Crono, Ayla, Robo. People hate me for using Ayla, because they feel she isn't worth it. However, I do. Robo is a healer/attacker. He can Uzzi Punch (It does more damage than Area Bomb, and can hit anyone) or Heal Beam when necessary. He has a Haste Helm, so that he can get another turn quickly if he attacks. Ayla is good because of Volt Bite with Crono, but she has Triple Kick too, which helps. Finally, who wouldn't use Crono?(my retarted friend, actually, but that's besides the point) He has Luminaire, which is an amazing attack magic, and he has Confuse, which hits around 2000 total on Lavos, any form. He has Life, so he can revive, and is the most well-rounded character. It just works, I dunno. I suppose I could change Ayla (she's only REALLY good at Lv99, which I don't have the patience for.), but I don't know who I would change it to. Magus, I guess, or maybe Marle. I actually posted my Crono Ayla Robo team on GameFAQs. It's in the general board, not social.