Author Topic: Square could have done better with CT's look.  (Read 2982 times)


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Square could have done better with CT's look.
« on: September 01, 2005, 02:52:19 pm »
The other day I was watching T.V. and saw an ad for the 10th Anniversary DVD set of "Toy Story."  At first I said "oh shit I can't believe its ten years old."  Now with CT and its 10th anniversary I am wondering why the game didn't have better look, and pushed the SNES to its greatest possible limit.  I'm not saying Squaresoft should have done to CT what PIXAR did with toy story, but it could have been closer.  I do appreciate how great the game looks which is remarkable, but I just wonder if they could have done better with the hardware then?  Thoughts?


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Square could have done better with CT's look.
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2005, 05:09:23 pm »
You know, I always thought an RPG with Final Fantasy Tactics graphics would be fun (kind of like Breath of Fire 3 and 4). I'm sure they could have done something similar to that on the SNES, especially considering Mario RPG's look.

Square actually released an original game with Mario-like graphics in '96 called Treasure Hunter G. (see this link: ) I've never played too far into it, but the characters look nifty. I still prefer Chrono Trigger's graphics, though. There's just something charming about that generation of RPG graphics -- not even the mighty Final Fantasy 7 can touch it.


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Square could have done better with CT's look.
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2005, 05:32:29 pm »
I personally think Seiken Densetsu 3 has much better graphics than Chrono Trigger.


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Square could have done better with CT's look.
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2005, 06:00:34 pm »
I dunno, CT really pushed the SNES close to its limits.  Even if you look at some of the last games to come out for it, such as Star Ocean, it's not exactly leaps and bounds better.


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Square could have done better with CT's look.
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2005, 06:23:29 pm »
I'll agree that Chrono Trigger possessed some potential that was never expounded upon.

For example, take the town scenes. You entered a house straight from a map, without actually having to walk down a street scene! If they given each town street scenes, like they actually did for Chrono Cross, it would've provided more detail into things, and a better look at that time period.

And then, there were the world maps. In my opinion, the world map system should have been more similar to Seiken Densetsu 2 (Secret of Mana in the U.S.), and interconnected each location to each other somehow. That would've added a good amount of depth and length.

The way Chrono Trigger was designed, you covered half of the planet in just a few minutes, from say, going south from Gaurdia to Porre! And that entirely negated the purpose of using the steamboat to travel between Guardia and Porre, especially when you don't even encounter enemies by traveling on the map.

And then, for the Epoch, they should've had dramatic camera angles, along with being able to rotate the view of the map while you're flying over it, much like when you had Flammie the dragon, also from Seiken Densetsu 2!


The fact that Squaresoft didn't do things like this for Chrono Trigger made it a REALLY short game, especially when you can walk around quickly, and battles are very quick, as well. Even if they'd added the "in-between" scenes, you'd still be able to get around quickly!

I'm able to finish a fresh new game in about between 12 and 18 hours, and that's even after completing every last sidequest, and getting each characters' ultimate weapons, and every last one of their techniques, dual techniques, and triple techniques, along with many secret accessories, like the colored Rocks.

Chrono Trigger was a nice game, but they still could've put more into it!


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Square could have done better with CT's look.
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2005, 07:12:46 pm »
Zenning, you have some valid points about the differences between Secret of Mana and CT, but owning both games and having played through them multiple times makes me lean more towards the CT way than the SoM way of doing things in regards to "the map".

What I mean is that in CT you are almost always stopped from progressing for "story" reasons, like you need to get a specific item, or person, etc.  But in SoM, many times your progression is limited PURELY by the terrain.  There's no great story reason for actions, but more like "damn I have to travel and hack through 100 more monsters just because."  It happens a few places in CT to be sure, but it's quite rare.  Personally I'm more of a "dungeon-focused" player than an "overworld-travel-focused" one, and while I would say that SoM had one of the richest environments to travel in the overworld, it DID become overly-tedious IMO.  So of the two, while I see the value in SoM's way of doing it (like I said, I own it, and thus DO like the game), I prefer CT's way better.

And as for flight, personally I found Flammie a bit odd to fly with.  Because of the "round" world of SoM, sometimes you went off in one direction with somewhat strange results because the ground APPEARED flat.  If you were travelling on a true sphere, and had perspective as such, it probably would have been easier, but I found it tedious most of the time.  While it was innovative, I prefer the "minimalist" approach of Epoch.

And really that's the difference for me: CT was much more minimalist in the annoyance department.  Rich where it needed to be, sparse where it SHOULD be.  But as this does run into personal preference, we are all free to prefer certain styles over others.


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Square could have done better with CT's look.
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2005, 07:35:09 pm »
Considering Akira Toriyama drew/designed the characters etc., I thought the game's visuals were appropriate to character design, and I really can't see them in a FF style game (Imagine Crono in FF6. Doesn't work with the game's visual style.)

Anyways, I kinda liked the town ideas, with the locations spread throughout. Made it feel more like an actual town, as opposed to one big town square that has a residential area. The bird's eye view of the world map is fine in my opinion due to the little touches in each era (I.e the drifting clouds in 1000 A.D., the blustering gale of the blizzard in 12000 B.C. etc.)


  • Earthbound (+15)
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Square could have done better with CT's look.
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2005, 11:15:31 pm »
Just to expand on your point Kazuki, theres really cool lightning and thunder effects if you wait around on the 2300 AD world map long enough.


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Square could have done better with CT's look.
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2005, 11:22:24 pm »
Yeah, 2300 A.D. would have lost much of it's ghost town (in this case, world) image without the wind blowing gloomily, and the bits of lightning were cool too.


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Square could have done better with CT's look.
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2005, 12:46:15 am »
They could've still had those effects in there. If anything, I believe having more close-ups of the 2300AD ruins would've been more interesting, but then again, it would just be a lot of Lab 16 and Lab 32 between the domes, when you weren't traveling relatively non-descript wasteland.

Well, I'm sure they could've done SOMETHING with it if they tried.


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Square could have done better with CT's look.
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2005, 03:46:03 am »
They COULD have had Crono take the speeder bike and ramp off the various destroyed, slanted buildings dotting the landscape.


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Square could have done better with CT's look.
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2005, 04:05:18 am »
Quote from: Weggy
They COULD have had Crono take the speeder bike and ramp off the various destroyed, slanted buildings dotting the landscape.

Oooooooooooooooooohhh yeeeaaahhh!!!

They probably could've made an F-Zero imitation out of it!

Well, they could've made more of a real race course out of it!

All that jet bike scene consists of is trying to be in front by the end of the race.


  • Temporal Warrior (+900)
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Square could have done better with CT's look.
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2005, 09:34:00 am »
Maybe with some debris you'd have to avoid; you could force Jonny to crash and explode!


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Square could have done better with CT's look.
« Reply #13 on: September 02, 2005, 09:40:13 am »
tats nice with all the tngs square could have done but your forgetting somthing very importent, space as i recall CT used up much of the space on the Rom i doubt that they could fit much more stuff.

besides i always found the ff6 style "hack through half a million monsters just to reach the next town on the map" very tedious whats so great about improving the overworld map anyway it doesn't make that much of a difference,


  • Earthbound (+15)
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Square could have done better with CT's look.
« Reply #14 on: September 02, 2005, 02:20:54 pm »
Yeah, CT was really big when it comes to bits and bytes.  I don't think they could have fit much more on the cart.