Author Topic: I'm just wondering...  (Read 5950 times)

Daniel Krispin

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I'm just wondering...
« Reply #60 on: August 22, 2005, 10:10:01 pm »
Quote from: teh Schala

Returning to the TOPIC, clearly it looks like the game would spark a firestorm of controversy, and that's something I'm not afraid of. 8)  If I ever get the chance to make this thing, I certainly am going to.

Ah, a little controversy never hurt anyone, eh?


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I'm just wondering...
« Reply #61 on: August 22, 2005, 10:29:51 pm »
Quote from: Daniel Krispin
Quote from: teh Schala

Returning to the TOPIC, clearly it looks like the game would spark a firestorm of controversy, and that's something I'm not afraid of. 8)  If I ever get the chance to make this thing, I certainly am going to.

Ah, a little controversy never hurt anyone, eh?

Certainly moves product fast, that's for sure.

Daniel Krispin

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I'm just wondering...
« Reply #62 on: August 22, 2005, 10:31:15 pm »
That it does. The Passion of the Christ is probably the best example of this.


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I'm just wondering...
« Reply #63 on: August 22, 2005, 10:34:35 pm »
Quote from: Daniel Krispin
That it does. The Passion of the Christ is probably the best example of this.

Certainly not a bad example, but I doubt it's ticket sales would have been much hurt without the surrounding controversy. When you make a movie catering to 2 billion people, making back your investment isn't too difficult.

Lord J Esq

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I'm just wondering...
« Reply #64 on: August 22, 2005, 11:54:33 pm »
Quote from: teh Schala
Let me also point out that Daniel is staying pretty calm here, when in contrast you're retorting with "How dare you" and "what gall..."  If you want to flame him, take it to a PM.  Personally, I'm going to ask for your post to be deleted.  Daniel's bad about hijacking threads, yes.  He rambles and goes off on a tangent.  But no one forced you to reply to his statements.  That was your choice.

Aye, no one forced me. But that's the way people like Daniel advance their agenda. They make claims that are so audacious, and contrary to all evidence, that they sometimes succeed in dumbfounding the other side into silence. I don't know if you care about anything in life, teh Schala. I should imagine you do. And you should imagine that I do. I would never allow some religious revisionist like Daniel Krispin to come out and declare on a public forum that Christianity has never, ever oppressed women. That sort of talk is beyond indecent. It is criminal. Dante lost no love in condemning those who were apathetic, who refused to take a stance. His condemnation of them ran very deep, and in more recent years I have understood why. Neutrality, indifference...these are the ways of people who have no resolution in their convictions. I could no more sit back and let Daniel lie to you all than I could sit back and let a kidnapper steal my children. Some things are important enough to fight for, to fight against the evildoers even at the risk of drawing rebukes from bystanders like you. And so, in the end...perhaps it isn't the case that nobody forced me to reply to Daniel's nonsense. My own sense of purpose forced me. When you know what you are about...the way ahead is often clear.

And as for my "How dare you!" and other emotional remarks, let me remind you what it is he said:

Quote from: Daniel Krispin
No teaching in Christianity devalued women ever.

The word "lie" does not convey the malice his statement contains. The word "malicious" does not convey the utter falseness of it. And neither word conveys the magnitude of the crime. How can merely saying a lie be a crime in a society of free speech? Not by provision of law, aye, but by provision of character. By all that is decent within us, some things ought never to be spoken. Some lies are too evil, some words are too powerful. If people took up his sentiment and echoed it, do you know what would come of that? The culture would shift in his direction. His extreme religious conservatism would seep further into the mainstream. Women would find themselves being drawn back in to the cultural holocaust that consumed them for generations. They would be shut out from more than just the Dallas Cowboys and the Navy SEALS. They would be shut out from the life that you so take for granted for your male self.

I should be most disappointed if you lobby to have my post deleted. But it is your choice. Frankly, I don't blame you. If I could silence Daniel Krispin through legal means, I certainly would. But this is the General Discussion board, of all places, the place where no other discussion belongs, and I hope the administrators remember that when they weigh your petition.

Enjoy your bible study. I hope you read some of those passages I mentioned in my earlier post. They have a lot to teach.

teh Schala

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I'm just wondering...
« Reply #65 on: August 23, 2005, 12:13:46 am »
Esq, it's one thing if you disagree with Daniel's opinions.  However, you are attacking him personally, and are attacking much more than his views.  I feel compelled to mention that.

