Author Topic: Frog's Theme Intro Recreated  (Read 7303 times)

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Frog's Theme Intro Recreated
« Reply #15 on: March 08, 2021, 10:04:25 am »
Speaking of that hack Boo- I finally learned (5 years(?) too late) how to insert new PC graphics into the game correctly! I'm working on a tutorial to put up here on the compendium for player character insertion is it okay if I use NUWT's graphics for the tutorial?

Of course!

Also speaking of that hack, I can't seem to access verve fanworks. Is it down? I hope not, we had a lot of assets there that I don't have backups of! Namely, the map we made of 1999 that was fully functional! *weeps*

Yeah, it's gone. And I'm pretty sure it's not coming back. :/

I still have the backups of the items I created, but obviously none of them were inserted graphics or anything. Booooo!


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Re: Frog's Theme Intro Recreated
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2021, 01:21:36 pm »
Awesome! Thanks :D

And noooooo! I have the picture of the 1999 map but between PC changes, I can't  find the actual in game insertion of it, with graphics you made for the overworld. Verve whyyyyy.


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Re: Frog's Theme Intro Recreated
« Reply #17 on: May 03, 2022, 10:43:47 am »
This is really nice. I would like to see a simple hack that uses this version to replace the victory theme that plays when Frog appears for the first time in the Cathedral. The intro fanfare is ideal for that scene. I do however wonder if it's possible to skip the intro in other instances when the song is queued, such as when the king is talking to Frog in Guardia Castle shortly after Leene is rescued.

Otherwise, perhaps there is a way to keep both versions? The idea here is that the version with the intro is really good for certain action scenes (such as Frog's first appearance) but has too much of a kick for quieter scenes. This makes me wonder if it was the motive why the intro was dropped in the 1st place.