This is in regards to time travellers going into the future. It could apply if they went into the past AND NEVER CAME BACK, but really, it mostly applies to time travellers going into the future. What I mean is, how does time proceed when you go into the future? Does it assume (know) that you came back at some point? Or does time proceed as if you NEVER came back?
To use a non-CT example, think of an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation called "Yesterday's Enterprise" (which being geeks, I'm sure most of us have seen
). In this episode, the "old" enterprise ("C" suffix) gets thrown into the future. But what they encounter is a future where THEY NEVER CAME BACK. And thus it is radically different than the TNG universe we know. At the end of the episode, they go back, and thus history is restored, but this is the question I'm asking. I'm NOT saying that TNG's "time rules" have any effect on CT's world (they don't), but this is an example of what I'm asking.
To get you thinking, I'm going to use a few examples in Chrono Trigger. I'm specifically calling these "events" and not "facts".
Event 1: Guardia Castle changes "instantly" during the Rainbow Shell events. We know that at the beginning of the game (and for most of it) there was no "basement" to the castle. That area only appears after you have retrieved the Rainbow Shell in 600AD.
Event 2: After defeating Lavos, in the Castle, Marle specifically says that Kino (and King Guardia from 600AD, obviously) is her ancestor, and Doan is her descendant.
Event 3: Medina Villiage changes multiple times during the course of your adventure. First from worshipping Magus, to Ozzie, then to being peaceful with humans.
Event 4: Ayla travels forward in time with Crono & Co, and stays there for a period of time.
Now the central question stands: what occurs in Time when you step through a gate into the FUTURE? I'm not asking what happens to the traveller (as they're protected by the act of travelling), but rather the world. Does time flow until the moment you re-appear in the future, assuming you were NEVER back, or does it assume you were back at some point in your OWN future (and had kids, etc)? Some of the events I listed above argue for it, and some argue very much against it. But my personal conclusion is: they forgot to account for this, and "ignored" it, and have examples both ways, and thus we don't have a rule-based universe (not really).
IMO, Ayla (I'll ignore Marle for now) HAVING descendants at all argues for the idea that "time" knows you'll be back. I would think that a leader like Ayla leaving (note: she only leaves AFTER the reptites are defeated, so there's no "war outcome" problems here) would have a profound impact on future bloodlines, considering the small population/gene pool. Though Marle could be wrong when she states Kino (and by extension Ayla) as her ancestors, I can't help think that basically by probability, 100% of the villiagers back there ARE their ancestors from somewhere along the way (just like IRL, all humans are related on SOME level if you go back far enough).
So if time "knows" Ayla will be back, and thus doesn't disrupt all of Humanity's evolution, what happens later? Shouldn't it "know" crono & co. will be back to kick ozzie's ass too? This whole thing throws a lot of the "causality" in the Chrono universe all out of whack IMO.
One "countertheory" I thought of was "well perhaps time only flows as much as personal time does while you're away." Kind of like how gates are only +- offsets of current time, perhaps CHANGES only propogate at a certain rate too, and thus while history IS being changed while figures like Ayla are away, it would take more than 65M years for the change to "propogate" all the way up to the rest of the adventure. But that would throw the Principle of Discarded Timelines (among others, like the Singular Worlds Theory) out the window, as everything "post-change" (ayla not being there) is NOT thrown out immediately. As well, it does NOT explain "changed Guardia" as my Event 1 says. Events 1 & 3 completely invalidate this explanation, as the future is changed IMMEDIATELY.
So what's the answer? What happens to time when you travel into the future? Asumming you're in real danger of dying (they're adventurers after all), NEVER coming back seems like a REAL possibility. So what happens in the time up to where you travelled in the future? Can time "know" for certain things, and thus "creates" a timeline like you were there up until the moment you actually never come back? Or does it flow up until the point you "re-appear" and only THEN assume you were never back, and "re-create" the timeline accordingly?
Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but please enlighten me if I am.