Your tongue is growing very sharp.  I would advise you reign it in before it stabs you...

Lord J Esq

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I'm just wondering...
« Reply #66 on: August 23, 2005, 12:40:30 am »
Quote from: teh Schala
Esq, it's one thing if you disagree with Daniel's opinions.  However, you are attacking him personally, and are attacking much more than his views.  I feel compelled to mention that.

Your tongue is growing very sharp.  I would advise you reign it in before it stabs you...

This is not about Daniel Krispin's opinions. This is about liberation of the truth. Now, I know you're predisposed not to like me because I'm going after someone whom you consider to be a fellow Christian, and I am giving him no quarter along the way, but look at it from my point of view for a moment. Here is a man who is implacable, a relic right out of the middle ages. It is imperative that people not be deceived by his claims. Do you believe him? Do you believe that "No teaching in Christianity devalued women ever"?

Even if you are ideologically closer to him than to me, this is one instance where you have to hold your nose and acknowledge that Daniel was wrong. But what if I had not made my stinging counter-counter rebuttal? Then you would have no reason to disagree with a fellow Christian. A lie would take seed, in your mind and in the minds of others, and who knows how it might grow?

Silence is tacit acceptance. Daniel must be opposed not for the sake of defeating his ideology--in which case I would certainly do this on a PM--but for the sake of exposing his worst lies to the people who are susceptible to believe in them. I take this onus upon myself, because most people do not have the willpower or the talent to go up against him; that's why he's so dangerous.

It is true that, through the lens of Daniel Krispin, Christianity is a vile thing. But you will find that I am much more gracious and well-wishing a person almost all the rest of the time. It's simply rare to encounter such a man as him, and his malice exposes my capacity for malice too. Don't believe him when he says that he speaks without enmity. The Devil too speaks with a honeyed tongue. Judge his ideas.

teh Schala

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I'm just wondering...
« Reply #67 on: August 23, 2005, 12:50:51 am »
Again, you can't even go just one post in this thread without making a personal attack on him...  It's not that I am standing up for him because I agree with him...  I'm standing up for him because you're attacking more than his views.  If he were doing the same to you, I'd be standing up for you and I would tell him that he's setting a bad example as a Christian.  But it's you attacking him, so I'm sorry, but I'm taking up for Daniel.

So now that you've continued to hijack the thread even after I requested you basically give it back, this thread's just been killed.  I made it so I could survey some people, and that purpose has been served.  So I'd like to ask ZeaLitY or someone else to close this thread please.

Lord J Esq

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I'm just wondering...
« Reply #68 on: August 23, 2005, 04:42:55 am »
Quote from: teh Schala
Again, you can't even go just one post in this thread without making a personal attack on him...  It's not that I am standing up for him because I agree with him...  I'm standing up for him because you're attacking more than his views.  If he were doing the same to you, I'd be standing up for you and I would tell him that he's setting a bad example as a Christian.  But it's you attacking him, so I'm sorry, but I'm taking up for Daniel.

So now that you've continued to hijack the thread even after I requested you basically give it back, this thread's just been killed.  I made it so I could survey some people, and that purpose has been served.  So I'd like to ask ZeaLitY or someone else to close this thread please.

I do apologize for distracting the course of the topic. Conversations do that sometimes. This thread can come back on-topic whenever it likes. No sir, that’s not what bothers you. You seem to be more upset about my “personal attack,” but here I am afraid I cannot help you. What you call a personal attack, I call an exposition of vile sexist dogma. I make no apology whatsoever for not standing idly by while Daniel tries to get away with that.

I grant my tone was trenchant. In retrospect, maybe I would have spoken with less passion and. As it was, I decided that, because the fallacy of Daniel’s position was so easily shown, I could go one step further and send a warning message to the people reading: Saying something nicely, doesn’t make it nice.

I wish I could explain to you why I feel so strongly about sexism. When Daniel says that Christianity never devalued women, that’s like a slur at me. That’s like giving history a punch in the gut. That’s like attacking people I care about. This may sound stupid, but even today there are very few women in the world who are attractive to me, because so many of them are still coming out of the Christian stranglehold on women, which Daniel Krispin denied in broad daylight. It just really hurts me to see him show such utter contempt for half the human species—and for the entire human civilization—simply so he can defend his own, perverted interpretation of a very powerful religion with a great deal of blood on its hands.

