Character Tropes - Heroes/Important NPCs
[Reflections: Before the Fall]
Cain Cray: A young man seen as a pariah amongst the people of Zeal. His potential for magic and arms is eventually noticed by King Alphard, impressing the latter enough to make him Schala's bodyguard. After the King's death, he tries his damndest to keep Schala safe from the coming storm...
Because You Were Nice to Me - A very young Schala Zeal was the first person in Cain's life to ever show him any kindness. He's been in love with her ever since.
Blade on a Stick - As a royal bodyguard, Cain is one of the few people in Zeal allowed to carry a weapon. For him, it's a tri-pronged spear. Even when bereft of it, he's still a dab hand with Good Ol' Fisticuffs.
Bodyguard Crush - (Revealed in Reflections to be tragically one-sided.)
Cain & Abel - Subverted. (It isn't him that kills his mentor, but Dalton using his spear to frame him.)
(Canon Character All Along - The first half of the epilogue reveals that Cain was eventually reincarnated as Serge. The Astral Amulet that Kid owns also once belonged to him.)
Clear My Name - (He is framed for the murder of his mentor Abel during the final act by Dalton and sent to die in Mount Woe. Ultimately averted after he escapes since he knows the people of Zeal had long since made up their minds about him.)
Doomed By Canon
Elemental Powers - As a denizen of Zeal, he has access to a multitude of elements, including:
- Playing With Fire - Cain's primary go-to power, and his elemental innate.
- Blow You Away
- Shock & Awe/Dishing Out Dirt
- Casting a Shadow
Eye Scream - Near the beginning of the story, Cain slashes out one of Dalton's eyes when the latter interferes in Alphard's promotion exam. At the end of the story, Dalton does the same to him.
(Failure Knight - In the end, Cain fails to save or protect Schala in every possible way...)
Full-Contact Magic - Cain is one of the few people in the setting utilizing this type of magic. (It also makes him incredibly dangerous, as the Dalton Corps find out the hard way.)
(The Hero Dies - At least in one ending, anyway.)
Hero of Another Story - During the Antiquity arc of Chrono Trigger, he is busy breaking out of the lower reaches of Mount Woe while Crono, Marle, and Lucca are rescuing Melchior. He also ends up one step behind the group when they invade the Ocean Palace.
Humans Are Bastards - Dives head-first into this mindset near the endgame, (although Reflections shows that he had been wavering towards this since he was a child.)
It's Beyond Saving - What Cain ultimately thinks of Zeal as a whole by the time Schala is taken to the Ocean Palace... and thus has no qualms about ruthlessly slaughtering the Dalton Corps and anyone else who gets in his way of rescuing her.
(Killed Off for Real - Cain confronts Dalton in the Ocean Palace after the latter escapes from Crono's group and is fatally injured after being on the wrong end of one of his traps. He barely manages to make it outside of the Mammon Machine chamber before succumbing to his wounds.)
Lady and Knight - Cain and Schala have this dynamic despite the setting being thousands of years before the Middle Ages.
Madden into Misanthropy - Janus' condemnation of his failure to protect Schala, the refusal of the Earthbound ones to rise up against their oppressors and help him save her, and the majority of Zeal taunting to his face that her life is worthless when compared to their imminent immortality utterly destroys what little faith Cain had in humanity.
Magic Knight - Adept in both martial and magical ability, as expected of a bodyguard of Zeal royalty.
Parental Abandonment - His mother died giving birth to him. Unfortunately such a circumstance was seen as a bad omen in Zeal, so much so that not even his own father wanted anything to do with him.
Rage-Breaking Point - After being framed for murder, nearly beaten to death, and having nearly drowned in the collapse of Mount Woe, Cain snaps and backhands Janus when the latter condemns him for not doing more to save Schala.
Say My Name - Cain practically screams out Schala's name as he's dragged away by the Dalton Corps after being framed for (Abel's murder).
Scars Are Forever - (In the second epilogue, where Cain lives, there is a long scar running down his left eye where Dalton slashed him. It's still there five years later when Chrono Reflections begins.
(Self-Made Orphan - His father dies during his rampage in the final act.)
