Since Another Eden is full of references and straight out straight copies from Chrono Trigger, I thought I'd post a comparison of the games world maps here, incase anyone is interested. Huge huge spoilers up ahead, so stop now if you havent gotten into Another Eden yet. The maps I pulled out of the japanese site.
PresentPresent is where both games start and the setting is post-medieval/renaissance type. Another Eden (300AD) is not so high-tech as Chrono Trigger (1000AD) (for example Lucca Ashtear in Another Eden is not tinkering with tech).
Chrono Trigger:

Another Eden:

The maps are definately different, but there are some similarities:
-The starting town is at about the same location
-Some mountain ranges match up
-The island, where you do a similar thing in both games lines up

-The place where beasts live is at a similar location
The Future (1100AD) in Another Eden is partly floating, because the Earth is poisoned. Maybe a reference/another timeline to the domed 1999AD? I'm gonna compare with the CT's 1999AD fanmade map, since I think that is maybe more closer to the Future in AE.
Chrono Trigger:

Another Eden:

The ground in AE is foggy and partly hidden, so its hard to see. It seems there are 3 continents on the ground, and one larger one and few smaller floating. Some notes:
-The large floating one could be the Porre continent, and the ones on the ground could be the other large ones
-The upper right floating island is again the place where you do the thing

-The floating island on the lower right is called Laula Dome, which underlines the dome thing from Chrono Trigger
-Kingdom of Zeal reference, anyone?
The setting of antiquity in AE is kind of a mix of prehistory and the Kingdom of Zeal royalty, without any tech stuff.

The Antiquity (20,000BC) in AE seems to have a one-continent type thing going on, just like in prehistory of CT. The vicinity of the Volcano is more prehistory-like, whereas the kingdom in the west is more CT-antiquity. This is maybe the map with most similarity. Just move the volcano to the upper right in the big continent and let the river flow into the middle and you could have nearly the same map. Frog from AE is from this time period.
-That island in the corner is "still" there

Hopefully there is something interesting here to look at and speculate about. If you havent yet gotten into it (and you looked at this and partly spoiled yourself), I urge you to give AE a try! There are just so many similar things, that there might even be a canon connection lurking somewhere!