All I know is SoM 2 (the originally unreleased SoM) for SNES was perfect. It took repetition a little to the extreme, but was a fun story with a pretty good customizable-level up mechanic. Most games nowadays take it to the extreme (cough cough* lookin at YOU Valkyrie Profiles cough cough*) which tends to drag on the fun. Seiken for the Gameboy was absolutely perfection also. A little long, but only until I figured out some walls were breakable.
Also, since I play SoM for the SNES brand style, I'm not really caring for 3D by any stretch, but I'll probably definitely buy a copy to support them. As soooon as I get Switch. And after OctoPath game. And my second playthrough of 4Heroes of Light on my DS. When Lucca finally builds me a time machine like she's been promising. @_@ haha >)