Adding Transforming Enemies:
Load up Gato's exhibit for an easy to test example.
1) In Object 08 Startup/Idle, change the LoadEnemy from {92} Gato to {74} Ogan, and Enemy Index to 03. lick Update to save your changes to the command.
2) Note the SetObjectCoord values, in this case (80, 80)
3) Click Object to add a new object at the end of the list.
4) Select Object 9's Startup/Idle, and click Command to add a command to it.
5) Change Category to Sprite Drawing, and Command to Load Sprite. In the new options, Type should be Enemy, Enemy should be {72} Ogre, and Enemy Index should be 4. Static enemy can remain false, and variant will be calculated for you. Click Update.
6) Add another command, this time setting Category to Object Coordinates, and Command to Set Object Coordinates. XCoord and YCoord should match the value from Step 2. Click Update.
7) Add a third command, changing the category to Sprite Drawing, and command to Drawing Status. This time we will change the variant to 7E, and Drawing Status to Hide. Click Update Remove Object only applies with Drawing Status: Remove, so we can ignore that. We changed the variant because Temporal Flux doesn't fully understand the variants, and will choose one of the appropriate options.

Add a fourth and fifth command. The fourth can be left as the default return, but the fifth should have its Stop Type changed to End.
9) Select Object 9's touch, and add a command. Leave it as the default return.
10) Click Write Mem. to update this Location's Events.
11) Go to File -> Save to update your events in the ROM.
12) Test your changes in the game. "Gato" looks quite sleepy when talking about his joints.
There are rules about Enemy Index that I don't fully understand, but the values above were tested as safe for these enemies.