Pardon me for butting in - I can just respond to your very last question even though I know nothing about reverse engineering and nothing^2 about the playstation!
I built it OK, see below. git didn't clone "data/psyq" -- looks like a pointer to another git project, or something? I don't know git/github. Anyway, I downloaded that separately and copied the contents to .ghidra/... after the extension was installed.
Working Directory: /home/user/git/ghidra_psx_ldr
Gradle user home: /home/user/.gradle
Gradle Distribution: Local installation at /home/user/Downloads/gradle-7.4.2
Gradle Version: 7.4.2
Java Home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk-amd64
JVM Arguments: None
Program Arguments: -PGHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR=/home/user/ghidra_10.1.4_PUBLIC
Build Scans Enabled: false
Offline Mode Enabled: true
Gradle Tasks: <run default tasks>
> Task :copyDependencies NO-SOURCE
> Task :compileJava
Note: /home/user/git/ghidra_psx_ldr/src/main/java/ghidra/app/plugin/processors/sleigh/ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> Task :processResources
> Task :classes
> Task :indexHelp
> Task :buildHelp
INFO Using log config file: jar:file:/home/user/ghidra_10.1.4_PUBLIC/Ghidra/Framework/Generic/lib/Generic.jar!/generic.log4j.xml (LoggingInitialization)
INFO Using log file: /home/user/.ghidra/.ghidra_10.1.4_PUBLIC/application.log (LoggingInitialization)
[JavaHelpFilesBuilder] Generating Help Files for: [file:///home/user/git/ghidra_psx_ldr/src/main/help/help/]
[JavaHelpFilesBuilder] Generating map file: file:///home/user/git/ghidra_psx_ldr/build/help/main/help/ghidra_psx_ldr_map.xml...
[JavaHelpFilesBuilder] finished generating map file
[JavaHelpFilesBuilder] Generating TOC file: ghidra_psx_ldr_TOC.xml...
[JavaHelpFilesBuilder] finished generating TOC file
[JavaHelpFilesBuilder] Done generating help files for module: ghidra_psx_ldr
> Task :jar
> Task :zipSource
> Task :buildExtension
Created task ':buildExtension' property 'archiveBaseName'.task ':buildExtension' property 'archiveExtension' in task ':buildExtension' property 'destinationDirectory'
7 actionable tasks: 7 executed
Ghidra appears to have successfully analyzed SLUS_010.41 and SLUS_010.80 for me. (Language "PSX:LE:32:default:default")
0x4e868 (really 0x8004e868 for me) looks OK to me... but I don't know what I'm supposed to see hah. Screenshot attached.
This warning dialog appeared after analysis, but I think the extension is saying "warning" when it's really just info:
(These messages are also written to the application log file)
Applied OBJs for LIBCD.LIB: 13/51:
0x80024BDC: BIOS_2.OBJ, 3.47 entropy
0x80010220: S_024.OBJ, 2.92 entropy
0x80010220: S_013.OBJ, 2.92 entropy
0x80011EA8: S_005.OBJ, 2.22 entropy
0x80011EA8: S_003.OBJ, 2.22 entropy
0x800236BC: S_021.OBJ, 3.41 entropy
0x80010220: S_008.OBJ, 2.92 entropy
0x80010220: S_012.OBJ, 2.92 entropy
0x80049BF0: EVENT.OBJ, 3.69 entropy
0x80011EA8: S_004.OBJ, 2.22 entropy
0x80024FB8: SYS.OBJ, 4.30 entropy
0x8002369C: S_020.OBJ, 3.41 entropy
0x800236BC: S_022.OBJ, 3.41 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBC.LIB: 4/55:
0x80010414: MEMMOVE.OBJ, 4.09 entropy
0x80010334: ITOA.OBJ, 3.74 entropy
0x80010A94: STRTOK.OBJ, 3.68 entropy
0x80010324: A56.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBDS.LIB: 7/36:
0x800236BC: D3_003.OBJ, 3.41 entropy
