Author Topic: Excerpt from the fanfic I'm writing titled "The Proposal and the Ring"  (Read 11997 times)


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Ok this is my first fanfic and it's not finished yet so it's all getting typed out here. Ha ha.

The Proposal and the Ring
by PrincessNadia78

Crono was nervous. Ever since that fateful day that he bumped into Marle at the Millennial Fair, he was in love with her. Even after saving the world together, he still couldn't believe that she loved him. He was a commoner, she was a beautiful princess and he knew she could have any man she wanted... and she chose him! Some days he still couldn't believe how lucky he was.

Crono had had a private audience with the King around a month ago and was given the King's blessing to ask for Marle's hand in marriage. He took this moment to apologize to Crono about their first meeting; telling him he was still embarrassed about it to this very day. "I was very closed-minded then," the King started, "I judged you before I even knew you and I believed what the Chancellor had told me about you. If I had known then what I know now..." the King trailed off. "I will always be sorry about that Crono." He continued. "I do hope one day you can forgive me." This was very difficult for the King, as he wasn't used to being in the wrong, but he wanted to set things straight with Crono before he and Princess Nadia got engaged. He wanted to have a fresh start with his future son-in-law.

Crono, not expecting any of this, replied sheepishly, "Of course, Your Majesty. It was a long time ago now, don't feel bad about it."

"Thank you Crono," the King said, relieved. "Gracious as always." He straightened. "Ah-hem! Now that that's out of the way, let's get down to business. Here is the Royal Engagement Ring. Every female royal since the formation of Guardia and possibly before, has been given this ring. I gave it to Queen Aliza and your friend King Guardia XXI gave it to Queen Leene. I've already had it sized for you as I had a feeling this day was coming and I couldn't ask for a better man to marry my Nadia. I know you will take good care of her." With that, the King handed Crono the box that the ring was in. Crono took it gently, the worn felt of the box soft in his hands. He opened it gingerly and had to hide his surprise. The ring looked just like Marle's pendant, only set as a ring! What did this mean? He wondered. It troubled Crono but he didn't want the King to think he was ungrateful. "It's very beautiful, thank you Your Majesty. I'm sure Ma-- I mean Princess Nadia will love it." The King smiled. "Believe it or not, Nadia has never seen this ring. She was so young when her mother passed and I thought it would be a nice surprise for her for when she did fall in love someday. That day came much sooner than I would have liked, but you are very good for my daughter Crono."

"If you need any help with the proposal, please let me know." The King continued. "Now you better head home before Nadia comes home and becomes suspicious about us talking alone! Luckily for us, I sent her on a 'royal enagement' today." The King laughed. "Welcome to the family Crono, a man like you is exactly what Guardia needs."
"Thank you. Your Majesty." Crono bowed to the King and then headed home.

In the coming weeks, he had been thinking about how to propose to Marle and about the ring. What could the resemblance to her pendent mean? It too was obviously made out of Dreamstone. What kind of powers did it hold? It greatly troubled Crono, but he didn't dare talk to ANYONE about it. He hadn't even shown the ring to Lucca, who was helping him plan the proposal. He didn't want any negativity or darkness shadowing this special event. Once Marle had the ring, they could discuss it then. He was jittery enough as it was!

I am ending the except here. What do you guys think? I do hope you enjoyed it and are intrigued to read the rest of the story once it's completed! This is my first time sharing it with anyone so I would love to hear your thoughts!


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    • Hi trig!
Off to an excellent start. Are there time travel shenanigans coming? Will Crono propose at the dawn of time?

I'm also now curious on what a silent protagonist would be like in a story.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Alright, I had time to read!

Off to a fun start! Can't wait to see how/when Crono proposes, and if any time-travel hijinks ensue (which I predict likely will, seeing the relation to Marle's pendant).

As Mauron had said, I'm always curious how people interpret Crono's silent protagonist status.

One of the fangames I was working on was a sidequel to Chrono Trigger and followed a group of time travelers that were hopping around time at the same time as Crono and company (and almost always indirectly crossing paths). Sort of a more light-hearted and humorous romp. But the lead was a silent protagonist because she was truly mute. I always thought that was fun.

Back on track, this is a fun intro! I can't wait to read the rest!


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I'm not going to lie it is my first time reading fanfic. Nice job so far. I was just wondering what a royal enagement party was? Is it like a coming of age?


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Thank you so much everyone! Like I said, this is my first time sharing, so I appreciate the input!

See I feel like Crono would be a romantic but would have problems expressing it. I also feel like he would be well spoken. Not sure where I get that idea though. LOL

Razig, I actually had to read back and make sure the word party wasn't in there because that wasn't my intention. She's just out on a royal engagement, probably doing a speech on Nadia's Bell. Ha ha!! Although I do like the idea of a coming of age royal party though. I'm tucking that idea away for later!

Thank you so much for all of your input!


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    • Hi trig!
The castle needs to hold a royal engagement party after Marle gets royally engaged.


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Razig, I actually had to read back and make sure the word party wasn't in there because that wasn't my intention.



  • Chronicler of Time
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It’s supposed to be royal engagement, not royal engagement party. Lol


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I'm just wondering why my name got brought up.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Nadia meant to say chrono.source, hahaha... Slip of the tongue, I guess!


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Re: Excerpt from the fanfic I'm writing titled "The Proposal and the Ring"
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2018, 06:44:15 am »
Yes that would be it exactly! Sorry about that, I’m not sure what I was thinking. I wasn’t feeling well yesterday and was a little drugged up, so that probably had something to do with it! Sorry for the confusion!


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Re: Excerpt from the fanfic I'm writing titled "The Proposal and the Ring"
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2018, 11:27:51 am »
Ah sorry! My brain apparently added "party" in there. Maybe it has a need to party? lol
Yeah it confused me because it didn't make sense to have an engagement party before Crono even proposed.

A coming of age shin-dig or quest sounds quite fitting I agree.

Looking forward to the next installment.


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Re: Excerpt from the fanfic I'm writing titled "The Proposal and the Ring"
« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2018, 10:50:15 pm »
Thank you very much!! And yeah, it’s easy for the brain to do that. LOL


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Re: Excerpt from the fanfic I'm writing titled "The Proposal and the Ring"
« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2018, 12:58:04 pm »
I really want to thank everyone again who took the time to read this and give me their input. Like I previously stated, I was nervous posting it because this is my first stab at a fanfic. I do like how it's coming along though! :) Thank you so much again guys, you all rock!

Acacia Sgt

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Re: Excerpt from the fanfic I'm writing titled "The Proposal and the Ring"
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2018, 12:04:02 am »
Oh, this looks like an interesting story. I don't remember when was the last time I read a Chrono-related fanfic, but it's never a bad time to read one again, I'd say!