Cast your NON-Spoof guys if there was a CT/CC movie.
Orlando Bloom I think would make a perfect non-frog Glenn. That's basically his role in every one of his movies as it is.
I think Morgan Freeman would make an AMAZING Gaspar. And don't say that Gaspar isn't black, use some creative interpretation. He's got the wise-old-man thing goin, and fits it damn well I think.
Actually, I'd never have thought of Morgan Freeman as Gaspar, but you're right. Likewise, though I would grudgingly admit it, Bloom would be good for Glenn. So long as we mustn't actually see him on-screen, it's fine.
David Bowie as Magus.
There was a topic like this some time ago on another forum, and we came up with some good ones. I asked my brother (who is wholly impartial because he doens't care much for RPGs) and he had some good ideas for Magus - he's not too bad at casting ideas. Let's see, he suggested Adrien Brody for this. He's very tall at 6'1, and has that gaunt look that would be good for Magus. Plus he can act.
OK, non-spoof...
For some reason, I can see Uma Thurman as either Schala or Queen Zeal...
Haley Joel Osment as Janus...
Lacey Chabert as Lucca, maybe Jessica Alba as Marle...
Haley Joel Osment is a perfect choice for Janus, thinking about it.
I've never considered one for Schala, but I think Uma Thurman is far too tall - she's something like 6'. For Queen Zeal, however... she could do that.
For Marle I think Hadriel had some good choices a whole back at Chronicles. He likewise had a perfect choice for Lucca and Ayala, if I remember right. But I cannot now remember who he chose.