Does anyone know where I can find that pic of the Chrono World? Or, at least, any clues to where you think the thread is, Saridon?
Also, Dewey, I tried looking for another Mountain Dew logo, and none seem to have the background space to fit the 'ey'... I can try to make a custom thing, but it probably wouldn't look exactly the same and it'd take some time. I probably can do it if I try hard enough, but Cooper seems to have more experience with doing customized images, rather than simple combinations of already made pics, as I do. I'm not sure if SilentMartyr also is more capable, but, as he said, you'll have to wait until late September for him.... Weird, I was sure SilentMartyr responded saying he could do something in this thread, but I guess I could've just been reading the official one thinking that it was the unofficial one.
Lordchander, yours seems like the easiest one, once I can find that pic, so I'll probably do that first. Any preferences on the border?
V_Translaka, I understand what you want with the fighter avy, and once I finish an annoying book review on Sophie's World, practicing violin, and doing Lordchander's sig, I'll make that... However, I forget what exactly you wanted for the fighter sig.. A flashy background with Fighter in the double-sword stance? Should the 'obnoxiously stupid' be like the 'obnoxiously evil'? I guess I could do it in a font that looks purposefully sloppy, maybe that'll emphasize the 'stupid' part.
Okay, I have V_Translaka and Dewey on my AIM buddylist (JPRuberg 25 is my screenname), so if either of you feel like specifying anything, you can do that there instead of here. I'm assuming Lordchander doesn't have AIM since there's no button, but if I'm wrong, that also applies to you.
Again, sorry for taking so long and still basically doing nothing while I made my own sig >_<
I really should be writing about Sophie's World, so I'll probably do that tomorrow, and I might do something here if I actually sit down and write for a while and get tired of writing.