Author Topic: Did Belthasar Plan Project Kid?  (Read 29164 times)


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Did Belthasar Plan Project Kid?
« Reply #210 on: September 14, 2005, 06:40:31 pm »
The Third Party member and Kid are NOT authorities on temporal mechanics.

TTI has PLENTY of evidence.  I can hardly believe you still deny it.  The TB is NEVER contradicted once.


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Did Belthasar Plan Project Kid?
« Reply #211 on: September 14, 2005, 06:43:35 pm »
There's infinite dimensions, just for the sake of argument, I guess. But yea, I always figured the Tesseract was linked to ALL dimensions, and the Time Devourer's maturation would mean the end of everything. Period.


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Did Belthasar Plan Project Kid?
« Reply #212 on: September 14, 2005, 11:10:14 pm »
Geez, I know I explained the idea I had awfully, mostly because the concepts I used are completely crossovering ones in the series, and seriously, it's something that is so logical that it can be better understood if thaught of than being explained... I was absurdly redundant just to the case someone couldn't get the reason why a single tesseract would cause a paradox by himself...

Dinopolis Timeline exists. Dinopolis Timeline doesn't exist. Both things together = Hum... Paradox by an error in the storyline, simply something the staff didn't even care about and us mere stoopid players are discussing about so vigorously? Or do the staff mean that there is one Tesseract per dimension? None of those options?
Right now I'll go with the one tesseract per dimension o.o

And it doesn't matter how many dimensions are known, in CC a Chronopolitan states that all of it is a matter of possibility. And if the game staff didn't mean that there are "other dimensions" than the ones in the CT-CC storyline, probably there wouldn't be info from RD inside Chronopolis ¬¬" Of course there should be plenty of other meanings to that, but one is possibly that.


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Did Belthasar Plan Project Kid?
« Reply #213 on: September 14, 2005, 11:17:26 pm »
Quote from: Zaperking

Schala "Kid" Zeal even says "I'll look for ya mate, in any time, in any place, in anydimension"

I thought it was established that nothing more was meant for this than Schala/Kid's dedication to finding Zeal...

To quote Sentenal...

The Third Party member and Kid are NOT authorities on temporal mechanics.  


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Did Belthasar Plan Project Kid?
« Reply #214 on: September 15, 2005, 03:22:33 am »
Quote from: Sentenal
The Third Party member and Kid are NOT authorities on temporal mechanics.

TTI has PLENTY of evidence.  I can hardly believe you still deny it.  The TB is NEVER contradicted once.

So, Does that make you and Gray the temporal mechanics? NO! I mean, it's nice you make all these theories, but game evidence is game evidence for crying out loud. IF IT IS STATED IN THE GAME, THEN IT IS TRUE. They experianced more to do with dimensional hopping then you did, looking through the eyes of Serge anyway.

Where does TTI have evidence? We are never told of anything to do with it. Saying the entity caused Marle to escape or talking about how there are more than one time line to prove this was how Marle dissapeared is pure speculation. It's pure fanfiction. This is why I hate Chrono Trigger fanfiction >.> Anything to do with pure speculation. Atleast if your going to try and tell me something has evidence, prove it with a statement from in the game, and maybe then ill rest my case.
TB is not proven because no character has ever dissapeared. Even the Gaspar or Belthasar never stated this. No one in the game stated Time Bastard.
We DO NOT KNOW how time works in the Chrono Universe. Going back in time may not cause problems that we think today from reading books and watching movies. The main point in CT is that you can't go back like 5 minutes when you go back to a time period. If the plot has happened, then it's happened. The Time Travellers leave and are gone from the time line till they get back to theres. And we can't go back to like 5 seconds before they dissapeared to see them, hence it doesn't exist. In a conseptual theory, maybe, otherwise it's not clear and justified.


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Did Belthasar Plan Project Kid?
« Reply #215 on: September 15, 2005, 02:56:02 pm »
Quote from: Zaperking


Let's see...Damn herograw is down, I can't get the script. Time to go off of memory!

So you then believe that the Entity is presonsible for the gates, and all of them? Cool, nice to have another person in my corner!


