Author Topic: Custom Boss(es) (99% Completed)  (Read 8921 times)


  • Architect of Kajar
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Custom Boss(es) (99% Completed)
« on: December 10, 2020, 08:09:36 pm »
Hey guys! Here's something that took us a couple of weeks (if not more xP) to accomplish from almost scratch!

We didn't knew how to edit Room Script properly, but after a little while..  :D

This is one of the extremely exciting things that we really wanted to add to CC!!

Lots of new things are possible to do now!
There's only the Battle Script left to be understood, I can change the Element the enemy is casting but that's pretty much it  :shock:

This is also on the to do list! I'll be giving updates on this too whenever I can!
Let us know what you think   :)


  • Earthbound (+15)
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Re: Custom Boss(es) (99% Completed)
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2021, 11:21:33 pm »
This is amazing - with custom bosses, it should be actually feasible to change more than average stats for enemies! I recall trying to follow a tutorial to change specific dialogue, but the process was a bit lengthy and quite complex. I can't imagine how much time and detail it took to do this!


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Re: Custom Boss(es) (99% Completed)
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2023, 01:55:07 pm »
I hope Grobyctw can share how did they succeed in this at some point. I am having some difficulties in adding new entities. Random things just stop working. Also, how did you do the recoloring of those bosses?

I can deal with battlescripts quite easily but what you have achieved here is impressive.

EDIT: Figured out the entity addition problem. If you increase the number of entities, you also have to change their number in the first file (0000.bin) in the script's cpt file.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2023, 05:57:49 pm by F-man »


  • Architect of Kajar
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Re: Custom Boss(es) (99% Completed)
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2023, 11:03:09 pm »
Hi F-man !
If you have any specific questions, don't hesitate to ask here
I'll try answering with the most info I can share! We haven't abandoned the project we're just really busy IRL with work & boring stuff hehe. Yes with all the tools around there's actually a lot that can be done!

Editing the color was a real challenge (at least for some images/texture) my fella synthesis14 is very good with Anim/3D/Photoshop
we got a pluggin that can extract & edit .tim file, but to re-inject it you have to edit in Hex a few bits to make it compatible again on the .iso after re-compiled by the pluggin (it was quite a feat  :lol: )

Oh also this Boss's model doesn't exist on CD1 (only on CD2) so we had too replace an existing one (TimeDevourer) that was long enough to fit it in (since Aquator/Pyrotor uses one of the biggest model size it's really limited to swap around with another one.) -> This makes TimeDevourer unable to fight in CD1, so beware which one you're swapping!

Yes exactly make sure the number of entities amount correspond in both file.
I remember the main issue most of the time was we don't have enough space for adding more scripts in open rooms. It is kind of limited sadly
« Last Edit: March 31, 2023, 11:37:54 pm by Grobycftw »


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Re: Custom Boss(es) (99% Completed)
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2023, 10:50:00 am »
Ok, I hoped you had found way to add more models to game. Though would have been really great, but replacing not needed models from relevant CD does kinda work.


  • Architect of Kajar
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Re: Custom Boss(es) (99% Completed)
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2023, 03:32:08 am »
I wouldn't know about adding more but definitely could custom new ones and use the unused space taken by the empty ones (dummies) and all the enemies that are only available in CD2 (assuming you don't play a Newgame+ and go to the Bend of Time which would be the only way to see them in CD1)