Author Topic: Why did Porre invade?  (Read 15359 times)


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Why did Porre invade?
« Reply #30 on: September 22, 2005, 01:44:43 pm »
Porre invaded because they recieved Hi Tech weapons from lynx. Once they destroyed Guardia they headed for El Nido and Fate could influence porre in some way to attack.

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Why did Porre invade?
« Reply #31 on: September 22, 2005, 03:10:47 pm »
Pokemon, Lynx coulden't give them any Hi-Tech weapons for one simple reason.



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Why did Porre invade?
« Reply #32 on: September 22, 2005, 06:06:09 pm »
Lynx existed AFTER 1005 (1007 the earliest), so there is no way possible he could have been responsible.  Its funny when people try and blame him for Guardia's fall.


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Why did Porre invade?
« Reply #33 on: October 05, 2005, 02:03:12 am »
My personal theory is that there was a coup in Porre, by Dalton or someone, and they became a military superpower. Not sure but whoever is responsible for the coup, if they got there hands on the Masamune they may have been able to beat the whole Guardian army and Crono easily.

Anyways, peole can only speculate what happened to the Masamune after Frog was done using it in 600 A.D. Most say it was stored at Guardia Castle, or he possibly returned it to the Denadoro Mts. Another theory I thought of is he passed it on to his kid, or apprentice (like Tata).

The only thing supporting my Dalton theory is one of the two guys on the life skips a beat FMV swordfighting has long hair. Anyway, I can say quite easily that the Masamune was probably Porre's main source of power when they attacked Guardia/Truce.


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Why did Porre invade?
« Reply #34 on: October 05, 2005, 03:20:44 am »
I always thought that it was due to FATE.

I was thinking that in the ideal time line (Crono and co one) Porre never invaded Guardia. The future was peaceful. FATE was created with Chronopolis.
Time Crash.

By 1000AD, The Porreans who went to El Nido may have come back with elements or super weapons from Fort Dragonia or other places because of Dinopolis or Chronopolis. They invade in 1006AD, and they win. Etc, Etc,


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Why did Porre invade?
« Reply #35 on: October 05, 2005, 02:21:35 pm »
You think it was Dalton, because he has long hair...  I've seen the theory before.  Its the type of theory I don't like:  One that has no hard evidence, only circumstancial evidence, ei "long hair."  Come now, your not trying to say that Dalton is the only person who has long hair, are you?  I need more proof to give that theory any credance.

Here is why I don't think FATE/El Nido had anything to do with Porre's rise.

On the saved timeline, time progressed till FATE was made, and then Time Crash, El Nido is made, and were on Timeline CC.  One of FATE's purposes is to preserve the timeline in order that it still exists, as not to create a causal loop.  FATE/El Nido being the reason for Porre's rise/Guardia's fall would be one big ass change in history, and would possibly jepordize its existance.  FATE influencing any major change in history goes directly agianst its programming.  So basically, we must assume that FATE/El Nido most likely did not have a role to play in Porre's rise.


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Why did Porre invade?
« Reply #36 on: October 05, 2005, 06:14:44 pm »
Remember, FATE by 1020 doesn't obey it's programming. It's almost as if it has evolved beyond it's AI restrictions. Hello.. It is using Wazuki is an outside terminal point. Lynx went out of Zenan. He helped Porre. Porre in turn came to El Nido. That's a big change.. For instance if they all die in El Nido, but were supposed to have kids or something.

And then the Porreans head back to the mainland. FATE is not allowed to let anyone leave, but it does. I'm guessing if it still clings to it's programming, it's only not allowed to let the El Nido peolpe leave.


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Why did Porre invade?
« Reply #37 on: October 05, 2005, 06:24:01 pm »
Remember, FATE by 1020 doesn't obey it's programming. It's almost as if it has evolved beyond it's AI restrictions. Hello.. It is using Wazuki is an outside terminal point. Lynx went out of Zenan. He helped Porre. Porre in turn came to El Nido. That's a big change.. For instance if they all die in El Nido, but were supposed to have kids or something.

He can do whatever he wants with Lynx. He's not important to the timeline. As for Porre, maybe whatever assistance he got from them didn't effect the timeline. I'm sure FATE can do some things without completely mutating the course of history. And maybe Lynx only chose unimportant, insignificant people to come on the trip.

And then the Porreans head back to the mainland. FATE is not allowed to let anyone leave, but it does. I'm guessing if it still clings to it's programming, it's only not allowed to let the El Nido peolpe leave.

But by it's same programming, it can't keep them there because their dissapearance would be noticed in history. Your theory is flawed. Good day :)


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Why did Porre invade?
« Reply #38 on: October 05, 2005, 06:25:00 pm »
It supposed to avert major changes in History that would pontienally prevent its existance.  We know Lynx didn't majorly change history by going to Porre.  Hell, in 1005, Lynx doesn't even exist yet, and there is nothing at that point in time to indicate it was diviating from programming.  And remmber, Chronopolis has mahcines that can look across time and dimensions.  I'm pretty sure it could judge whats a major change, and whats an acceptable change.


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Why did Porre invade?
« Reply #39 on: October 06, 2005, 02:51:33 am »
Whatever, either way, FATE is rouge. Damn mother brain series lol.


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Why did Porre invade?
« Reply #40 on: October 06, 2005, 06:52:32 am »
What I don't understand is why FATE even needs to preserve its existence. It should have time-traveler immunity since the Time Crash. Plus, its existence in the past already prevent its existence in the future: FATE can't be built again like in the previous time-line, since Belthasar or any scientist would find an already complete Chronopolis on the island that they were planning to create Chronopolis on (or wouldn't even be able to reach the island)...


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Why did Porre invade?
« Reply #41 on: October 06, 2005, 10:02:00 am »
Well, FATE kind of proves two things. 1) TTI doesn't exist or was a plot hole from the beginning. 2) Not enough stuff was explained about it.

I'm not sure, but if FATE needs to be built in the future... Well. It wouldn't need to be built in the future actually. Schala would be saved in the new future where Belthasar appears in. But this time, he might actually want to build FATE to control the world.. OMG.... CHRONO BREAK IDEA! LOL


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Why did Porre invade?
« Reply #42 on: October 06, 2005, 06:37:43 pm »
I've been calling bullshit on TTI for a while now anyway.


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Why did Porre invade?
« Reply #43 on: October 06, 2005, 06:44:40 pm »
I don't think the game explained it well enough.


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Why did Porre invade?
« Reply #44 on: October 07, 2005, 07:21:31 am »
I never liked TTI or TB much anyway. I do like some other theories by Gray. And some theories I also like is like Time Error and just character theories. I'm, not really into the whole time travel theory, since there's pretty much no evidence to suggest it, since we just don't have the power to go to a time where we could see ourselves and disprove TB, and those chests that TTI is based on.... I don't get it. It works perfectly. If you open it in 600AD, they dissapear. If you don't, they stay in 1000AD, and then You can take them in 600AD.. lol.