Creating a combat system similar to Chrono Trigger is no easy task. But if you break down each of their systems into smaller pieces of tech, it can be much easily achieved.
My approach to build a similar system is to break up each tech or technique into several smaller parts. Some parts would be, screen flash, shape drawing, character animation, speeds, etc.
Here is a small video of me getting some very very basic things up and running. The video doesn't show a full tech, but a few smaller parts that I am working on currently. (seizure warning)
In the video you will find 4 simple effects.
- Map black flash
- Map white flash
- Basic line draw
- Basic circle draw
The four examples are heavily used in CT techs. Although they are much more polished in CT. But hey you gotta start somewhere.
EDIT: Extended the effects manager to be able to play more than one effect at a time. Added a second YouTube video link. Seizure warning!! I binded the effects to my keyboard and just spammed the crap out of them.