Well, we all know that the dragons created her on the night that they were temporarily free from their seal. I ment another word anyway. I know she's their daughter. She does have to be created from someones image to exist. That's why some people said her body is from Schala's DNA, her power consists of a bit of all the dragons. She has a tear (Blue Dragon), the flamey thingy on her eye (Red Dragon), her element is black (Black Dragon), She can fly/teleport (Sky Dragon), She has powdered make up (Yellow Dragon) and she is french.. umm... (Green Dragon) lol. That's just an example how it may work.
And she would need to have some sort of personality thing connect to the others, for they combine the lunar dragon, from which they all were once.
If you've ever listened to dragon god, the singing goes like this: Har-Lay, Har-lay moi don wa ma Har-Lay do don wa ma Har-Lay ma Har-Lay don wa ma Har-Lay.
The riff: (1:27)
Har-Lay, Har-Lay moi don wa ma Har-Lay do do wo Har-Lay do pa Har-Lay do don wa Har-Lay mo.
The last riff: (2:50)
Har-Lay, Har-Lay moi do wa ha Har-Lay, do wo Har-Lay do wo moi Har-Lay.
It's really hard to hear, but you can sure hear Harle if you listen closely. sometimes in the last riff, Moi is said without stopping in between Har-Lay, so it sounds like Maharleh.
P.S Where was Harle when the dragons merged :'(