(Spared by the Adaptation - In a sense. The second half of the epilogue takes place in a timeline where Cain barely survives his fight with Dalton, only to get thrown into a Gate to 1000 AD where he's found in his sorry state by Lucca, and utterly broken by his experiences, setting up Chrono Reflections.)
Star-Crossed Lovers - With Schala. Wether or not she ever reciprocated his feelings over the story is left deliberately vague. (Chrono Reflections reveals that his feelings were sadly one-sided...)
Un-Person - (After he is arrested/framed for the murder of Abel,) Cain's name is stricken from all known records, and even speaking his name risks pain of death. By the time Crono and his party first arrive in Antiquity, Cain Cray practically no longer exists. Even after the fall of Zeal, everyone from the Zeal survivors who hated and/or feared him to the Earthbound who were unnerved by him continued refusing to acknowledge his existence, therefore cleanly explaining why he is never mentioned in Trigger.
Schala Zeal: Alphard's daughter and Princess of the Kingdom of Zeal. Was once a bright and spirited girl, but after her father's death, she became withdrawn and meek, almost to the point of self-destruction...
Actual Pacifist - She refuses to resort to violence after her father's death (due to her belief that trying to destroy the Frozen Flame was what got him killed to begin with.) Chrono Reflections reveals that she also (secretly resents those who don't embrace her new mindset, which unfortunately includes the one person whose JOB is to protect her.)
Blessed With Suck - The incident that took her father from her also branded her as an Arbiter of the Frozen Flame. As Arbiter, she is able to commune with Lavos. (It turns out she isn't the only one.)
Death Seeker - It turns out she has been this since her father's death. (The death of Crono a year later cements it completely.)
Daddy's Girl - She loved her father more than anything, and is understandably devestated after his death.
Despair Event Horizon - Crosses it twice. First is after her father's death. Second is after (Crono is vaporized.)
Foregone Conclusion - Her story does not end happily. Not until Chrono Cross anyway, (and even then...)
Forgets To Eat - Cain learns a bit too late after she collapses from a communion with the Mammon Machine that she has been neglecting her diet and at times outright refuses to eat. Cain absolutely refuses to leave her bedside afterwards until she has a proper meal.
Forgotten First Meeting - She remembers bringing a young Cain with her on a children's adventure when she was little, but doesn't recognize him when he's first presented as her new bodyguard. It's only before everything goes completely to hell for them that she finally remembers.
Genki Girl - Was this in her youth when she first met Cain. Much more subdued when she's older, but still there. Stops being this entirely after her father's death.
Hidden Buxom - The dresses Schala wears are generally on the baggy side, befitting her shy nature. However, during Cain's second week as her bodyguard, he unknowingly catches a glimpse of her silhouette behind the curtain of the royal baths, showing her to be rather stacked for her age.
It's All My Fault - Blames herself entirely for her father's death (and her mother's insanity), with nobody able to convince her otherwise.
Living Emotional Crutch - For Cain.
Nice to the Waiter
The Paragon - Cain certainly sees her as this, and she certainly tries to be one, but see Secretly Selfish below.
Secretly Selfish - For all her kindness towards the less fortunate, her insistence that her mother can be saved takes precedence above the well-being of her people and those around her. So much so that she chooses to destroy herself than live with the fact that her belief amounted to nothing. (It's also revealed in Chrono Reflections that she came to resent Cain for not following her ideals of pacifism.)
Star-Crossed Lovers - With Cain, although she never openly reciprocates his feelings (because her massive guilt complex prevents her from realizing them. Reflections adds another wrinkle in that she wouldn't have reciprocated even if she did.)
Suicidal Pacifism
Survivor's Guilt
Used to Be a Sweet Kid
When She Smiles
Alphard Zeal: The King of Zeal. His death ends up becoming the catalyst for the Antiquity arc of Chrono Trigger as well as his kingdom's eventual destruction.
(And I Must Scream - His spirit is literally trapped in limbo because of the fall of his kingdom and the fates of his family.)
Armor-Piercing Question - (To Zero!Schala.)
