Ok, good! I actually enjoyed it much more when they were children, though. When they turn into adults it becomes like too epic, lol. But, it sure is a blast to play! I always come back for more with regards to the Breath of Fire series!
Omg, I know I loved the Capsule Monsters idea! A lot of my favorite characters come from the Lufia series like Dekar and Tia. I really have to get my hands on Lufia & The Fortress of Doom.
I know I recently re-played Secret of Mana and it was a blast! I grinded the Hell out of it. I just liked it's overall mystique. I have yet to beat Secret of Evermore I've always liked it more than SoM. Lol, remakes are always hit-or-miss I know being a Lunar fan.
Oh, I always just call it Earthbound I hate the Mother name. Anyway, yes. I love that game as well I'm always playing through it at points in my life. I also always main Ness in Super Smash Bros. and my friends are always like, "What game is he from?" And I'm just like, "Earthbound. It's an RPG." I definitely want to play through all the games in the series.
I've always loved all the SNES RPGs. Out of all of them I think my favorite might be Super Mario RPG because I'm such a Nintendo fan. It's the system I grew up with. Oh, and Harvest Moon's also pretty good.