Author Topic: Goodbye...  (Read 23689 times)

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Goodbye...
« Reply #60 on: January 21, 2020, 01:11:32 am »
Busy busy. Is the new job cool?

I think so...? Hard to tell. I started on Friday. I'm still doing IT Project Management, which is good. The benefits and pay were too good to pass up, although I'm in a much larger metro now and the prices for everything are insane.


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Re: Goodbye...
« Reply #61 on: February 06, 2020, 09:59:36 pm »
Hey, that's great that you found something!

Sounds like a lot of traveling, so hopefully you've got some good books on tape.  We'll be here when you have more time. :)

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Goodbye...
« Reply #62 on: April 17, 2020, 06:48:39 pm »
Hey all,

Just wanted to provide a quick life update. I continue to apologize for the lack of engagement and presence on my part. I am failing as the Guru of Life!

As you may or may not already know, I had a major life change in January involving a new job, an industry change, and a move to another state. I now work in healthcare supply chain management, so as you can imagine the glorious Covid-19 has required a lot of attention from myself and my teams. Despite being a salaried employee, this has meant a lot of extra hours and weekend work. I'm perpetually exhausted and haven't had a time for idle internet fun, let alone any gaming.

The good news it that with Covid-19 in full pandemic mode, my family was able to go ahead and move ahead of schedule (my daughter's school was moved to virtual only). We are now all back together at our new house way out in the country. But we are also without internet and relying on wifi hotspot, and seeing that the phone signal is only 1 or 2 bars, even that is less than optimal and highly unreliable. I hope to be back up to speed in the next month or so and can start getting back to normal.

I miss you all and can't wait to get back here and chat and hang with ya'll!!!

I also owe MS04 a HUGE apology for dropping the ball in both testing and promoting Chrono Trigger: Master Quest. As soon as time permits, I plan on fully playing the ROM hack and promoting the hell out of it both here and on reddit. So if you see this, MS04, I'm so, so sorry!


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Re: Goodbye...
« Reply #63 on: April 17, 2020, 07:40:12 pm »
I also owe MS04 a HUGE apology for dropping the ball in both testing and promoting Chrono Trigger: Master Quest. As soon as time permits, I plan on fully playing the ROM hack and promoting the hell out of it both here and on reddit. So if you see this, MS04, I'm so, so sorry!

Don't worry about it, dude, I understand! There was a lot going on, and I was able to make posts promoting it on here and on Reddit anyways!


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Re: Goodbye...
« Reply #64 on: April 29, 2020, 01:09:27 am »
Omg HI PEOPLE!! Lol I have been busy myself the last few months, my old call center closed down and I now have a good job working for a cellphone company. Luckily with covid, my job is essential as I work with telecommunications and I get to work from home! So yay!

My divorce was finalized on January 8th and it was definitely one of the best days of my life. The weeks leading up to it my ex started to harass me, so that was fun. About a month ago he called me and tried to accuse me of giving him an std even though I haven’t been with him in nearly a year. I got tested and of course I’m fine. He’s now blocked on everything, I tried to be nice and well, some people you can’t be nice to. I’m just very thankful that he’s out of my life.

During all of this I also started seeing someone, but he doesn’t live in Wisconsin. I was supposed to go see him again last week and of course I couldn’t because of covid. So we rescheduled my visit to July, hopefully I can travel by then!

So life has been overall pretty good. I will admit, I get lonely sometimes with it just being my cat and I, but it beats being in quarantine with my nightmare of an ex! I’m already approaching a year when I made the decision to leave Florida and I’ve come a long time in a year. I’m very proud of myself!

Now that I’m working from home, I know I NEED to make time to come here more often. Things were pretty hectic for a bit, but then, when are they not, right? Maybe I should put a sticky note on my computer. Lol

Also, congrats Boo on the job! I hope it’s going well for you!

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Goodbye...
« Reply #65 on: April 29, 2020, 08:56:10 am »
Welcome back, Nadia!

So glad your situation has turned out for the best, even with all this covid19 insanity. I think a hearty congrats is in order with your new job.

They just started opening up businesses here in TN, so let's hope there's not a second wave. I'm keeping away from the businesses as much as possible (although I've had to make a few stops due to the fact that we have moved and desperately needed things) and definitely of the mind that it could be a bit too early for returning to normal.


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Re: Goodbye...
« Reply #66 on: April 30, 2020, 01:29:17 am »
It really did. Things were stressful for awhile because of the divorce, the ex’s behavior and my old call center closing down but it all worked out for the best. And thank you for the congrats, I got my job 2 weeks after I learned of my call center’s closing, which I found out about while I was visiting the guy I’m seeing. That was a great first visit lol.

I think it’s too soon to be reopening and I heard about Tennessee. Please stay safe!

I do know I have tons of threads to check which I’m planning on doing this week. I’m also trying to eat healthier. This quarantine has had me eating like crap but luckily I’ve been maintaining what I’ve lost so that’s good!! *knocks on wood* lol


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Re: Goodbye...
« Reply #67 on: May 11, 2020, 02:13:44 pm »
Hail, Compendium. Nothing really new has gone on with me. Still looking after my mother on disability. Still building up a growing backlog of games.

Picked up DB Xenoverse double-pack and DQ Heroes II from the recent PSN sale. Also got my hands on the FFVII and Trials of Mana remakes. Here's hoping Square follows suit with Chrono Trigger.

Also came up with a new headcanon for if they ever remake Trigger and Cross. *mutters* Damn you, overactive imagination... >_<

Other than that doing fine all things considered. Not huge on the idea of all the states reopening up so soon though. Every time I see it mentioned, my first thought is always; "And the Darwin Award goes to..." That's probably my outer pessimist talking though.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2020, 02:16:25 pm by skylark »