(King Zeal: If you are not my daughter, then why did you come here? Why seek absolution from me instead of living as you saw fit? Or do you somehow believe yourself responsible for my daughter's mistakes?)
Bodyguard Crush - Was once his wife Samaela's bodyguard during their youth.
Cool Sword - Einlanzer.
(Disappointed In You - In Chrono Reflections, his spirit appears before Schala in his tomb admonishing her for not having the strength to do what needed to be done to save Zeal and its people and for throwing away the memories of those who cared for her, lamenting that the lessons he had tried to impart to her proved meaningless. His words end up serving to light a fire under his daughter, triggering her Character Development.)
Foregone Conclusion - His death, which kick-starts the plot.
Perfectly Arranged Marriage - Was this with Queen Zeal back in the day.
* (He attempts to invoke this between Cain and his daughter, all due to the fact that that the seven-year-old Schala would never stop talking about the first (and only) friend she ever made. When said friend is found years later haggard and developing a massive chip on his shoulder, the king implores Abel to take the boy in for training, confident that Schala's kind nature will eventually mellow the future king out, and is disappointed when Schala doesn't recognize him at first. (His death ended up making it all meaningless.)
Sacrificial Lion
The Good King
Janus Zeal: Alphard's son and Prince of Zeal. A bratty introvert who is heavily attuned to the Black Wind.
Bratty Half-Pint
Hypocrite - Openly condemns Cain for not doing more to save Schala, yet hid his true power from everyone and let Schala suffer in silence. Cain - rightfully - calls him out on this.
'The Reason You Suck' Speech - Gives a scathing one to Cain in Algetty after Schala is kidnapped... only to get himself backhanded and given a retort of his own.
Right-Hand Cat - Alfador
You're Not My Father! - Has a variation of this attitude towards Cain, and hates him utterly. By the end of the story (the hate is mutual).
Abel: Commander of Zeal's security forces under Alphard. Nearly a year after the latter's death, (he attempts to lead a coup to depose the maddened Queen Zeal and destroy the Mammon Machine, but is murdered before it can even get off the ground.)
Cain & Abel - Subverted. (He is killed, not by Cain, but by Dalton's treachery.)
(Killed Off for Real - By Dalton, who immediately usurps his position and pins the blame on Cain.)
Meaningful Name
Poor Judge of Character - He allowed Dalton into the ranks of Zeal's military. To his credit however, when the latter shows signs of discontent, Abel immediately has him watched. (Unfortunately, by then it's already too late.)
Reasonable Authority Figure
Smart People Wear Glasses
Melchior: Zeal's Guru of Life. (He is part of Abel's conspiracy to destroy the Mammon Machine, but is captured, charged with treason, and sent to Mount Woe along with others.)
(My Greatest Failure - When questioned in the second epilogue by Lucca about why he or the other Gurus never mentioned Cain, Melchior states not only the obvious in that he thought the latter was dead, but is haunted by the fact that he should have done more to reign in his vengeful streak.)
Parental Substitute - For Cain, in that he's eventually the closest thing the latter has to a father figure.
Ultimate Blacksmith - Forged the Ruby Knife that would eventually become the Masamune. He also personally forged Alphard's sword Einlanzer from shards of the Sun Stone.
The Cameo - Cain witnesses him fighting the Giga Gaia, in particular cutting off one of the creature's arms with Fire Sword.
The Cameo - She is seen in Crono's party during the battle with Giga Gaia.
Lucca Ashtear
The Cameo - She is seen in Crono's party casting Fire Sword during the battle with Giga Gaia. (Unlike her companions, she ends up playing a bigger role in the second epilogue.)
[Chrono Reflections]
Cain Cray: In Guardia, 1005 AD, five years after Before the Fall, Cain has made a name for himself as a member of a mercenary company, all the while searching for a way to find Schala. An incident involving a junior member sets off a chain of events that will eventually force him to confront a past long thought buried...
Act of True Love - What his (Heroic Sacrifice to protect Zero!Schala during Guardia's Fall) basically amounts to. (It didn't matter to him that she was a clone of the original, he prioritized protecting her over settling his grudge with Dalton.) This ends up triggering the start of (her Character Development.)
