OK, here's how I did it.
Assume you have made a weapon model in CC standard, with the texture size of 128x85, now you can export the model following these steps:
1. In your blender, open the text editor in any panels. Create a new text and paste in the script from here:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5GvuiubpnUZLUN4MDlBN0lMdUE2. Select the model you made
3. In the text editor, press alt+p or right mouse button and select it in the pop up menu to run the text as python script. A new text will be created if the script runs without errors, and the mesh data will be there in javascript format.
4. Get the html file form here:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5GvuiubpnUZcE9Wa2JWbkJmRXMReplace the text between "mesh data begin" and "end of mesh data" with those you just exportd
5. Open the html in a browser and you get the weapon model data in hex string format so you can paste into a hex editor.
Other steps:
Convert the texture into 16 color tim format, using an existing weapon texture from as the template, because you need all the tim headers and offsets.