Who says the Time Egg freezes time EVERYTIME it's used? It's pure potential, it does whatever the hell it needs to do.
Yah it's pure potential, it can do anything and cook too.
Keyword. Ultimania. Not credible for storyline. gross. Regardless, I don't see how any of that proves no Time Egg was used.
Ultimania has always been valid as long as it doesn't directly contradict something stated in the game. Kid using a Time Egg isn't something stated in the game, while the FMVs stuff
is in it. I said it was confirmed by Ultimania but even without that book the fact is still there: Serge remembers being drowned by his own dad and saved by Kid at the same time.
If not, how DID she travel back in time?
Easy, she travels with the Neo-Epoch. Since Belthasar is the one who tells her to do the stuff, he can probably lend her his machine. She would just have to press one button. As for a Time Egg, she would have to have deep feelings and connections to Serge (as Gaspar would say)... I mean she would at least have to
know who's the dude, and she doesn't in that pre-split dimension.
Why would anything happen to his soul? No one else's soul is effected by time travel.
Who says anything about Serge time-travelling? I'm speaking about the dimensional split. Obviously everybody in the pre-split dimension got split along with it when Kid saved Serge, however those 2 FMVs show that Home Serge has Another Serge's memories. This implies that Serge's mind didn't split (his body did though).