(Angst Coma - Falls into one of these after his Heroic sacrifice due to learning that Schala secretly hated him during the events of Before the Fall. Considering his love for her was the only thing that had kept him going, it's no small wonder he nearly gives up on living.)
Blade on a Stick
(Big Damn Heroes - During the final battle with Bishop Unit Sigma, Cain saves the party in the nick of time.)
(Blood Knight - At first, before learning Daere's identity.)
(Brought Down to Normal - Sacrifices his ability to use magic naturally in order to nullify Daere's powers.)
(*Brought Down to Badass)
Chekov's Gun - Cain's Element Grid, which he prefers not to use. (Fast-forward to the Final Battle after he's been Depowered, and he's wielding Elements like a pro.)
Dark and Troubled Past
(Declaration of Protection - The day before the final battle, Cain renews his vow to Schala to watch over and protect her.)
(Despair Event Horizon - Cain crosses it after Daere's attempt at assimilation causes him to see the latter's past: Specifically, Project Kid, the Frozen Flame... and Daere murdering the original Schala.)
(Desperately Looking for a Purpose In Life - He's based his entire life into looking after and protecting Schala after a single act of kindness, and after five years of her being missing, the cracks in his psyche finally begin to show.)
Dreaming of Things to Come - Cain has a particularly vivid nightmare durning the start of the second act (forshadowing Daere's identity).
(Earn Your Happy Ending)
(Epiphany Therapy - Ultimately subverted. Although he does undergo genuine and significant character development over the course of the story, it is made abundantly clear that his deep-seated disdain of people and his overreliance on Schala's prescence won't go away overnight, and it is only after Daere's destruction that he finally gets a chance to heal.)
(Evil Me Scares Me - When the truth about Daere comes to light, Cain becomes far more wary than usual. Not just because Daere attempted to assimilate him and saw his past in the process, but for the fact that had his first mission with Glenn and Reika turned out differently, Cain would have become just like him. It's one of the reasons he refuses to wake up from his Angst Coma.)
Heroic Nuetral - Began as this during the interim between Before the Fall and Reflections. Then Reika dared him to be the better person after a job nearly goes wrong, leading to him becoming a Knight in Sour Armor.
(Heroic Sacrifice - During the final battle with Dalton, Cain throws himself in front of Dalton's Phantom Blades spell in order to protect Zero. Barely able to stand, Dalton conjures a wave of force to knock him over the edge of Guardia Prison's bridge into the abyss below. Subverted due to the fact that he survives.)
I Did What I Had To Do - How Cain ultimately justifies (his commiting genocide upon his fellow Enlightened Ones) during the events of Before the Fall. To his credit, he knows it's no excuse.
Jade-Colored Glasses
Knight In Sour Armor
My Greatest Failure - Has never forgiven himself for failing to protect Schala during Before the Fall. (It's another reason he refuses to awaken from his Angst Coma.)
(My Greatest Second Chance)
(Never Found the Body - After Dalton is defeated, Schala and the others attempt to search for Cain in the ravines below Guardia Prison, but find nothing but his spear. It's eventually revealed that a Gate opened beneath him as he was falling.)
(No Holds Barred Beatdown - Pulls one on the depowered Daere.)
Playing with Fire
(Prodigal Hero)
(The Power of Love - Schala's vow to become stronger and her pleas to not leave her eventually cause him to awaken from his Angst Coma.)
Red Right Hand - Inverted. Whenever he unleashes his (Super Mode), his right arm becomes surrounded by red runic rings sparking with energy.
(Relationship Upgrade - With Schala after a LONG heart-to-heart talk.)
(Retired Badass - The Distant Finale epilogue shows that he ultimately inherits Melchior's forge and lives a simple life as a blacksmith in Truce.)
(Sacrificial Lion)
Shoot the Dog - The party member most likely to do this when necessary.
(Was It All A Lie? - What he asks himself of his life with Schala as Lavenda carries him away from Porre's battlefields after being curb-stomped by Daere. The shattering of his perfect image of Schala is enough to send him into a massive BSOD.)