0x80010220: D2_001.OBJ, 2.92 entropy
0x8002369C: DSSYS_3.OBJ, 3.41 entropy
0x800236BC: D3_002.OBJ, 3.41 entropy
0x80010220: D3_004.OBJ, 2.92 entropy
0x80024FB8: D3_006.OBJ, 4.30 entropy
0x80010220: D2_003.OBJ, 2.92 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBETC.LIB: 6/8:
0x80027AF4: INTR.OBJ, 4.31 entropy
0x800285C4: VMODE.OBJ, 2.17 entropy
0x800278E4: VSYNC.OBJ, 3.78 entropy
0x80028204: INTR_VB.OBJ, 3.91 entropy
0x80028324: INTR_DMA.OBJ, 4.39 entropy
0x80010220: PADSTOP.OBJ, 2.92 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBSPU.LIB: 26/126:
0x8004DD70: S_SNC.OBJ, 4.00 entropy
0x8004BA54: S_M_INIT.OBJ, 3.25 entropy
0x8003FC70: S_Q.OBJ, 2.81 entropy
0x80051894: S_SRA.OBJ, 3.69 entropy
0x8004BAB4: S_SI.OBJ, 3.91 entropy
0x8004B200: S_STM.OBJ, 3.21 entropy
0x80056440: S_SIA.OBJ, 3.87 entropy
0x8004BC34: S_CB.OBJ, 3.00 entropy
0x8004B1A0: S_STSA.OBJ, 4.05 entropy
0x800516C4: S_SRMT.OBJ, 4.38 entropy
0x80051D64: S_CRWA.OBJ, 4.26 entropy
0x80051F14: S_GRMDT.OBJ, 2.77 entropy
0x80029574: S_M_UTIL.OBJ, 3.85 entropy
0x80029474: S_DCB.OBJ, 2.96 entropy
0x8004BC64: S_R.OBJ, 4.10 entropy
0x8004BBF4: S_SIC.OBJ, 3.50 entropy
0x80051F14: S_GRMFB.OBJ, 2.77 entropy
0x800287D4: S_INI.OBJ, 3.70 entropy
0x800287B4: S_I.OBJ, 3.25 entropy
0x8004DDC0: S_GVEX.OBJ, 3.04 entropy
0x8004DDE0: S_SRMD.OBJ, 2.82 entropy
0x80051F14: S_GRMT.OBJ, 2.77 entropy
0x80028934: SPU.OBJ, 4.40 entropy
0x8003DD34: S_GR.OBJ, 2.96 entropy
0x8004BC64: S_W.OBJ, 4.10 entropy
0x8004BD24: S_STC.OBJ, 1.90 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBSN.LIB: 9/44:
0x80028614: CLOSE.OBJ, 2.50 entropy
0x8002B3E0: op_vnew.obj, 2.92 entropy
0x8002AF18: SNWRITE.OBJ, 3.15 entropy
0x8002B3E0: op_vdel.obj, 2.92 entropy
0x80028624: LSEEK.OBJ, 3.59 entropy
0x8002AE38: CREAT.OBJ, 3.26 entropy
0x800285F4: OPEN.OBJ, 3.41 entropy
0x80028714: SNREAD.OBJ, 3.15 entropy
0x80028648: FSINIT.OBJ, 1.95 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBAPI.LIB: 37/89:
0x800228D4: C57.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x800229B4: A53.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80022CD4: A66.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x800229F4: A91.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80051F04: A10.OBJ, 2.52 entropy
0x80022964: A36.OBJ, 2.22 entropy
0x800281D4: A23.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x800228F4: C73.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80022904: A07.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80022934: A11.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x800229C4: A54.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x800281E4: A24.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80022974: A37.OBJ, 2.22 entropy
0x80022FF4: A19.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80022954: A32.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x800229D4: A67.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80022A14: L03.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80022944: A12.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80022924: A09.OBJ, 2.52 entropy
0x800281F4: A25.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80022984: A50.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80022A24: L10.OBJ, 2.52 entropy
0x80023014: A21.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80022994: A51.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80023004: A20.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80023024: PATCH.OBJ, 3.21 entropy
