Wtf... Zenning had a point.
There are only 2 time lines in CT. It is canon. Anything else is not. The portals produced that sent the Guru's and Janus were most likely due to something to do with Lavos. Since Janus, Melchior and Belthasar were the first to be sent through the time portals, they counted as the '3'. When Gaspar was ported, he arrived in the area of the End of Time. I doubt the Entity did anything at all since It disturb things. I mean, if the entity did it, it'd be smarter to send Melchior to Belthasar so they could plan something out or All 3 Guru's in one area, and Janus to the EoT. You know..
Also, the Entity most likely didn't do anything until it realise it was about to die (1999AD -2300AD) Ofcourse, it all is based if you believe that the Planet is the entity and that the planet acctually died in 2300AD or was dead by then. And only then did it start dreaming. Also, I'm starting to think that CT is not only about timelines, but also dimensions. There has to be a dimension where Lavos does win. Not just a timeline. Since in any original time line, Marle probably never escaped the Castle to go to the telepod, which might mean that it wasn't just the entity that could have caused the time portal, but acctually the powers in the pendant. Any similarities to the FF? By being sucked backwards in time? Think about it