What You Are In the Dark - (He had the perfect opportunity to kill Dalton at the end of the Fall of Guardia arc, but Dalton would have killed Zero before it happened. Instead, he forgoes his revenge and takes the hit meant for Zero. This act alone cements him as different from Daere, especially considering just a day earlier, he learned that the person whom Zero resembles that he's spent his life in love with secretly hated him.)
- (This trope pops up again in the Sigma arc in Magus' Castle. Without any ulterior motive, he gives Malovia's Boon to Magus, even after the latter tried to kill him, and despite his own hatred of the man.)
Glenn Zweibreicht: Chain-smoking leader of a band of mercenaries founded in Choras. Although seemingly laid-back and uncaring, he takes his job seriously for his little sister's sake.
Big Brother Instinct
Blow You Away - His innate element is green.
Brilliant, But Lazy
Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
The Gunslinger - Wields two of them with great precision.
Hitman With A Heart - Not afraid to get his hands dirty with more morally ambiguous jobs, but only if it's for the right cause.
The Lancer
The Medic
The Men First
Named After Somebody Famous
Tranquil Fury - Whenever Yarlen Shald is mentioned (thanks to the death of one of his protégés.)
You Gotta Have Blue Hair - Has a bit of a forest green mane.
Reika Onin: A member of Glenn's band of mercenaries and the daughter of a merman demi-human and a Mystic. An eternal optimist even during the most trying of times.
The Anti-Nihlist - In the backstory, during a time when Cain was on the cusp of abandoning Glenn's group for his own mission to look for Schala (in no small part thanks to their contact at the time betraying them), Reika pretty much dares him that if people really are just bastards, then it's his job to be better than them and do good regardless. (He's kept her words to heart ever since.)
Archer Archetype
Buxom is Better
The Chick
Cool Big Sis
The Heart
Making a Splash - Her innate element is blue. She is also the only one in the group other than Cain and Zero who can use magic naturally.
- An Ice Person
Ms. Fanservice
Supreme Chef
Team Mom
You Gotta Have Blue Hair - Hers is a deep violet.
Tarvos: A tiger-type demi-human warrior monk from Guldove. Jovial and boisterous. Has an on-again, off-again rivalry with the young Lord Viper.
Amazingly Embarrassing Parents
An Axe to Grind - It's almost as big as he is.
The Big Guy
Boisterous Bruiser
Dishing Out Dirt - He is a yellow innate.
Mighty Glacier
Papa Wolf
Religious Bruiser
Warrior Therapist - Becomes Cain's, regardless of wether the latter wants to listen or not.
Lavenda: Dragonian Grand Matriarch from an alternate Dinopolis. Rules El Nido jointly with the Viper Clan, but with the growing tensions between Porre and Guardia, she realizes that battle lines will soon need to be drawn...
A-Cup Angst - Granted, she is not small by any means, but Reika is far out of her league, and Zero has her beat in the chest department by a millimeter. Her pride takes a noticable hit after the discovery.
Lavenda: I will NOT be the bronze medal of this ensemble!
Anime Chinese Girl - Played with. She has the oriental aesthetic in her attire like with the majority of the Dragonians, but does not suffer the sterotypes typically seen with the trope.
Bi the Way
Black Magic - Many of her skills have this flavor.
Casting a Shadow - As a black innate.
Non-Mammal Mammaries
Not So Above It All
Older Than They Look - Over ten thousand years old, yet she still looks in her early twenties.
Ship Tease - With her aide, Rosemary.
The Smart Guy
Voluntary Shapeshifting - She can transform into a full-sized dragon.
Whip It Good
You Gotta Have Blue Hair - Hers is the color of her namesake, lavender purple.
Zero/(Schala Zeal): A mysterious girl found by the group during an infiltration mission into Porre territory. Her full designation is Progneitor Unit: Zero, in which she was used as a battery and template for mass-producing an army of magic-wielding soldiers. (In truth, she is the husk of Schala's past self split off from the Time Devourer during the formation of Kid and left to rot before being found by Norestein Bekkler...)
[Tropes as applied to Zero]
Identity Amnesia - She does not remember her life at all before becoming Bekkler's guest, nor most of the time she was used in Daere's cloning experiments, and wonders if she herself is a sentient Doppledoll. (The truth is a bit more complicated.)