When you get older, when you start to sharpen your mind and see that the most horrible things a person can say are not petty insults, but in fact are statements of evil convictions—no matter how politely delivered—then you may judge what I say by a different rubric. I may not have been as polite in this topic as I could have been, but at least by making a bit of a spectacle I was able to draw good amounts of attention to Daniel’s horrible remarks.

I do regret the damage done to my reputation by being so forceful about this. I know how society has raised you and all the rest of us to say “Can’t we all just get along together?” rather than getting our hands dirty by dealing with the painful, pressing issues in our world. But you have to get past that. We all have to grow up someday, and deal with the world as it is. You know, I bet Crono made a lot of enemies by picking up that sword of his. The feminists of the twentieth century earned the contempt of most of society…but they also earned women more rights than they had ever known. That’s what you have to do. You have to kick people in the butt, get them angry, get them out of their complacency, and direct their anger into seeing the truth. I broke through Daniel’s faulty logic, and exposed his lies for the filth that they are. If that annoys people, then so be it. I will always defend the truth of Christianity’s role in oppressing women, because I want to live in a world where it doesn’t matter what gender you are.

As a Christian yourself, I sincerely hope that you take this lesson to heart. The secular world is here to stay. If Christianity is going to have a future in it, then you—you—must fess up to Christianity’s bloody past, and learn from those terrible mistakes, instead of denying them like Daniel Krispin did.


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« Reply #69 on: August 23, 2005, 11:08:01 am »
No, really. This topic should either be locked or set on it's original post. Yea, I know Daniel was wrong in that light, but ok, DAMN! You made your point! You're acting severely radical and you're not even dreaming, so knock it off! You're just being rude now.

Daniel Krispin

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« Reply #70 on: August 23, 2005, 01:47:37 pm »
I will make no direct reply to what you said earlier, save one. I have dismissed that from my mind so as not to allow my emotions to foolishly overcome me. I feel compelled to make at least some reply to what has been said since, for I fear that despite Schala's kind defence, J Esq's words will cast me in a perpetual negative shadow for some, and that I would ill endure.

Quote from: Lord J esq
Quote from: teh Schala
Let me also point out that Daniel is staying pretty calm here, when in contrast you're retorting with "How dare you" and "what gall..."  If you want to flame him, take it to a PM.  Personally, I'm going to ask for your post to be deleted.  Daniel's bad about hijacking threads, yes.  He rambles and goes off on a tangent.  But no one forced you to reply to his statements.  That was your choice.

Aye, no one forced me. But that's the way people like Daniel advance their agenda. They make claims that are so audacious, and contrary to all evidence, that they sometimes succeed in dumbfounding the other side into silence. .

Strangely enough, that is precisely what happened to me just here. I was cowed into silence by what you said, unable to reply because it defied all logic I could bring forward, save for decending into emotional outcries - which I felt would be a fool's course. I say truly, certain of your beliefs - most especially self-determination and belief in the self - are just as ghastly to me as what you see as oppression, and are just as illogical to my mind. Your last comments rattled my mind with anger for a half-day, in fact, and felt very much like a personal attack. Remember this. Yet shall I convert you by condemnation? May it never be! By your beliefs, however, you cannot believe in absolute truths - or are you not a relativist, only a limited relativist? - Thus, appealing to your views, I would beg you not to presume that you are the only one that sees logic in their ideals, and lack of it in others, and that absolute truth lies only in your side. And that if there are flaws in the views of others, yours of history may as well be skewed. To do so would remove scientific impartiality, and become the view of a religious person - a religion of science.  

Quote from: Lord J esq

I don't know if you care about anything in life, teh Schala. I should imagine you do. And you should imagine that I do. I would never allow some religious revisionist like Daniel Krispin to come out and declare on a public forum that Christianity has never, ever oppressed women. That sort of talk is beyond indecent. It is criminal. Dante lost no love in condemning those who were apathetic, who refused to take a stance. .

I have chosen a side, and taken a stance. I am simply refusing to personally attack those who share a different view. I am no revisionist - if truth be told the very interpretations of the scripture verses you put forward are those that are considered revisionist - and hope to some day read the Bible in Greek, and so know the true meaning of the words, rather than what is given merely in translation. Until that time, the words of my father, who does know the Greek, will have to suffice. Moreover, I must trust to those wiser than I in the study of scripture, than what my own limited wisdom in studying it yields. And that tells me that what what our modern minds read are not always so simple. Just for example, take the first about the uncleanliness of Mary after giving birth to Mary. In fact, this is Jewish, not Christian. It is Mosaic law, and neither is it sexist - it is a cleanliness law dealing with blood, and is in fact hygene in an unhygenic age. Men, after all, were circumsized for similar reasons. I'm sure that Legend can back this up. Yet to a modern reader, without considering the view as a whole, it does indeed appear sexist. I will give you so much - a wise man can make such an error. But reading a single verse, and taking it as it stands, is not valid scientific analysis.

