Author Topic: What makes someone an Innate?  (Read 21167 times)


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What makes someone an Innate?
« Reply #30 on: February 17, 2006, 02:14:31 pm »
It would be nearly impossible to concieve how that would work genetically without knowing which colors are the recessive.


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What makes someone an Innate?
« Reply #31 on: February 17, 2006, 11:11:52 pm »
Quote from: SilentMartyr
It would be nearly impossible to concieve how that would work genetically without knowing which colors are the recessive.

We'd need a full dominance heirarchy. The simple, Mendlevian grid that most people are familiar with doesn't take in to account issues such as co-dominance, and the fact that there can be more layers of dominance than just dominant and recessive.


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What makes someone an Innate?
« Reply #32 on: March 02, 2006, 11:40:49 am »
Quote from: Chrono'99
Quote from: SilentMartyr
There's nothing to suggest that innate colour or element is hereditary. Siblings and parents of characters don't seem to, as a rule, share the same colour/element.

I don't know about element (Trigger), but for color (Cross) Fargo, Nikki, and Marcy are all blue. That seems to be some pretty strong evidence there.

Yeah but Korcha is Blue and Mel is Yellow. Their mother Macha is Red. If innate colors were hereditary, Macha's husband would have to be both Blue and Green, which we know is impossible.

EDIT: ...although, if innate colors depends on genetic material, maybe it could work. Macha's husband could have one apparent innate color (dominant trait) and yet still carry gene(s) of other colors (recessive traits) that he could have passed on to his children.

Mmmh (yeah I'm quoting myself)... actually, according to this interview, Mel is supposed to be Korcha's "adopted" sister o_O. I didn't know that...


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What makes someone an Innate?
« Reply #33 on: March 02, 2006, 02:30:18 pm »
Well that makes it a little better, since red and blue are opposites. Possibly red is recessive and blue is dominant?


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What makes someone an Innate?
« Reply #34 on: March 03, 2006, 03:41:13 pm »
Hm, that quiz says I'm a black innate. I'm satisfied, as Guile is my favorite character in the series next to Pierre.


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What makes someone an Innate?
« Reply #35 on: April 11, 2006, 03:25:30 am »
Maybe its something a lot simpler.

When you buy your first element grid you choose the color? Equiping the grid allows you to sense what color your opponent is based on. Perhaps choosing an elemental weakness is the side effect of getting to use magic-like techniques. The only way to change the color is through something extreme since obviously the grid is growing with you. Crono and friends had no elemetal weaknesses as I recall.

The non human monsters obviously didn't buy their grid, the elements made were probably made to copy their skills and thats why they look the same.


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What makes someone an Innate?
« Reply #36 on: April 11, 2006, 05:53:03 am »
Quote from: USD1
Maybe its something a lot simpler.

When you buy your first element grid you choose the color? Equiping the grid allows you to sense what color your opponent is based on. Perhaps choosing an elemental weakness is the side effect of getting to use magic-like techniques. The only way to change the color is through something extreme since obviously the grid is growing with you. Crono and friends had no elemetal weaknesses as I recall.

The non human monsters obviously didn't buy their grid, the elements made were probably made to copy their skills and thats why they look the same.

Crono's party didn't have weaknesses but did have resistance against elements (magic elements though of course, not Dragonian Elements). According to the mechanic guide on GameFAQs, Crono was strong against Lightning, Marle and Frog against Water, Lucca and Ayla (!) against Fire, Magus and Robo against Shadow.


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What makes someone an Innate?
« Reply #37 on: April 11, 2006, 10:56:47 am »
Your element is black!
Though not nessesarily evil like Lynx, you are certainly clever and scheming by nature and often self serving. Your power comes from the moon and gravity and you prefer to think alone than be with others.

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What makes someone an Innate?
« Reply #38 on: April 13, 2006, 10:24:37 pm »
Huh. I just had a brainstorm. (Well, more like a thirty-second downpour, but whatever.) Ayla and Robo, because one existed before contact with the Frozen Flame and the other has no animal genetic code, are pretty much at the same level of progress as the Enlightened who were forced to siphon their magic from Lavos. By utilizing the magic of the other party members in Double or Triple Techs (like Ice Tackle or Giga Volt or what have you), they can basically channel the magic like they were born with the ability. They'd have to be channeling it through something, though, because I don't think Ayla would find it pleasant to be electrocuted every time she went in for the kill.