Cool Sword - Uses a blade stolen from one of Daere's 'Rook' units, and can conjure a phantom blade for dual-wielding. (Once she regains her memories as Schala and gets hit with a massive dose of Character Development, she takes up her father's Einlanzer.)
Empty Eyes - Her green eyes have no highlights or pupils, showcasing her lack of identity and otherworldliness. (Her pupils return once her soul repairs itself.)
Empty Shell - What she was before Bekkler found her, and Daere attempted to make her this. (Being in proximity to Cain causes her soul and memories as Schala to start repairing themselves due to both being bonded as Arbiters of the Frozen Flame.)
(Expendable Clone - Was meant to be this, her purpose rendered meaningless once the real Schala was free from Lavos, only to be unknowingly usurped by Kid.)
Graceful Ladies Like Purple
Have We Met? - Zero's appearance causes Cain great distress. (Having Schala's face will do that.)
(I Am Who?)
Kicking Ass In All of Her Finery - The outfit Marle picks for her is both functional and elegant.
Light 'Em Up - Although she uses all elements, she is primarily a white innate.
Lightning Bruiser
Marshmallow Hell - Unknowingly pulls this on Cain when trying to stow away on the Porrean cargo ship.
Meaningful Name - Zero is practically the perfect name (for a living husk with no soul or memories.)
Of Corsets Sexy
Rapunzel Hair
She's Got Legs - The skirt of the outfit Marle picks out for her has a long slit up one side, showing her to have long, supple legs. Of course, she's wearing Modesty Shorts to protect her decency, but the trope still applies.
Ship Tease - With Cain.
Un-Person - What she's afraid that she'll become if she ever regains her memories. (Thankfully, this fear ends up becoming unfounded, as Schala keeps Zero's memories close and comes to adopt many of her views and mannerisms.)
Violence Is the Only Option - Zero shares Cain's belief that there are those in this world who are too selfish, evil, or deranged to ever see reason, and that they must be dealt with - harshly and permanently. (Schala, after regaining her memories, is finally forced to accept this harsh truth when Cain sacrfices himself to save her from Dalton.)
You Gotta Have Blue Hair
[(Tropes as applied to Schala)]
(Amnesiac Dissonance - Becomes disgusted with herself after remembering how much she judged others based on her Suicidal Pacifism morality, even more so the fact that she drove her brother to destroy himself and that she had shoved Cain in with the likes of Dalton because of it. Keep in mind, this happens after Cain's Heroic Sacrifice, compounding the guilt.)
(Belated Love Epiphany - Had begun falling for Cain as Zero. Doesn't realize it until after his Heroic Sacrifice. This, combined with how she once thought of him sends her into a crying mess.)
* (Love Revelation Epiphany)
(Broken Pedestal - For Cain, and by extension, Daere. Ultimately subverted due to not quite being the real Schala.)
(Cloning Blues - She was created by the original Schala to be the one to find Serge and rescue her, only to be discarded and abandoned because she looked too similar to the latter's old self. She is not happy when she finds this out. Ultimately a moot point due to not only the original's death, but the fact that Cain, having gone through a crapload of character development himself, doesn't care about that.)
(Earn Your Happy Ending)
Fanservice Pack - (Schala is a bit curvier in Reflections than she is in Before the Fall. Justified in that not only did puberty catch up with her, but she's no longer malnourished thanks to Bekkler's care.)
(I Hate Past Me - Summed up in a single line near the end of the story.)
(Cain: The old Schala would definitely not have condoned that kind of thinking.
Schala: *bitterly* The old Schala was also someone who would throw anyone who didn't subscribe to her personal morality under a carriage. As far as I'm concerned, her opinion is suspect at best.)
(Insane Forgiveness - She forgives Cain for his Roaring Rampage of Revenge in Before the Fall. When he tries to call her out on this, she shuts him up by asking what would've happened had the Ocean Palace project succeeded.)
(Legacy Character - Even though she's a clone of the original, by the final battle, she more or less IS Schala Zeal.)