0x80018D34: C112.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80022FE4: A18.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x800229E4: A81.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80022A04: L02.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x800230C4: CHCLRPAD.OBJ, 3.04 entropy
0x8004B8E4: COUNTER.OBJ, 4.15 entropy
0x80022914: A08.OBJ, 2.52 entropy
0x80022A34: FIRST.OBJ, 4.57 entropy
0x8003FCF0: A13.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x800229A4: A52.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x800228E4: C68.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBMATH.LIB: 4/59:
0x80018694: SQRT.OBJ, 4.21 entropy
0x800187D4: GEDF2.OBJ, 4.28 entropy
0x80018C34: FIXDFSI.OBJ, 4.73 entropy
0x800188B4: ADDDF3.OBJ, 4.82 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBC2.LIB: 21/50:
0x800107B4: SETJMP.OBJ, 3.79 entropy
0x80010994: STRCPY.OBJ, 3.41 entropy
0x80010D04: TODIGIT.OBJ, 4.01 entropy
0x80010714: PUTS.OBJ, 3.23 entropy
0x800103D4: MEMCPY.OBJ, 3.38 entropy
0x80010834: STRCAT.OBJ, 4.27 entropy
0x80010284: BZERO.OBJ, 3.29 entropy
0x80010484: MEMSET.OBJ, 3.41 entropy
0x80010220: ATOI_1.OBJ, 2.92 entropy
0x800104B4: PUTCHAR.OBJ, 3.72 entropy
0x80010774: RAND.OBJ, 3.88 entropy
0x80010374: LSEARCH.OBJ, 4.42 entropy
0x800109E4: STRLEN.OBJ, 2.61 entropy
0x80010A24: STRSTR.OBJ, 3.46 entropy
0x80010924: STRCMP.OBJ, 3.23 entropy
0x800108E4: STRCHR.OBJ, 2.80 entropy
0x80010324: EXIT.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80010414: MEMMOVE.OBJ, 4.09 entropy
0x80010334: ITOA.OBJ, 3.74 entropy
0x80010A94: STRTOK.OBJ, 3.68 entropy
0x80010244: BCOPY.OBJ, 3.38 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBSND.LIB: 7/223:
0x80010220: SSQUIT.OBJ, 2.92 entropy
0x800100E4: VM_KEY_2.OBJ, 0.99 entropy
0x80010220: SSNOFF.OBJ, 2.92 entropy
0x80022CF0: SSVM_2.OBJ, 2.22 entropy
0x800287B4: UT_ROFF.OBJ, 3.25 entropy
0x800107A4: SSVM.OBJ, 2.22 entropy
0x800100E4: DMYNOT1.OBJ, 0.99 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGTE.LIB: 67/535:
0x80049E50: FGO_00.OBJ, 3.67 entropy
0x800267A4: REG13.OBJ, 1.92 entropy
0x800263A4: MTX_06.OBJ, 3.78 entropy
0x80026C64: SMP_05.OBJ, 2.35 entropy
0x8002697C: REG02_1.OBJ, 1.92 entropy
0x80025724: MSC01.OBJ, 4.07 entropy
0x8003CA18: MTX_004.OBJ, 4.60 entropy
0x80026354: MTX_05.OBJ, 3.84 entropy
0x80026978: SMP_12.OBJ, 2.77 entropy
0x80026784: REG12.OBJ, 2.42 entropy
0x80026BD4: SMP_03.OBJ, 3.65 entropy
0x80026C34: SMP_04.OBJ, 3.03 entropy
0x80026C94: CMB_00.OBJ, 3.89 entropy
0x800257B4: MSC02.OBJ, 4.56 entropy
0x80025E04: MTX_003.OBJ, 4.77 entropy
0x80026764: REG11.OBJ, 3.19 entropy
0x80026D14: CMB_11.OBJ, 3.31 entropy
0x800253EC: GEO_03_3.OBJ, 4.06 entropy
0x80056480: CMB_07.OBJ, 3.82 entropy
0x80027474: RMAT_01.OBJ, 4.72 entropy
0x80026434: MTX_08.OBJ, 3.98 entropy
0x80026968: SMP_11.OBJ, 2.77 entropy
0x80049E90: SMP_01_1.OBJ, 3.57 entropy
0x80025CF4: MTX_000.OBJ, 4.58 entropy
0x80026604: MTX_12.OBJ, 3.51 entropy
0x800260E4: MTX_009.OBJ, 3.45 entropy
0x80026C78: SMP_06.OBJ, 2.77 entropy
0x80026744: REG10.OBJ, 3.19 entropy
0x80027274: RMAT_00.OBJ, 4.84 entropy
0x80027684: RATAN.OBJ, 3.92 entropy
0x80026404: MTX_07.OBJ, 2.93 entropy
0x80026D54: FGO_01.OBJ, 3.89 entropy
0x80026134: MTX_00B.OBJ, 4.56 entropy
