Temporal Flux loads all tiles and known palettes at ROM load. Plugins can't update the loaded copy, so I'd have instruct users to save the ROM and reopen it.
Actually making some kind of graphics editing tool remains the biggest challenge.
Upon loading Temporal Flux (during the TileEditor_plugins Constructor()), load the check _ifHasBeenModified, (display a 'warning msg box' since the tile editor has been loaded with a ROM that hasn't been 'fitted' yet). I can't imagine someone trying to load plugins after loading a ROM so this would be done at ROM load.
Graphical editing for subtiles and their swatches should be an intuitive interface.
A 32x32 tile edit window for editing the tiles for the TileSet Editor ITSELF, (export/import tile, as well as pallet gfx) as well as the amount of pallet colors (in a list of all pallet colors in grid of color boxes), clicking a box loads the old RGB(255) slider window for selecting color.
There's a shell of a design at the very least.
* Temporal Flux Plugin Architecture 1.00Is this no longer updated?
How can we make (easier) new plugins for ourselves?
For instances make a button that changes every Death Peak Music Track (to Singing Mountain), and edit/update the event files to use Singing Mountain rather than Silent Light. (ie. edit a string of commands and events files in Temporal Flux in one file or button.