Quote from: Lord J esq

His condemnation of them ran very deep, and in more recent years I have understood why. Neutrality, indifference...these are the ways of people who have no resolution in their convictions. I could no more sit back and let Daniel lie to you all than I could sit back and let a kidnapper steal my children. Some things are important enough to fight for, to fight against the evildoers even at the risk of drawing rebukes from bystanders like you. And so, in the end...perhaps it isn't the case that nobody forced me to reply to Daniel's nonsense. My own sense of purpose forced me. When you know what you are about...the way ahead is often clear.

And as for my "How dare you!" and other emotional remarks, let me remind you what it is he said:

Quote from: Daniel Krispin
No teaching in Christianity devalued women ever.

The word "lie" does not convey the malice his statement contains. The word "malicious" does not convey the utter falseness of it.

My resolution in my beliefs is absolute, and I would die for them. Indeed, some things are worth fighting for, but what are these?
Be mindful, for I would say similar things of certain of your beliefs. In fact, I personally believe, and you will find this most strange, I am sure, that feminism is both selfish, and in fact is that which devalues women. But I am gauging my audience, here. On Chronicles, where there is a higher percentage of religious people, I am far swifter to speak against, say, evolution, than I would here, for I am respectful, even if not admissive, of their beliefs.

Quote from: Lord J Esq

And neither word conveys the magnitude of the crime. How can merely saying a lie be a crime in a society of free speech? Not by provision of law, aye, but by provision of character. By all that is decent within us, some things ought never to be spoken. Some lies are too evil, some words are too powerful. If people took up his sentiment and echoed it, do you know what would come of that? The culture would shift in his direction. His extreme religious conservatism would seep further into the mainstream. Women would find themselves being drawn back in to the cultural holocaust that consumed them for generations. They would be shut out from more than just the Dallas Cowboys and the Navy SEALS. They would be shut out from the life that you so take for granted for your male self..

There are certain things, however, that women by virtue of strength and temper cannot do, even as men are, or should be, forbidden from certain things. There is a distinction between the two, and I would be aghast if this hallowed difference were to fade. I would rather that women are held in equal regard not for performing the tasks of men, but for performing their tasks. In fact, I am among the most respectful of women kind, never decending to base speech regarding them. I will not ever descend to sleeping with a woman outside of marriage, for this would disgrace both her and me - chiefly her, which would be my greatest concern.

And as for lies... be careful. Remember that I hold self-determination to be a lie, the deepest and darkest problem in all the history of mankind. 'And you shall be as gods, knowing good from evil' - I hold this to have damned mankind. The magnitude to me, thus, of one claiming themselves apart from God cannot be matched, and is responsible for all the dissolusion, death, and suffering of mankind, and if followed shall lead to anarchy and self-destruction. I would use the very same words you did for sexism. Moreover, I hold it to be a form of slavery, one that binds not half a race, but an entire race - an invisible slavery, but thralldom nonetheless. What of that? And yet you hold to it as you belief. Shall I call you into account, then, and denying its effects hold you as being an equal partner to the devil in the deception and destruction of the world? No. I hold my position, maintain it and speak it for what it is, but will not force it upon an unwilling world.

Quote from: Lord J esq

I should be most disappointed if you lobby to have my post deleted. But it is your choice. Frankly, I don't blame you. If I could silence Daniel Krispin through legal means, I certainly would. But this is the General Discussion board, of all places, the place where no other discussion belongs, and I hope the administrators remember that when they weigh your petition..

Legal means are indeed harsh - I would not wish, for my part, to have yours deleted. Let it stand, there should be no fear from it. But if you seek to silence me, you are betraying your own freedom of speech, based on what is only your own view of righteousness. Remember, you are treating your view as adamantly as a religious one. I can understand that - certainly it would be the greatest of hypocrisy to deride you for it! -but I think you must know that for yourself, as well.

Quote from: Lord J esq

Enjoy your bible study. I hope you read some of those passages I mentioned in my earlier post. They have a lot to teach.