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Did Belthasar Plan Project Kid?
« Reply #216 on: September 15, 2005, 05:05:50 pm »
First, I'd like to applaud the thread's name change which makes it clear what it is...although it now lacks my specific flair :P

Quote from: Zaperking
Where does TTI have evidence? We are never told of anything to do with it...

At least if your going to try and tell me something has evidence, prove it with a statement from in the game, and maybe then ill rest my case.

TB is not proven because no character has ever dissapeared. Even the Gaspar or Belthasar never stated this. No one in the game stated Time Bastard.

Gravity is never specifically stated by any character in game, do you then not really believe that gravity is a part of the Chrono world? The player isn't given everything on a plate. Some things have to be figured out yourself. TTI gets a lot of it's evidence, I believe, from the sealed chests...but I'm not a big expert on the dynamics myself...


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Did Belthasar Plan Project Kid?
« Reply #217 on: September 15, 2005, 06:34:01 pm »
The major point that disproves TTI is Chronopolis, it's people and FATE. FATE is having like mental breakdowns trying to ensure that nothing can cause it not to be built in the future. Wonder know why? Because the people in Zenan are destined to give birth to the people that will one day be in the Time Crash, and people who will be assigned to build FATE.
If FATE was in a pocket dimension, or in 2400AD but in some temportal distortion in 7600BC, then FATE might truely be immune, but it's not.

Can you retell me the thing about the sealed chests? I don't see how it proves TTI. It's an item... How can that be counted as a time traveller. Besides the point that if you take it out at 600AD, it wont be there in 1000AD, and if you get it at 1000AD, it'll be there in 600AD obviousally, it all depends when you got it.


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Did Belthasar Plan Project Kid?
« Reply #218 on: September 15, 2005, 07:25:32 pm »
Geez, I know I explained the idea I had awfully, mostly because the concepts I used are completely crossovering ones in the series, and seriously, it's something that is so logical that it can be better understood if thaught of than being explained... I was absurdly redundant just to the case someone couldn't get the reason why a single tesseract would cause a paradox by himself...

Dinopolis Timeline exists. Dinopolis Timeline doesn't exist. Both things together = Hum... Paradox by an error in the storyline, simply something the staff didn't even care about and us mere stoopid players are discussing about so vigorously? Or do the staff mean that there is one Tesseract per dimension? None of those options?
Right now I'll go with the one tesseract per dimension o.o

And it doesn't matter how many dimensions are known, in CC a Chronopolitan states that all of it is a matter of possibility. And if the game staff didn't mean that there are "other dimensions" than the ones in the CT-CC storyline, probably there wouldn't be info from RD inside Chronopolis ¬¬" Of course there should be plenty of other meanings to that, but one is possibly that.

I still have no idea what you're talking about. Dinopolis exists, then doesn't exist? WTF?


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Did Belthasar Plan Project Kid?
« Reply #219 on: September 15, 2005, 07:25:38 pm »
Fate isn't all powerful, it clearly states in the game that there are more than likely more than 2 dimensions, if your gonna speculate, then one could say that the RD story is in another dimension too.  The tesseract really only makes sense to say it exist everywhere, why else would it be so feared if it only existed in one or two dimensions.  Most of the game is based on speculation, kinda like the Bible, you can take it for what it says, or you can over analyze everything because you were looking for the real meaning behind it, just take the game for what it is and enjoy it instead of trying to explain something that no one except for SE (and i doubt even they can) can explain.


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Did Belthasar Plan Project Kid?
« Reply #220 on: September 15, 2005, 08:09:21 pm »
Quote from: AuraTwilight
Geez, I know I explained the idea I had awfully, mostly because the concepts I used are completely crossovering ones in the series, and seriously, it's something that is so logical that it can be better understood if thaught of than being explained... I was absurdly redundant just to the case someone couldn't get the reason why a single tesseract would cause a paradox by himself...

Dinopolis Timeline exists. Dinopolis Timeline doesn't exist. Both things together = Hum... Paradox by an error in the storyline, simply something the staff didn't even care about and us mere stoopid players are discussing about so vigorously? Or do the staff mean that there is one Tesseract per dimension? None of those options?
Right now I'll go with the one tesseract per dimension o.o

And it doesn't matter how many dimensions are known, in CC a Chronopolitan states that all of it is a matter of possibility. And if the game staff didn't mean that there are "other dimensions" than the ones in the CT-CC storyline, probably there wouldn't be info from RD inside Chronopolis ¬¬" Of course there should be plenty of other meanings to that, but one is possibly that.

