This is inconsistant. Lets take a simple example. Take the Sealed Chests. If you open a chest in 600ad, that chest is gone in 1000ad. But lets say you didn't open it first in 600ad, you opened it in 1000ad. Now, you can go back to 600ad, and get the chest. But the same principle of how Marle was explained to have disappeared, the item you picked up at 1000ad should disappear. But it doesn't. Time Travelers Immunity.
Dude, that's getting into the mechanics of the game itself. Obviously, if you choose the chest in 1000AD before 600AD, the programmers aren't going to go to the trouble of making game semantics add up with what they want to say in the plot.
"Oh no, you still ended up taking the chest in 600AD! We're taking away your Blue Mail, and you're getting the Blue Vest! Suck it!"
EDIT: (That clearly wasn't the case; you could still get the Blue Vest in 600AD AFTER getting the Blue Mail in 1000AD, and STILL keep the Blue Mail from 1000AD even after you opened its chest in 600AD).
But, like I was trying to get across, the programmers didn't want to add anymore code than they absolutely had to. Thus, they let you keep the Blue Mail from 1000AD even after opening its chest in 600AD.
Umm, none of the characters are always right. From that logic, I can argue that Magus made Lavos because that is what every character in Medina village said. It obviously isn't true, but since it is in the game it has to be...right?
WELL, not EVERYTHING the characters say in the game is false, either!
It is a mix, but what is said in the game should still be the basis for any discussion; you must then build upon your discussion/argument, weighing against it other events and dialogue in the game.
Yeah, but when what a character says is contradicted by in-game evidence, you've got to assume that they were, in fact, false.
True! HOWEVER, we are never offered an alternate in-game explanation for Marle's disappearance. Henceforth, we can reasonably assume that what was said in the instance is true.
Besides, this "Time Traveler's Immunity" is something you guys have theorized here, not something officially part of the time traveling theories explicitly stated in the
Chrono series.