Author Topic: Chrono Trigger plus 2.0  (Read 27801 times)


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Re: Chrono Trigger plus 2.0
« Reply #30 on: June 14, 2022, 11:06:27 pm »

Is this version of it going to have the:

Epic lavos God cutscene Jesus Batman Christ the movie 2.0 meteor!! 11!!11!!
Cut seeing that I described in the tutorials?!

 ... Because in tutorial number 5 that is a homework assignment LOL.


Double posted double rainbow!! 🌈 🌈

Basically what we will be designing is a cutscene where Crono will be able to jump at Lavos after the final battle....

.... And during mid leap call to all beings across all timelines across the entire planet asking them to lend him energy...Goku style! After the four flawless elements are forged in time and timelessness and offer Crono as well as many other beings......Crono will be surrounded by the four elements and cast Gaia strike crashing into lavos and destroy lavos!

This completing tutorial number five of how to do this stuff!

There will be a few other tutorials after this main part of the series.... Most of it is recorded and done already I just have to do some finalization.

Check out tutorial number one of the series here:

More tutorials will be released soon!!!

I'm going to have to do this under a different username...
(Possibly my other account handle... firebrandwhip!!! Either an RF burn or Simon Belmont's fire whip from Castlevania 2!!)

« Last Edit: June 14, 2022, 11:10:35 pm by Zakyrus »

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Chrono Trigger plus 2.0
« Reply #31 on: June 15, 2022, 10:47:30 pm »
That sounds awesome. I like the change...

...too bad it fails and he dies.

We need to make sure these tutorials are being backed up. Youtube, Vimeo, maybe even here on the website. Does anyone know if the Compendium has an official YouTube account? I don't think we do, although there is that Crimson Echoes memorial / walkthrough channel that Faustwolf once owned. Hard to believe how long ago that was!


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Re: Chrono Trigger plus 2.0
« Reply #32 on: June 16, 2022, 03:31:46 am »
Yeah for sure backups would be nice I'm actually in the position to get ready to upload video two.

Of course some weird shenanigans happened and part of the content ended up missing (figures, lol)... However I still make up for it and cover events pretty well and actually the stuff that was missing I end up covering later and it's explained that this occurs...

I have a weird curse with YouTube right now it doesn't seem to want me to ever upload any of these that's why I was using Vimeo even though they don't give me as much storage I'll figure something out with that cuz I want it to be on several different sites at some point I will actually host it on my own domain as well.

However one thing I would like to know is does anybody want any particular content or something covered especially with events or maps I'm not the best with overworlds but I will do the best I can because I did cover graphical tile icons and that is another tutorial separate from the series but I'm going to release that soon as well!
