Author Topic: Fears  (Read 12992 times)

Lord J Esq

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« Reply #30 on: August 21, 2005, 07:58:22 pm »
If we're talking about phobias, I used to have three: fear of spiders, fear of elevators, and fear of putting my ears underwater. Nowadays I don't mind elevators at all, although they still tend to bother me in my dreams. Spiders trouble me somewhat, but they don't cause the irrational phobia anymore. Putting my ears underwater...well, I don't know. I don't think it's a phobia anymore, but it's the most disturbing of the three, so I'll go with that one.

If we're talking about intellectual fears, the greatest fear I have is that of the Entropy Effect, which will someday give rise to a universe with no stars, no worlds, no warmth, no life, and no thought...forever.

If we're talking about political or practical fears, I fear the Christian resurgence in this country, I fear the spread of Islam across six continents, I fear the leadership of conservative minds who don't have a coherent grasp of the future, I fear the influence of those religious types who let their "moral" concerns justify them for bringing great harm to people and to the world, and I especially fear the rebellion of disillusioned, empty people--perhaps belonging to any of the above groups--who have decided to blame materialism and technology and science for their own emptiness. Should any of these factions prevail in bringing their agenda to fruition, the world would become a much darker place.

If we're talking about physical fears, I fear going to open a public restroom door and getting my finger jammed when someone pushes on it from the other side. I also fear being paralyzed such that I lose the use of my hands.

And, of course, the scariest thing of all is the fact that right-handed people rule this world and comprise 90 percent of the population.

Big Ern

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« Reply #31 on: August 22, 2005, 02:02:46 pm »
I'll just go with the phobia theme and say that I fear heights, I can't even climb remotely close to the top of a standard ladder without getting insanely nervous and whatnot. Then the fear of fire, from having actually been on fire before... I'll share a little secret... it doesn't feel good, at all.

That and I fear any possibility of going blind, deaf, and getting paralyzed.


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« Reply #32 on: August 22, 2005, 02:18:50 pm »
Quote from: Lord J esq
If we're talking about political or practical fears, I fear the Christian resurgence in this country, I fear the spread of Islam across six continents, I fear the leadership of conservative minds who don't have a coherent grasp of the future, I fear the influence of those religious types who let their "moral" concerns justify them for bringing great harm to people and to the world, and I especially fear the rebellion of disillusioned, empty people--perhaps belonging to any of the above groups--who have decided to blame materialism and technology and science for their own emptiness. Should any of these factions prevail in bringing their agenda to fruition, the world would become a much darker place.

In that case, I also fear the rise of Moral relativism, and the lose of Godliness.  :)

Legend of the Past

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« Reply #33 on: August 22, 2005, 03:11:45 pm »
I just hate Arabs. :\


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« Reply #34 on: August 22, 2005, 03:27:33 pm »
Quote from: Legend of the Past
I just hate Arabs. :\

Well, with you being an Israeli (I think), they probably hate you too.  Don't worry, you gots my support :)

Daniel Krispin

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« Reply #35 on: August 22, 2005, 03:37:04 pm »
Quote from: Sentenal
Quote from: Legend of the Past
I just hate Arabs. :\

Well, with you being an Israeli (I think), they probably hate you too.  Don't worry, you gots my support :)

I hate neither. I have empathy for the Israelis and the fear - and this is how it ties into the topic - they must feel for their lives in light of suicide bombings. But also, I am inclined to feel sympathy for the non-extremist Mulsims, and also the Christian Arabs who are, sadly, persecuted in the area where they have lived for almost 2000 years. So I stand at a middle-point.

Anyway, to Sentenal... Amen to that. I think that is far more terrifying to me than the other things I have mentioned. I only wish that reason and religion could continue to go hand in hand as they did a century ago.

Legend of the Past

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« Reply #36 on: August 22, 2005, 05:17:41 pm »
Quote from: Sentenal
Quote from: Legend of the Past
I just hate Arabs. :\

Well, with you being an Israeli (I think), they probably hate you too.

Don't worry, they do,

Quote from: Sentenal
Don't worry, you gots my support :)

May God be with you.


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« Reply #37 on: August 22, 2005, 06:06:09 pm »
Quote from: Legend of the Past
May God be with you.

I know it's not in the same light, but this statement reminded me of a story my Dad used to tell about how one time he picked up a hitchiker who was going to the same town (a friend of his was in the truck too, so I heard this one confirmed).  This was out on a back gravel road in Saskatchewan (prarie.  Lots of farms, no water, flat, etc).  Anyways, my Dad's a.... fast driver.  Even on gravel roads.  I'm talking 75mph+ on a one-and-a-half lane gravel road.  After he let the guy out in town, the guy turned around and said to them: God go with you.



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« Reply #38 on: August 22, 2005, 08:07:49 pm »
OK, let's talk about fear and reality.  I've come to the conclusion that the worst terror is to have your concept of reality torn out from under you by something.