(Must Make Amends - She feels herself to be responsible for her original self's decisions due to the latter being no longer amongst the living.)
(My God, What Have I Done? - After reawakening her memories in the wake of Cain's sacrifice, she finally realizes her feelings for him and is understandably pained by his absence... and then realizes that in her efforts to abandon the past, she had forced that same loneliness on him for the past five years.)
* (Compunding that is the fact that after her father's death, she began to see him as no different than people like Dalton and had hated him despite eveything he had tried to do for her, all because he didn't believe in her views of pacifism... and realizes that in a sense, Daere became the monster he is because of her.)
(Prodigal Hero)
(Relationship Upgrade - With Cain after a LONG heart-to-heart talk.)
(Tomato in the Mirror)
Walking Spoiler
(Warts and All)
[Chrono Reflections Major NPCs]
Lucca Ashtear
Advertised Extra - (He really only has prominence near the end of Reflections to eventually give Cain some closure and Schala's Amulet, although his actions as the Prophet have left a lasting mark on both Cain and Schala.)
Canon Welding - (It is heavily implied that this is the Magus that faces the Dream Devourer in Chrono Trigger DS. Cain even watches him leave through that very Gate.)
(Right for the Wrong Reasons - He tosses his amulet to Cain after Malovia's Trial ends, citing that since he is about to reunite with Schala, he won't need it anymore. Oh, he finds Schala alright, but...)
Walking Spoiler
Hope Zweibreicht: Glenn's younger sister, working as a housemaid to an orphanage in Choras.
Spared By the Adaptation - In Skylark's Sea of Dreams project, Hope was an Ill Girl Posthumous Character. In Reflections, she is alive and well.
Yulie Onin: A succubus from Medina and Reika's mother.
Annette: Tarvos' daughter.
Direa: Shaman of Guldove.
Rosemary: Lavenda's advisor and magic/element tutor.
Thyme: Lavenda's Master of Arms.
Gaspar: Guru of Time and caretaker of the End of Time.
Norestein Bekkler: A temporal wanderer seeking places of merriment, and founder of the art of creating Doppledolls.
It's All My Fault - He was powerless to stop Daere from taking Zero and his research, and blames himself accordingly.
Lord Viper: Governor of El Nido's mainland island. Joins Porre's side in their war against Guardia due to familial obligations.
Friendly Enemy - To Tarvos, seeing him as a warrior's equal.
Heel-Face Turn - After the war's end and Dalton's defeat, he surrenders to Marle's judgement upon realizing that his clan had been decieved into fighting for Porre.
Might Makes Right - Has this mindset when first introduced. Fighting in the war against Guardia ultimately causes him to rethink this stance.
Not What I Signed On For - Porre takes advantage of the Viper Clan's filial piety and sense of honor by feeding them lies about Guardia's treatment of Porre's people in order to recruit them. However, once Tarvos convinces the him that the war is only for the sake of Dalton's ego (as well as the fact that it's a war of extermination, something Viper finds deplorable), he surrenders on the spot.
Garai: Grandmaster of Viper's Four Devas.
Blood Knight
Climax Boss - He is the last opponent standing in Glenn, Reika, and (Crono's) way before (Lord Viper's surrender.)
Undying Loyalty - To Viper, to the point that (when the latter willingly surrenders, he follows suit.)
The Worf Effect - (Gets one-shot by Dalton)
Bacchus Onin: Reika's father, a merman demi-human who has thrown his lot in with Ozzie's Anti-Human League.
Miguel: A citizen of Guardia and King Crono's squire.
Shell-Shocked Veteran - At the end of the war, he's barely able to function without being reminded of the carnage he witnessed. He gets better, but he ultimately moves away from the mainland and retires to El Nido.
Ishito: A consummate soldier of Porre and Tenth Seat of Porre High Command. He has a son named (Norris.)
Malicious Misnaming - His nickname amongst the more hardline Porreans is "Ishito of the Bleeding Heart". (Ironically enough, the compassion that they mock is what ultimately saves him, his men, and the eventual survivors of Porre's fall from potential Guardian reprisal at the end of the war.)
(Will be updated semi-regularly.)