Look, Esq. You derided me on the other thread that I began for being tactless, and unwise in the speaking of my knowledge. Yet naught that I have ever done so much as nears the caustic attitude you have shown. Yes, you believe strongly in what you do, and I must at needs respect that. But remember that for all your cunning mind, you are not the master of all wisdom and knowledge, and that perhaps in history there are things that even you have not yet understood. There are many of us here who are students of history, you are not alone in it. Do not make the mistake of thinking that your view of it is impartial, untainted, and the only truth - even in this matter.

And the Bible has indeed much to teach, but one by themselves cannot comprehend it. That is why we have teachers teach us, who had teachers teach them. In matters of religion, we cannot trust only what we ourselves discern of the Bible, for we know the limitations of our own mind.

Quote from: Lord J esq

teh Schala wrote:
Esq, it's one thing if you disagree with Daniel's opinions. However, you are attacking him personally, and are attacking much more than his views. I feel compelled to mention that.

Your tongue is growing very sharp. I would advise you reign it in before it stabs you...

This is not about Daniel Krispin's opinions. This is about liberation of the truth. Now, I know you're predisposed not to like me because I'm going after someone whom you consider to be a fellow Christian, and I am giving him no quarter along the way, but look at it from my point of view for a moment. Here is a man who is implacable, a relic right out of the middle ages. It is imperative that people not be deceived by his claims. Do you believe him? Do you believe that "No teaching in Christianity devalued women ever"? .

Since you seem to hold yourself in even so high a standing in your own sight, I will give you Pilate's question: what is truth? Can a human know it? Why do we live, why do we die? Why are the laws of physics as they are? We are constrained by the world. You are strong in your belief, but science has this one flaw: it can breed the arrogance of thinking of knowing everying. As a Christian, I say I will never be able to know the absolute truth in this world, and I must view all things as through a dim mirror.

And yes, I am a relic of the Middle-Ages, nay older. Of the turn of the first millennium, of 300, when Rome grew to trust itself and the works of its hands, its rulers proclaiming themselves gods. I, hopefully, stand as the scattered believers did - and they did not falter, not in the face of such persecution as has scarcely be seen in history. In light of such examples, how much less can I do, and yet retain the name of Christian? True belief in an ideal demands absolute belief in it, to the exclusion of all else. You plainly are so in regards to these things you have spoken of, as am I to Christianity. I do not hold that an evil thing, however, for despite being unchangeable, I can still respect you - and respect is a far better concept than even tolerance.

Quote from: Lord J esq

Even if you are ideologically closer to him than to me, this is one instance where you have to hold your nose and acknowledge that Daniel was wrong. But what if I had not made my stinging counter-counter rebuttal? Then you would have no reason to disagree with a fellow Christian. A lie would take seed, in your mind and in the minds of others, and who knows how it might grow? .

Silence is tacit acceptance. Daniel must be opposed not for the sake of defeating his ideology--in which case I would certainly do this on a PM--but for the sake of exposing his worst lies to the people who are susceptible to believe in them. I take this onus upon myself, because most people do not have the willpower or the talent to go up against him; that's why he's so dangerous. .

You claim me a danger, and put me in the position of an enemy so as to devalue my position. That is a rhetoratician's tactic, it was Hitler's tactic - who too held certain things of his opponents to be lies - and I will not fall prey to it. We have found ourselves to be fortresses at either end of a great field, it seems - and now you begin a war of propoganda? You have put me into the position of an enemy, which I have never yet done. You claim to stand for decency and truth, correct? Did not the Inquisition? They too were assured of their righteousness. Over it all, though, it seems you are wishing to begin a war, or at least engage in a conquest of ideals, which I have no wish to counter - I know it will change nothing to strike at yours - but must stand against. I am sorry if you feel that my claims at defence, and think them to be a clever ploy, but you account too much to me: look back over the posts, and all I have ever said is a denial of accusations against my religions. What else is this than defence?

Quote from: Lord J esq

It is true that, through the lens of Daniel Krispin, Christianity is a vile thing. But you will find that I am much more gracious and well-wishing a person almost all the rest of the time. It's simply rare to encounter such a man as him, and his malice exposes my capacity for malice too. Don't believe him when he says that he speaks without enmity. The Devil too speaks with a honeyed tongue. Judge his ideas..

Interestingly, your condemnation of me as being a 'dangerous person' sounds like what Hitler would have said of the Jews. He too was a good rhetoratician. You are saying 'don't believe Daniel' and so and and so forth. But how can you say this? You are not speaking by logic, but by emotion. I do indeed have no enmity against you. I have enmity with the beliefs you hold, that cannot be denied, but nothing against you.