A few nights ago when we did all the drive-by firecrackerings, we spent part of the time in a section of woods next to our old high school.  Fifteen years ago, a student killed himself out there; some other people have gone back there since then and ended up dead and injured.  One of the high school's teachers is widely believed to be psychic; she says that she can sometimes sense his spirit.  A close friend of mine isn't immune to this; he's had very vivid dreams about the ghost.  It was like 10 PM, so we figured that it was dark enough for weird shit to happen.  We went back into those woods, and stayed there for quite a while, looking for anything out of the ordinary.  I did see one odd thing; there were a bunch of tadpoles in the water making very small ripples, but that isn't it.  From deeper in the water, there came a very large ripple, as if someone had thrown a rock into the water, but there wasn't anyone else there.  My only thought is that something fell off of the tree that hung above the ripple's location, but there didn't appear to be any nuts growing off of it; it was not a branch that was there, but a large section of trunk.  The underbrush was so thick that I ended up getting stickers all over my legs; having Wookiee hair is not necessarily a good thing.  But obviously we didn't run into any evil spirits, as I'm posting this now.

I went to sleep that night mostly rested, but a VERY unusual occurrence happened just this morning.  I was driving to TCU for some freshman business, and roaming around looking for a parking space, when I suddenly heard someone say "Are you there?"  It sounded like a voice coming from a phone, and it seemed to be coming both from the radio and from the backseat.  It paused for a few seconds, and then it was like "Hey Josh, are you there?"  I hit the brakes SO FAST.  After I regained my senses, I tried to think of what could have happened.  I looked around for my friends' cell phones, but they weren't there.  I called and confirmed that they had them.  I was listening to the radio at the time, and I don't think random voices were part of the lyrics; if anyone in this area was listening to 102.1 The Edge this morning around 11:00 AM CST, did you hear anything?  I think the DJ's name was Josh at that time; some idiot probably made an error on the phone, but it was in the middle of a song.  Nevertheless, it was pretty shocking at the time.


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« Reply #39 on: August 23, 2005, 03:28:19 am »
These are mine... So don't laugh >.>

Fear of Death
Fear of Heights
Fear of Having an Unsuccessful career when im older.
Fear of the Dark
Fear of having sex >.> (I'm the celebist type)
Fear of driving (I think i'll crash into every car on the road >.>)
Fear of dieing and going to hell >.>

Kk, got more but meh :P


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« Reply #40 on: September 05, 2005, 01:19:48 pm »
I have a fear of looking up. Don't laugh. If I'm standing up on a ladder and a look down, I'm okay, but when I look up, I get all dizzy and get scared.


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« Reply #41 on: September 05, 2005, 04:28:55 pm »
Physically, I hate bugs, I'm not very good with heights (because I am twice as tall or taller than most guard rails), and I hate darkness and solitude in the middle of nowhere.

Intellectually, I fear I may never achieve my dream...but that should be taken care of.


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« Reply #42 on: September 05, 2005, 06:52:28 pm »
Quote from: Zaperking
Fear of having sex >.> (I'm the celebist type)

Is that an actual fear, or just guilt of it? I feel awkward asking <_<

Anyway, I fear bugs in general... A couple of days ago (last sunday, I think) I was doing something on my computer for a while, then I went to get up and there was a giant millipede-like thing (about the size of my three middle fingers put together) near where I think my feet were... I put it in a cup-like thing, played Baten Kaitos, and had to glane every other second to see if it had gotten up... I've been afraid to do stuff on my computer since, and now I have to stop w/e I'm doing and look down every couple minute <_<

I also fear talking on the phone... It's strange, but I don't like talking to people that I don't know that much.. If it's my parents, my sister, my aunt, or one of my friends, then it's ok, but I usually don't have the phone from my room (which has caller ID) with me in my basement, so I can't see the caller ID most of the time.. I also fear answering the door, especially since my dad recently gave me a lecture about not letting people in (apparently there should be inspector people from the township going to houses soon) and I started thinking about what someone who wanted to rob my house would do if I'd opened the door to them.. UGH. Luckily, if I'm in my room or in my basement I can just ignore the door, but there's a chance that it could be one of my parents who couldn't find their key or something.

I also fear being indecisive. Nah, that's just what I inputted into the beginning of Kingdom Hearts.. I wish I could fear being indecisive <_<
I spend a lot of time sitting in front of my video game collection trying to choose something <_<


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« Reply #43 on: September 05, 2005, 07:55:54 pm »
My one fear is kind of similar to Aitrus': The fear of losing my mind. But mine is not necessarily just through insanity (in fact, if it developed naturally out of me, that wouldn't trigger the fear), but through any outside factor interfering with my being. That's why I never drink any alcohol, and one of many reasons I'll never do other drugs.

Also, one social fear: The loss of objectivity in the world. I fear that people might forget that others have just as much of a right to an opinion, and that they aren't necessarily right or wrong.


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« Reply #44 on: September 05, 2005, 08:02:54 pm »
Quote from: Leebot
My one fear is kind of similar to Aitrus': The fear of losing my mind. But mine is not necessarily just through insanity (in fact, if it developed naturally out of me, that wouldn't trigger the fear), but through any outside factor interfering with my being. That's why I never drink any alcohol, and one of many reasons I'll never do other drugs.

I never thought of it as a fear, just as something I thought crazy to do (and crazy that so many people do it). It bothers me when people advise people to drink some before a party to loosen up; I just don't see why people would voluntarily want their minds to be controlled...