General Tropes
Climax Boss - The Neo Dalton Imperial, with the man himself at the helm.
Disc-One Final Boss - Dalton, ultimately paling in comparison to Big Bad Daere.
Fake Memories - Daere, upon his big reveal, accuses Cain of giving these to himself. The fact that Cain recalls events that could not possibly have happened in Children of Zeal aids in Daere's claim. Ultimately subverted in Chrono Break to have been a Xanatos Gambit on Daere's part to utterly break Cain's spirit. Cain's memories were real, but Daere's plan works for a time.
Heroic Sacrifice - Cain makes a desperate one to save Zero from Dalton's ambush, setting up the final battle of the story.
Humongous Mecha - It turns out that Lion Tanks hadn't been the only weapons Porre had been working on. Que the Neo Dalton Imperial.
Mythology Gag - The form King Zeal takes during the mid-story battle is eerily reminiscent of Queen Zeal, being that of a helmeted face and two gauntlets with a body consisting of ethereal mass. When you add Norestein Bekkler into the mix, one gets the idea that all three characters ultimately managed to achieve some form of Zealian enlightenment.
Super Mode - Cain has one in which his right arm becomes surrounded by glowing runes. During it, he utilizes the power of all six elements. In Zeal, this phenomenon was known as 'the Sixth Gate', one step away from complete enlightenment. Zero ends up opening the Sixth Gate during the final battle with Dalton as well.
Wham Episode - Of which there are plenty.
* The discovery of Daere creating countless clones of Schala in the tanks of the Porrean base, and the awakening of Zero.
* The Zeal ruins north of Medina housing King Alphard's tomb, the man himself living on as a restless spirit, and the reveal of Cain to the rest of the party being from Zeal.
* The reveal of Dalton as Porre's Supreme Commander, and the subsequent failure of any attempt to end hostilities between Porre and Guardia as a result.
* The reveal of Daere being an alternate timeline Cain, and his subsequent shattering of the latter's spirit when he reveals that Schala has been Dead All Along.
* Dalton surviving Cain's skirmish and invading Guardia from the Dimensional Distortion. Followed by Cain's Heroic Sacrifice and Zero killing Dalton in revenge.
* Daere using the planet's 'power spots' to trigger a Chrono Break, causing the world to distort and chaos to spread.
* Zero waking up moments later alone on Opassa Beach, seeing the state of the world, and collapsing in a panic, seeing of all people Serge, Kid, and Magil trying to help her before she blacks out.
(will be updated occasionally)