Hi F-man !
If you have any specific questions, don't hesitate to ask here
I'll try answering with the most info I can share! We haven't abandoned the project we're just really busy IRL with work & boring stuff hehe. Yes with all the tools around there's actually a lot that can be done!
Editing the color was a real challenge (at least for some images/texture) my fella synthesis14 is very good with Anim/3D/Photoshop
we got a pluggin that can extract & edit .tim file, but to re-inject it you have to edit in Hex a few bits to make it compatible again on the .iso after re-compiled by the pluggin (it was quite a feat

Oh also this Boss's model doesn't exist on CD1 (only on CD2) so we had too replace an existing one (TimeDevourer) that was long enough to fit it in (since Aquator/Pyrotor uses one of the biggest model size it's really limited to swap around with another one.) -> This makes TimeDevourer unable to fight in CD1, so beware which one you're swapping!
Yes exactly make sure the number of entities amount correspond in both file.
I remember the main issue most of the time was we don't have enough space for adding more scripts in open rooms. It is kind of limited sadly