once to save him.  Another World no longer really needs to exist.

Just wondering if there was a good explanation here why Another World wasn't sent to DBT the instant Serge was saved.

Notice how there isn't any mention of dimensions in the theory.


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Why didn't Another World get sent to DBT?
« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2005, 06:09:48 pm »
Leebot has a theory on this. It remains a mystery why Another World wasn't sent to the DBT, and almost assuredly is something bigger than "Serge's importance to the timeline."

Legend of the Past

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Why didn't Another World get sent to DBT?
« Reply #17 on: August 13, 2005, 06:29:04 pm »
Why did Leebot say he was sent to 1004 AD? 1004 AD is the date when Kid is found by Lucca. Serge is 1 year old then, and he becomes special only when he's 3. The earliest he dies in is 1010 AD.

Plus, having two different timelines means it isn't quiet a split. It's like saying Lavos' landing caused a split. While there are two dimesions which correspond to the scenarions of Lavos landing and not landing, you can't acesss them, because it's not Angelus Errare. Angelus Errare means a 50-50 chance, as if something so big happaned even the very flow of time is torn apart. Having 2 keystone timelines just... Dosen't seem right to me. Espically with the special conditions around HW.


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Why didn't Another World get sent to DBT?
« Reply #18 on: August 14, 2005, 12:32:08 am »
I remmber that...  Didn't he propose a causality loop?  Meh, I don't like that one.


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Why didn't Another World get sent to DBT?
« Reply #19 on: August 14, 2005, 12:57:35 am »
It's better than nothing. There is also Holme's famous statement:

How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?


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Why didn't Another World get sent to DBT?
« Reply #20 on: August 14, 2005, 12:58:58 am »
Quote from: ZeaLitY
It's better than nothing. There is also Holme's famous statement:

How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?

But havn't we established that causality loops ARE impossible?


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Why didn't Another World get sent to DBT?
« Reply #21 on: August 14, 2005, 01:58:31 am »
This one works within the realm of the Chrono series. Time traveling wreaks time traveling which wreaks more time traveling, back and forth into each other. I believe GrayLensman modified the theory, though.


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Why didn't Another World get sent to DBT?
« Reply #22 on: August 14, 2005, 04:37:21 am »
It could always be that it wasn't just Serge's living that caused it.

Remember, Lynx/FATE died at the same moment, too. This has a TON of implications. Leaving Serge aside, losing FATE tosses the future to the four winds. Without FATE to guide people, Chronopolis' future is suddenly jeapordized, but it's not yet certain that FATE's absence will cause the chronopolis of the future to not exist.

Anything can happen, and the future become uncertain. It's possible that Serge's world is a world with no past prior to 1010, and no future past the present.


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Why didn't Another World get sent to DBT?
« Reply #23 on: August 14, 2005, 09:37:59 am »
Quote from: Kuroikaze
Remember, Lynx/FATE died at the same moment, too.

I don't remember this :?

Legend of the Past > Kid didn't use a Time Egg. I have real proof this time. When used, a Time Egg pulls a person to the past then freeze time so the person can exchange someone with a clone. However, time wasn't frozen in 1,010 AD, Serge clearly remembers drowning and being saved by Kid at the same time. This is implied by the FMVs in which you see Serge (from his point of view) getting thrown in the sea and the one in which Kid smiles at him and the camera zooms in her eyes; this is also confirmed by Ultimania:
  Memories as a Child

Actually Serge, should have died ten years ago. Chronopolis existence in the
Sea of Eden, exists far into the timeline after his death. But he was saved
from the fate of death, and a new dimension called the Home World was born.
This is not a coincidence. This irregular world, to the person who was aware
of the danger of the invitation of destruction to the world (refer to the
Dead Sea), and who also wishes Serge to exist, the split was systematically

At the time when Serge was saved, he was only a small 7 years old, but the
memory at that time remains. Sometimes images of the beach that pops up, is
the event that stays and burn in the depths of Serge's heart, the event ten
years ago.

{A image of the FMV of Kid on the beach}
Looks like a movie that doesn't tell much. But in fact, it hides a very
important meaning to the story.


