Hello, I'm at my wit's end with a problem I'm having. I've been adding events to build an NPC that will increase the party's stats and I've built an unholy stack of decision dialogue boxes and other conditional checks to manage it. Unfortunately, when I try to save it the tree collapses into a mess. It looks to me as though there's an extra command signaling the end of a conditional that isn't supposed to be there (but I can't see it in Temporal Flux).
I've attached two images to show what I'm talking about. I have a value-to-mem comparison at [0CF8] that collapses when I save and reload the event data. From that point on, the problem seems to cascade into more collapsed conditionals. (There may be another conditional collapsing later on but...one problem at a time).
Has anyone had a similar problem before? It would take me hours and hours to start over on this.