Malice? Have I yet shown outright malice? I have denied your accusations, and you have taken this to mean complicity by connection of religion. That, if I'm not mistaken, is considered one of the chief fallicies in so far as logic goes - claiming one to be false by connection to an ideal. I have called into question the nature of your rhetoric, it is true, but I have not yet said aught malefic against you, and in that claim of malice you have erred, for it speaks of something that never happened.

Quote from: Lord J Esq
I do regret the damage done to my reputation by being so forceful about this. I know how society has raised you and all the rest of us to say “Can’t we all just get along together?” rather than getting our hands dirty by dealing with the painful, pressing issues in our world. But you have to get past that. We all have to grow up someday, and deal with the world as it is. You know, I bet Crono made a lot of enemies by picking up that sword of his. The feminists of the twentieth century earned the contempt of most of society…but they also earned women more rights than they had ever known. That’s what you have to do. You have to kick people in the butt, get them angry, get them out of their complacency, and direct their anger into seeing the truth. I broke through Daniel’s faulty logic, and exposed his lies for the filth that they are. If that annoys people, then so be it. I will always defend the truth of Christianity’s role in oppressing women, because I want to live in a world where it doesn’t matter what gender you are.

To have broken faulty logic with logic equally flawed is no grand thing, do not be so proud of yourself in your glory of oration. Indeed, I did not use logic at all, merely made several statements, not particularly placed together in a form that would warrant the title of logic. Now brace yourself, for I will ask you a question in reply. Are you prepared to answer for the crimes of the relativists, for those who think to advance society? If I and Christianity must answer for these, then must you and those of your camp answer for Hitler, and for Stalin. They must answer for as many bloody crimes as well. Ah! All of humanity is guilty in blood. None is innocent. Not you, not I. So, very well, put me on trial for it, I will be ready. But you must be ready also, then, to take the stand after me.

In short, though, I think you have betrayed your own principles in this. You claim a scientific mind, yet have spoken Ad Hominem, through distraction, by jumping on bandwagons, and various other fallicies. I wager that at least half of the principal ones may be found present in your arguments. You have turned your back on relativism, and taken the stance of an absolutist - which, coincidentially, I hold all people to be, regardless of what they claim, so it is no surprise to me. In the other thread, you spoke of your superior wisdom and tact in making use of your knowledge, that you have long outgrown speaking in a superior way, yet have betrayed every point you made in that - admittedly well written treatise against my form - and descended to the worst of what you said you once were. I will forgive you for this, and assure you that, though you will near certainly not believe me, I will bear no lasting ill-will in any other thread we meet in. Time will prove this true, however.

I hope that through this I have spoken with admonishion and with a calm tongue. My apologies if it was otherwise.


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« Reply #71 on: August 23, 2005, 04:08:28 pm »
oi, they're just gonna keep going at it. Thread Lock, please, Mods?

teh Schala

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« Reply #72 on: August 23, 2005, 04:33:38 pm »
Daniel, Esq's post really didn't deserve the time and energy you spent in your reply.  Let him continue as a fool might, if he wants.  But yes, when even Aura here wants a thread locked, it's DEFINITELY a good idea.


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I'm just wondering...
« Reply #73 on: August 23, 2005, 05:39:02 pm »
Locking the thread would deny them their own personal settling on the matter; when both refrain, then at least they'll be confidently on their way. Locking it would be like sealing antagonism just to ferment like wine and spill out somewhere else. At least I think.

Daniel Krispin

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« Reply #74 on: August 23, 2005, 06:19:09 pm »
Quote from: ZeaLitY
Locking the thread would deny them their own personal settling on the matter; when both refrain, then at least they'll be confidently on their way. Locking it would be like sealing antagonism just to ferment like wine and spill out somewhere else. At least I think.

That is good reasoning, ZeaLitY, but I've had my say in my defence, and I really don't think there's anything else to that effect I could even say. Lock it now or, if Lord J Esq wishes it, after he replies. Either way, I will refrain from saying any more, and will consider it locked from this point forward, whether it actually is or not. I feel the matter settled, and stand by - and will stand by - what I said, that I bear no antagonism against him, and it will not in any way carry over into any other place. You have my absolute guarantee on that.

To Schala... you are correct, maybe, but I was more concerned with vindicating myself in the eyes of others - which, admittedly, is slightly out of pride and thus folly itself - than arguing a case against him. As I said, though, I'll take your advice and refrain from saying anything more.