Author Topic: Doppelganger Modification: Cheat Code HELP! Needed!  (Read 6743 times)


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Doppelganger Modification: Cheat Code HELP! Needed!
« on: April 09, 2019, 12:58:23 pm »
Its big endian in the code, little endian in RAM.
0x1000 in a code is 0x00 10 in RAM.

Ok, I tested, and this is the deal.
Code: [Select]
800719A0 0001 - Serge
800719A0 0002 - Kid
800719A0 0004 - Guile
800719A0 0008 - Norris
800719A0 0010 - Nikki
800719A0 0020 - Viper
800719A0 0040 - Riddel
800719A0 0080 - Karsh
800719A0 0100 - Zoah
800719A0 0200 - Marcy
800719A0 0400 - Korcha
800719A0 0800 - Luccia
800719A0 1000 - Poshul
800719A0 2000 - Razzly
800719A0 4000 - Zappa
800719A0 8000 - Orcha
800719A2 0001 - Radius
800719A2 0002 - Fargo
800719A2 0004 - Macha
800719A2 0008 - Glenn
800719A2 0010 - Leena
800719A2 0020 - Miki
800719A2 0040 - Harle
800719A2 0080 - Janice
800719A2 0100 - Draggy
800719A2 0200 - Starky
800719A2 0400 - Sprigg
800719A2 0800 - Mojo
800719A2 1000 - Turnip
800719A2 2000 - NeoFio
800719A2 8000 - Skelly
800719A4 0001 - Funguy
800719A4 0002 - Irenes
800719A4 0004 - Mel
800719A4 0008 - Leah
800719A4 0010 - Van
800719A4 0020 - Sneff
800719A4 0040 - Steena
800719A4 0080 - Doc
800719A4 0100 - Grobyc
800719A4 0200 - Pierre
800719A4 0400 - Orlha
800719A4 0800 - Pip
note that each of these codes will set the player's character list to exactly ONE character. The character whose name is listed.
Add up the 0001 ~ 8000 value for each character you want to have in your party, but pay carefull attention to the 719A0 / 2 / 4 address. Only add up numbers that share the same address.
So add any characters from Serge to Orcha together, but don't add Radius to Serge. Radius belongs in the second code.
I hope that makes sense.

Can someone *cough* Satoh *cough* figure out the exact values for the game shark code for each doppelganger enemy? i know it's either 1,2,4,8 for each, individual "?" but i would love a list like how Satoh did for another user!

800712B8 ????
800712BA ????
800712BC ????
800712BE ????
800712C0 ????
800712C2 ????
800712C4 ????
800712C6 ????
800712C8 ????
800712CA ????
800712CC ????
800712CE ????
800712D0 ????
800712D2 ????
« Last Edit: April 09, 2019, 12:59:24 pm by itoikenza »


  • Iokan (+1)
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Re: Doppelganger Modification: Cheat Code HELP! Needed!
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2020, 09:01:35 pm »

800712B8 ????
800712BA ????
800712BC ????
800712BE ????
800712C0 ????
800712C2 ????
800712C4 ????
800712C6 ????
800712C8 ????
800712CA ????
800712CC ????
800712CE ????
800712D0 ????
800712D2 ????

Just look enemy list from ccenemyedit or what its posted over here and follow that order
**EDIT: Oh its on that image chart you uploaded. the first code is for  the first 16 enemies and adds it to doppelgang list

800712B8+XXXX, for first 16 enemies following the list.
0000 = none of them available, FFFF = all of them will appear on list
0001 = Radius
0002 = Beach Bum
0004 = Sand Squirt
0008 = Komodo Pup
0010 = Opah Fish
0020 = Mama Komodo
0040 = Karsh
0080 = Solt
0100 = Peppor
0200 = Tetze Fly
0400 = Wraith
0800 = Mama Dingo
1000 = Bubba Dingo
2000 = Drongo
4000 = Dodo
8000 = Solt

800712BA+XXXX Second group
800712BC+XXXX Third group...
And as the same goes..

They are Hex values, so different values will add more characters/enemies to the list, all combinations are possible. looks like just need sum any of them with an Hex calc. so 00FF  will be the first 8 characters available on list.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2020, 06:51:46 am by Maximus »