Author Topic: The Un-Official Avatar/Sig Request Thread  (Read 6668 times)


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The Un-Official Avatar/Sig Request Thread
« Reply #15 on: August 27, 2005, 01:01:24 am »
Hey, Shadow! If u have any spare time, could u make me a sig? My idea is quite simple. Just a view of the Chrono World from space in peace on the left side and the words: "Lordchander-Feel my wrath!" on the right hand side. This wont be too hard to pull off will it?


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The Un-Official Avatar/Sig Request Thread
« Reply #16 on: August 27, 2005, 09:43:57 am »
Sorry for not responding for a while; I've been busy, lazy, and obsessed with Baten Kaitos, so..

I'll get working on the stuff that's been requested within a couple days
A couple questions, though:
Dewey: I don't know if I can edit that Mountain Dew logo with the white background, it'd be really difficult to recreate the pattern and extend it, but I think I might be able to make text similar to the logo after playing around with it, so I could probably do it with the one that has the pattern as the entire background, then make some of the background white to form the same kind of oval shape thing... The only problem with that is that the one that you posted is low quality, and probably too small to have space to add 'ey' and then still have space left over for the oval... [] has good quality, but I still don't think I can even have space to add the 'ey'

V_Translaka: I think I understand what you want with the fighter sig, and eventually I'll get around to making it.. Also, do you still want the fighter avatar? If you do, can you redescribe the 'dance' thing?

Lordchander: I think I basically understand what you want, but the 'chrono world from space' confuses me... Do you want something like the overworld map, or something like []... I'm really not sure how I could use a pic of Earth from space and customize it to look like the Chrono map..


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The Un-Official Avatar/Sig Request Thread
« Reply #17 on: August 27, 2005, 09:56:16 am »
Quote from: Shadow_Dragon

Lordchander: I think I basically understand what you want, but the 'chrono world from space' confuses me... Do you want something like the overworld map, or something like []... I'm really not sure how I could use a pic of Earth from space and customize it to look like the Chrono map..

there is a pic of the chrono planet from CT or CC in a thread here somewhere you could use that Shadow_Dragon


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The Un-Official Avatar/Sig Request Thread
« Reply #18 on: August 27, 2005, 06:04:49 pm »
He means the actual planet you see in either Millenial Fair ending (Balloon or Epoch).


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The Un-Official Avatar/Sig Request Thread
« Reply #19 on: August 27, 2005, 08:55:54 pm »
about the avy...

In the beginning it's just Fighter walking (probably a small pic) and then do a close-up of Fighter w/his hands up and flip the pic horizontally and then alternate between the two maybe 4-6 times (maybe even have some of them come from the sides of the avy) and then it goes to just a black screen that says "SWORD CHUCKS!" on it. It's supposed to be along the lines of a kind of Fighter subliminal message, get it?

and yeah, whenever you can is cool.


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The Un-Official Avatar/Sig Request Thread
« Reply #20 on: August 28, 2005, 04:14:33 am »
Quote from: Shadow_Dragon
I'm really not sure how I could use a pic of Earth from space and customize it to look like the Chrono map..

Yes, what SilentMartyr said. Just the view you get at the end with the CHRONO TRIGGER overworld on it. Not the CC one. And the font of the words I want can be something similar to what V_T has on his.


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The Un-Official Avatar/Sig Request Thread
« Reply #21 on: September 04, 2005, 12:32:13 am »
ShadowD, do whatever you can.  I'm not picky.  If you need to use x logo instead of y logo, go for it.  Whatever you feel comfortable with I''m fine with, thanks.


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The Un-Official Avatar/Sig Request Thread
« Reply #22 on: September 04, 2005, 03:34:48 am »
Does anyone know where I can find that pic of the Chrono World? Or, at least, any clues to where you think the thread is, Saridon?

Also, Dewey, I tried looking for another Mountain Dew logo, and none seem to have the background space to fit the 'ey'... I can try to make a custom thing, but it probably wouldn't look exactly the same and it'd take some time. I probably can do it if I try hard enough, but Cooper seems to have more experience with doing customized images, rather than simple combinations of already made pics, as I do. I'm not sure if SilentMartyr also is more capable, but, as he said, you'll have to wait until late September for him.... Weird, I was sure SilentMartyr responded saying he could do something in this thread, but I guess I could've just been reading the official one thinking that it was the unofficial one.