I still have no idea what you're talking about. Dinopolis exists, then doesn't exist? WTF?



Ok, let's go:

When Dinopolis timeline is sucked from its dimension and thrown at Chronos's dimension it ceases to exist inside its dimension, thus ending up in the Tesseract, BUT this time line still existed at a point in the flow of time inside Chronos's dimension, before it merged with the Chronos's Keystone T-1 timeline and became Keystone T-2. If there is only ONE Tesseract, at that special point in the flow of time, Dinopolis timeline was at the same time inside the Tesseract and outside of it too.


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Did Belthasar Plan Project Kid?
« Reply #221 on: September 16, 2005, 06:21:02 pm »
Ok, you're slightly confused. Dinopolis TIMELINE wasn't pulled into the Keystone timeline. Just Dinopolis CITY. The reason the timeline shifted from T-1 to T-2 is because of the Time Crash.


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Did Belthasar Plan Project Kid?
« Reply #222 on: September 16, 2005, 10:04:16 pm »
Quote from: AuraTwilight
Ok, you're slightly confused. Dinopolis TIMELINE wasn't pulled into the Keystone timeline. Just Dinopolis CITY. The reason the timeline shifted from T-1 to T-2 is because of the Time Crash.


I'm sorry, but the one who's utterly confused is you.

You see, when you move a determined piece of space-time it's the time and space which are moved, not only space. So when Dinopolis was pulled into Keystone T-1, it was the space-time that formed its timeline which was pulled, not only its spacial content.

If only space was moved through time/dimension travels the past of the travelling subject would become nonexistent, and there would prolly be many other paradoxal effects, or put it simply, if the game stated that only space could travel through time/dimensions, it would be stupidity. Imho, that is. And I really believe that if there's one adjective that couldn't define the staff team from both Chronos is stupidity. Slight mistakies, yes.  ABSOLUTELY inteligent plot, yes. Hopefully, they know what they're doin'.

AuraTwilight, use ur brainnnnnnn man, c'mon, dun be lazy ><

Case closed?


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Did Belthasar Plan Project Kid?
« Reply #223 on: September 16, 2005, 10:36:21 pm »
If what you're saying is true, then time and space would be REALLY screwed up after Terra Tower came to Another. From what it looksl like, you're saying that the two timelines are co-existing at time. And space.

If that's true, then wouldn't everything that's not the reptite timeline get cancelled out? I just can't see how two timelines can co-exist at the same space.


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Did Belthasar Plan Project Kid?
« Reply #224 on: September 16, 2005, 10:40:18 pm »
Quote from: cupn00dles
Quote from: AuraTwilight
Ok, you're slightly confused. Dinopolis TIMELINE wasn't pulled into the Keystone timeline. Just Dinopolis CITY. The reason the timeline shifted from T-1 to T-2 is because of the Time Crash.

You see, when you move a determined piece of space-time it's the time and space which are moved, not only space. So when Dinopolis was pulled into Keystone T-1, it was the space-time that formed its timeline which was pulled, not only its spacial content.

If only space was moved through time/dimension travels the past of the travelling subject would become nonexistent, and there would prolly be many other paradoxal effects, or put it simply, if the game stated that only space could travel through time/dimensions, it would be stupidity. Imho, that is. And I really believe that if there's one adjective that couldn't define the staff team from both Chronos is stupidity. Slight mistakies, yes.  ABSOLUTELY inteligent plot, yes. Hopefully, they know what they're doin'.

If you walk along the sidewalk, you move through space-time, not drag space-time along with you.  Chrono Cross supposes that the universe has more than four dimensions, which contain other space-time continua.  Dinopolis passed through a space-time distortion, like a wormhole.  The matter and energy which make up Dinopolis were moved from their space-time location in the Reptite dimension to the space-time location of the Sea of Eden in the Chrono dimension.  The world-line of Dinopolis, stretches unbroken back through the worm-hole to its original location.