Yeah, I knew the psionics were the work of the Vorlons. This is why, after the last Shadow War 2000 years ago, the Narn ended up killing off those of their own species with with the genetic capacity (which they later regretted).
Interesting enough, they also mentioned that the techno-mages were the same equivalent, except created by the Shadows. However, the techno-mages ultimately rebelled against their masters, took their new technology-based powers, and split.
By the way -- I had done a rewatch of B5 this year and have yet to watch
Crusade. I always LOVED the character of Marcus Cole. His whole LOtR Ranger-vibe and his collapsible Minbari bo-staff was wicked awesome. I remember watching season 4 as a kid and was devastated by his death.
Even in the rewatch I love his character. His sort of jovial snarkiness evaded me when I saw this in the mid-1990s, but now as an adult I dig it.
Regardless, I went to Jason Carter's website and found his email. I've never done fan mail before, so I was up late one night and on a whim decided to email him. He responded a few days later and we had a short little exchange.
He's an incredibly charming person in real life, at least from his emails. One of the things that stood out to me was how close he and Richard Biggs were; I had seen in videos from cons that they had been friends, but it was clear in our exchanges that they really were great friends. In fact, he was the one who brought up their friendship - he mentioned how he loved working with ALL of the staff,
"including my very dear, greatly missed, friend Richard Biggs. We had so much fun."I meant to tell you before. This was back in January/early February.