Lordchander, yours seems like the easiest one, once I can find that pic, so I'll probably do that first. Any preferences on the border?

V_Translaka, I understand what you want with the fighter avy, and once I finish an annoying book review on Sophie's World, practicing violin, and doing Lordchander's sig, I'll make that... However, I forget what exactly you wanted for the fighter sig.. A flashy background with Fighter in the double-sword stance? Should the 'obnoxiously stupid' be like the 'obnoxiously evil'? I guess I could do it in a font that looks purposefully sloppy, maybe that'll emphasize the 'stupid' part.

Okay, I have V_Translaka and Dewey on my AIM buddylist (JPRuberg 25 is my screenname), so if either of you feel like specifying anything, you can do that there instead of here. I'm assuming Lordchander doesn't have AIM since there's no button, but if I'm wrong, that also applies to you.

Again, sorry for taking so long and still basically doing nothing while I made my own sig >_<
I really should be writing about Sophie's World, so I'll probably do that tomorrow, and I might do something here if I actually sit down and write for a while and get tired of writing.


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The Un-Official Avatar/Sig Request Thread
« Reply #23 on: September 04, 2005, 04:04:21 am »
Hmmm, a idea. How 'bout u pick up something completely random and show it to me. Chances are extrememly high I will like it.

I will search around and see if I can find a pic then post it up in an edit here. So check back.

Thats is basically what I want execpt on this one the world is destroyed, the one I want is more like this:
except without the Lavos explosions on it. I had to leave them because in the ending there is no shot without them (unless its when the world is grey which I dont want)

I hope this helps a bit Shadow.


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The Un-Official Avatar/Sig Request Thread
« Reply #24 on: September 04, 2005, 06:40:42 am »
Quote from: Shadow_Dragon
Does anyone know where I can find that pic of the Chrono World? Or, at least, any clues to where you think the thread is, Saridon?

Edit: here ya go, and the thread which has a pic of the CT planet from the CC ending is here

and ill also take requests for making sigs.


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The Un-Official Avatar/Sig Request Thread
« Reply #25 on: September 04, 2005, 11:02:11 am »
Yeah, the Fighter sig should just be Fighter w/the double fistin swords and w/e flashy background w/the words...I think that the I'd like the same lettering as the others, but instead of black for the word Stupid, use white, but still use that evilishous red boarder/shadow thing around the letters...I want it more to be a spoof (a Fighter-take, if you will) of the BM sig, not a 'real' Fighter sig that shows that he's stupid...if you know what I mean...if not, I don't think it matters ^_^


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The Un-Official Avatar/Sig Request Thread
« Reply #26 on: September 05, 2005, 05:12:13 am »
Thnx Saridon for finding the pic. The ones I used in the last post where just screens from the CT bad ending. I just used them to give Shadow D more of an idea of what I wanted.


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The Un-Official Avatar/Sig Request Thread
« Reply #27 on: October 07, 2005, 12:01:25 am »
Really sorry for disappearing for a month or w/e, especially since I originally made this to give sigs to people without having to wait until the end of september...
Basically, I stopped posting because school started and I just wasn't used to it... not that I have immense amounts of homework; I actually have barely any homework, but I just wasn't used to only having 3:00-10:00 to spend time compared to 8:00-10:00, plus my friend lent my FFX on the second day of school, and let's just say I might've played over 100 hours of it in less than a month (I think I got it on the 8th, and now it's the 6th).. I've also been avoiding posting again here because I was a bit ashamed to have not even worked on the sigs that I promised to do, so a couple of days ago I made lordchander's request ( and ), but I was waiting to post it here until I did the others... However, the others are a lot more difficult, so I'd like to at least make sure that they're still wanted before I strain myself

Burning Zeppelin

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The Un-Official Avatar/Sig Request Thread
« Reply #28 on: October 07, 2005, 01:20:09 am »
Wow, unreal! Now that ive seen your skill, i'd like one that has a Panzer Dragoon or Phantasy Star background, and is sort of dark and sad, with Burning Zeppelin in fancy writing with underneath it saying "Apocalypse has come" or something that sounds much cooler (because that sounds crap) and has to do with the image
Thanx very much! :D


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The Un-Official Avatar/Sig Request Thread
« Reply #29 on: October 07, 2005, 01:46:10 am »
Oh yeah, I still want that Fighter avy & sig if you're still up for it. I can wait though. Take your time.