Author Topic: Looking around for quality Chrono Trigger soundfonts/samples  (Read 1416 times)

Lavos, a one-eyed tick

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Looking around for quality Chrono Trigger soundfonts/samples
« on: December 18, 2020, 03:49:05 pm »
The most common Chrono Trigger soundfont (the Mathew Valente one which has been reposted to William Kage, etc) is woefully incomplete. There’s a couple samples I’m looking for, such as the Tyrano Lair intro sound, World Revolution/Lavos organ, the percussion and piano bass from the second part of Zeal Palace, the percussion from Secret of the Forest, some synths, etc etc. Anyone able to point me in the direction of a place I can pick up those samples?
I know soundfonts are pretty dated technology, but just thought I’d ask around.