So, basically the Enlightened Ones are idiots, since a) the evolved creatures of the group (Chrono, Lucca, Marle, and Frog) have the ability to use no-strings-attached magic like the Zealian Royal Family, and b) even Ayla and Robo can use magic to the same extent the Enlightened Ones can, with a mediary (whether it be Lavos or one of the group with innate ability) required to channel the force.


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Re: What makes someone an Innate?
« Reply #39 on: April 24, 2006, 08:25:09 pm »
I am not sure about that. Isn't it true that with Chronopolis, guiding everyone through the Record of Fate and with the creation of the elements from the Dragonians, that we have pseudo magic capabilities? Are we born with a random innate elemental color? If everything on El Nido was created on the works of others, the individuals do not possess magic capabilities since they are not related to the Zealians. Crono and company, except for Ayla whos primitive brain hasn't been evolved yet and Robo who for obvious reasons cannot possess magic, can create magic because of their relation to their ancestors of Zeal.It was passed down in the bloodlines of others which would lay dormant until Spekkio unlocked the abilities for our heros, being individuals strong of will who will use these powers to a good cause and not for personal demeanor.

Perhaps it's based on the type of person, Fire innates have a short temper while Yellow innates approach a situation in a calm fashion. Real quick > why does Leah have an innate? Yet she is the mother of Ayla . . . so does Ayla have an innate then?

I was thinking recently about some other things and on the line of what other users here posted about Schala's Magic ability. What would Schala's magic ability be out of the 4 types? Possibly Shadow or maybe Lighting? But does magic work with heredity and genes? If Janus/Magus's magic ability is shadow, then did he inherit them from a gene from King Zeal and Queen Zeal? Or is the whole population of Zeal composed of all Shadow magic users that can control any or all elements?


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Re: What makes someone an Innate?
« Reply #40 on: April 24, 2006, 10:05:47 pm »
Schala's magic didn't deter after the Fall of Zeal, so she probably is innate. I'd say Shadow, because Zeal and Magus have it, and also Schala's sealing power kind of showed it. We haven't seen any other innate seal spells, besides the point that the sealed gate was purpleish, which would represent the shadow around it. I'd also go as far as saying that Magus, Zeal and Schala can use any innate.

As for the Zealians, i'd say the same thing, but they relied to much on the machine, and not their own innate to develop it.


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Re: What makes someone an Innate?
« Reply #41 on: April 25, 2006, 10:54:05 am »
So are you saying that even in Zeal, each individual had an innate? Wasn't the innate color attribute only given to the creations of the El Nido life forms? Or are you saying that in general, everyone has an attribute/innate aside from magic capabilities. So obviously El Nido people cannot use magic, but as you referred to Zeal, they have an innate aside from regular magic?


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Re: What makes someone an Innate?
« Reply #42 on: April 25, 2006, 06:38:30 pm »
So are you saying that even in Zeal, each individual had an innate? Wasn't the innate color attribute only given to the creations of the El Nido life forms? Or are you saying that in general, everyone has an attribute/innate aside from magic capabilities. So obviously El Nido people cannot use magic, but as you referred to Zeal, they have an innate aside from regular magic?

Noo, Innate as in Shadow, Fire, Water, Lightning. Through channeling from Lavos, they can achieve usage of all of them, but they probably for that reason lack the usage to use it themselves if they only rely on the machine.

The people from El Nido would be able to use magic, had it been unlocked by someone like Spekkio.


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Re: What makes someone an Innate?
« Reply #43 on: April 25, 2006, 10:33:23 pm »
Noo, Innate as in Shadow, Fire, Water, Lightning. Through channeling from Lavos, they can achieve usage of all of them, but they probably for that reason lack the usage to use it themselves if they only rely on the machine.

But what if someone was a Yellow or Green innate? They would also have a magic attribute? I don't know about that.

The people from El Nido would be able to use magic, had it been unlocked by someone like Spekkio.

That's impossible. Everything in El Nido was created artificially. The people had no offiliation with Zeal, or by that matter the FF . . . right? If everything of El Nido was created, the room in Chronopolis with the brains is evidence that the chronopolitans used the evolved brain from the FF to be placed into the individuals of El Nido.

How could they possibly be magic weilders? There's no ancestory relationships. The only one that comes to mind is Kid because she wasn't created and placed in El Nido.


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Re: What makes someone an Innate?
« Reply #44 on: April 26, 2006, 01:55:14 am »
The people of El Nido weren't artificially created, they were descendants from the workers of Chronopolis.