:O Nudists!
Looking good. Keep it up.
Nuidists? Where!

Chrono Trigger is a master piece and I don't think I can replicate such a complicated and wonderful story. However it would be cool to make something kinda similar right? And since were all adults now, I think we can stomach a bit more mature subject matter. I mean, the "Witcher 3" has some straight up nuidty going on. Ours is more for laughs.

Damn that looks great! Your artist is doing a wonderful job and you're doing great with this project!
Thank you! The code has slowed down a little bit as we wait for the artists to get some work done. Once they have landscape and buildings done, we can implement the new graphics into the game and continue to refine how it all comes together. The new character models are modeled after Chrono and we are looking to get similar, not exact copies, but similar animations in for the tech system. The art is expensive and takes time to create, but it is well worth the effort and money.
Collect additional art assets to get some basic maps up and running.
Create professions to put non-combat content in the game.
Create a few basic single player tech moves. (no team based techs yet)
Create a private demo that will let you play to a max character and professions level of 20.
Collect bug reports and fix those over and over.
Rinse and repeat.
Then once you guys and my community and a few close friends in the industry say it has enough polish, then we attempt to do a Kickstarter. However, Kickstarter ONLY when their is a stable playable game, this way, people know that their money is being used wisely! Our team doesn't want to be on one of those "Kickstarter Fails/Scams" youtube videos :O
We want to instill complete confidence in our community of friends and gamers!
Anyhow, if anyone has questions, please ask