That movie, shown after the Kid has been stabbed in Fort Dragonia,
immediately before Serge enters the Temporal Vortex, bears some interesting
meaning. First of all, you see Kid on the beach. That should actually signify
Kid saving Serge ten years ago. Secondly, you see a first-person perspective
of someone falling very deep into the ocean. That should actually signify the
drowning of Serge that very same time, in the other world. The movies, placed
side by side at each other indicates that Serge was able to 'see' the both of
him in the two worlds at the most crucial moment in his life. There might be
more meanings to it. But it's an interesting subtlety, nevertheless.

So, all this to say to that Kid didn't use a Time Egg.

Also, it seems that somehow Serge's soul didn't split whereas the whole dimension did. "There might be more meanings to it"?


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Why didn't Another World get sent to DBT?
« Reply #24 on: August 14, 2005, 02:51:12 pm »
Who says the Time Egg freezes time EVERYTIME it's used? It's pure potential, it does whatever the hell it needs to do.

Remember, Lynx/FATE died at the same moment, too.

Dead Sea?

this is also confirmed by Ultimania:

Keyword. Ultimania. Not credible for storyline. gross. Regardless, I don't see how any of that proves no Time Egg was used. If not, how DID she travel back in time?

Also, it seems that somehow Serge's soul didn't split whereas the whole dimension did. "There might be more meanings to it"?

Why would anything happen to his soul? No one else's soul is effected by time travel.


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Why didn't Another World get sent to DBT?
« Reply #25 on: August 14, 2005, 03:07:06 pm »
Quote from: AuraTwilight
Who says the Time Egg freezes time EVERYTIME it's used? It's pure potential, it does whatever the hell it needs to do.

Yah it's pure potential, it can do anything and cook too.
Quote from: AuraTwilight
Keyword. Ultimania. Not credible for storyline. gross. Regardless, I don't see how any of that proves no Time Egg was used.

Ultimania has always been valid as long as it doesn't directly contradict something stated in the game. Kid using a Time Egg isn't something stated in the game, while the FMVs stuff is in it. I said it was confirmed by Ultimania but even without that book the fact is still there: Serge remembers being drowned by his own dad and saved by Kid at the same time.
Quote from: AuraTwilight
If not, how DID she travel back in time?

Easy, she travels with the Neo-Epoch. Since Belthasar is the one who tells her to do the stuff, he can probably lend her his machine. She would just have to press one button. As for a Time Egg, she would have to have deep feelings and connections to Serge (as Gaspar would say)... I mean she would at least have to know who's the dude, and she doesn't in that pre-split dimension.
Quote from: AuraTwilight
Why would anything happen to his soul? No one else's soul is effected by time travel.

Who says anything about Serge time-travelling? I'm speaking about the dimensional split. Obviously everybody in the pre-split dimension got split along with it when Kid saved Serge, however those 2 FMVs show that Home Serge has Another Serge's memories. This implies that Serge's mind didn't split (his body did though).


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Why didn't Another World get sent to DBT?
« Reply #26 on: August 14, 2005, 04:28:47 pm »
Nobody's mind split. The timeline did and became two independant dimensions with different parrallels of people.


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Why didn't Another World get sent to DBT?
« Reply #27 on: August 14, 2005, 04:45:26 pm »
Somehow, Serge's mind(s) didn't got independant...


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Why didn't Another World get sent to DBT?
« Reply #28 on: August 14, 2005, 06:34:06 pm »
There's only one Serge between the two dimensions anyway, so even if people's minds were splitting, which doesn't make any pluasible sense, Serge would be an exception since there's only ONE.


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Why didn't Another World get sent to DBT?
« Reply #29 on: August 14, 2005, 07:45:09 pm »
You got to be kidding. How can people's minds not get split? Anybody from one of the dimension has his mind split, Home Leena for instance doesn't know what Another Leena lives or feels or whatever happens to her. Serge however did (Another Serge did live for some minutes after the split before dying in the water), and there isn't one Serge but 2 (1 mind and 2 bodies I mean). Serge's body in Another World didn't disappear, it got drowned and then buried.

Anyway, as you said, Serge is an exceptional being. Maybe whatever caused the split could only happen with Serge, for some reason (perhaps all this has something to do with him being an Arbiter?).