The Terri Schaivo thing was ridiculous. It's not the government's buisneuss. Conservatives speak of a culture of life, but it seems that they simply want to have as many living humans as possible, rather than insuring the well being of however many current humans there are. There are more than enough of us at this point. Also, from what I've read, Terri Schiavo's coma was brought on by bullemia, so I think we can safely say that she wouldn't have wanted to be kept alive through forced nutrition.
No, no! Don't believe the media! They twisted things into it seeming that way, to be sure, but it wasn't so. Her parents wished her alive, but her money-greedy husaband wanted her dead for insurance. That is downright criminal.
The thing is, my knowledge and opinion on the matter is very much more accurate than most, for the fact that my oldest sister who is 15 is incredibly disabled, with symptoms near to Shiavo's since her birth. Whenever such an issue comes up it, and people condone ending such a person's life, my parents just shake their heads in dismay. They know the reality of this. They've lived through this, and walked through this sort of life of caring for this sort of person. Shiavo's husband didn't even do that much: he left her in a care home.
The things that were hidden is that Shiavo, as my sister, WAS responsive to outside stimulation. At colours, voices, and precence, she looked around. Furthermore, the problem is that the court ORDERED her dead. Do you know what this is like? Do you know who else did this? Nazi Germany. That is the first thought that came to mind when my parents thought this: America is becoming as Germany was. And through it all, there is this accursed semblence of it being 'enlightened' and the like. Selective euthanasia, the killing of the diabled, is only one step away from what brought on the Holocaust, we must remember. As I said, do not be fooled into what the media preaches.
But about the empires... well, Persia was more cultured even than the Hellenes, at least in the way that they treated their people. A few hundred years earlier, the Greeks, despite their level of philosophy, were essentially pirates and the like, infighting constantly. Persia from the outset treated all people under its power with respect. Cyrus over Alexander any day!
(Oh, and it's Darius, not Dario. Played too much Chrono Cross, eh?)