Consider the following image...

(7F030C) is simply a check to see if it's raining in the Hunting Range or not. I added 'fountains of sweet water' (in a part in the Tutorial Series).
From what we can tell, Crono's animation is Normal, Index of B, & 0 Loops.
Magus is using a LINK at his Arbitrary0 (so are all other PCs) to 08F2, which is CLONING Crono's arbitrary0, (that's what LINK does), this saves space, CPU time, etc. This is helpful for the same animations in a set. and using 3 ObjectFunction(with continue, or sync, not halt set), the PCs can do simultaneos animations.
Also, is your Magus the PC one or the Enemy one, I'm assuming he's in the Party and you want the animation set to be that. If you are using Enemy Magus, that's a different animation set also.
I have this information documented much more in the upcoming video tutorial series.
Stay tuned!
I hope this helps!