0x80026FE4: FGO_09.OBJ, 3.85 entropy
0x800265D4: MTX_11.OBJ, 3.60 entropy
0x80025AB4: MSC06_2.OBJ, 3.56 entropy
0x80026C7C: REG02_5.OBJ, 1.92 entropy
0x800268B8: SMP_7.OBJ, 2.73 entropy
0x80026634: REG03_2.OBJ, 2.38 entropy
0x8002FAF0: FGO_04.OBJ, 3.43 entropy
0x80027804: PATCHGTE.OBJ, 3.71 entropy
0x8002AF30: MTX_00A.OBJ, 3.98 entropy
0x80026644: REG03_3.OBJ, 2.38 entropy
0x800265A4: MTX_10.OBJ, 3.56 entropy
0x80025A64: MSC06_1.OBJ, 3.53 entropy
0x80026624: REG03_1.OBJ, 2.38 entropy
0x8002F860: FGO_03.OBJ, 3.84 entropy
0x80025114: GEO_01.OBJ, 3.47 entropy
0x80025044: GEO_00.OBJ, 3.66 entropy
0x80049F30: SMP_01_4.OBJ, 3.79 entropy
0x80026A94: SMP_00_7.OBJ, 3.08 entropy
0x80026574: MTX_09.OBJ, 3.43 entropy
0x80049D40: MTX_04.OBJ, 4.59 entropy
0x80026BA4: SMP_02.OBJ, 3.32 entropy
0x80026B94: REG02_8.OBJ, 1.92 entropy
0x80025F94: MTX_006.OBJ, 3.76 entropy
0x80026244: MTX_03.OBJ, 4.58 entropy
0x80025C14: MSC06_5.OBJ, 4.00 entropy
0x80049F60: SMP_01_5.OBJ, 3.75 entropy
0x80025514: FOG_01.OBJ, 3.54 entropy
0x8003DD54: REG08.OBJ, 3.07 entropy
0x80025C74: MSC06_6.OBJ, 4.14 entropy
0x80026654: REG03_4.OBJ, 2.70 entropy
0x80025584: FOG_02.OBJ, 3.76 entropy
0x8002FC90: FGO_05.OBJ, 3.41 entropy
0x80025F64: MTX_005.OBJ, 3.32 entropy
0x80026734: REG09.OBJ, 1.92 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBCARD.LIB: 16/18:
0x80018D54: C172.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80018DB4: A79.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80018D74: A74.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80018E34: PATCH.OBJ, 3.82 entropy
0x80018D34: C112.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80018D64: C173.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80018DD4: A92.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80018DA4: A78.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80018D44: C171.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80018D94: A76.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80018D84: A75.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80019154: END.OBJ, 2.83 entropy
0x80018DE4: A93.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80019054: INIT.OBJ, 3.13 entropy
0x80018DC4: A80.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
0x80018DF4: CARD.OBJ, 3.41 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBCOMB.LIB: 1/3:
0x800100E4: COMB_3.OBJ, 0.99 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBPAD.LIB: 1/21:
0x800165A4: PDMAIINI.OBJ, 3.62 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGS.LIB: 5/167:
0x800107A4: GS_102.OBJ, 2.22 entropy
0x800107A4: GS_101.OBJ, 2.22 entropy
0x80022CF0: GS_125.OBJ, 2.22 entropy
0x80010220: GS_106.OBJ, 2.92 entropy
0x800107A4: GS_124.OBJ, 2.22 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGPU.LIB: 47/60:
0x800114A4: P11.OBJ, 2.67 entropy
0x80011554: P16.OBJ, 2.52 entropy
0x800119A4: P41.OBJ, 4.22 entropy
0x80011324: P03.OBJ, 4.16 entropy
0x80011424: P08.OBJ, 3.17 entropy
0x80011794: P33.OBJ, 3.94 entropy
0x800115D4: P20.OBJ, 2.43 entropy
0x80011764: P32.OBJ, 3.60 entropy
0x800112C4: P02.OBJ, 4.43 entropy
0x80011654: P24.OBJ, 2.43 entropy
0x80011534: P15.OBJ, 2.52 entropy
0x800116D4: P28.OBJ, 2.52 entropy
0x80011084: E01.OBJ, 4.17 entropy
0x80011474: P10.OBJ, 2.67 entropy
0x80011634: P23.OBJ, 2.43 entropy
0x80011894: P36.OBJ, 3.18 entropy
0x800113A4: P06.OBJ, 3.75 entropy
0x80011744: P31.OBJ, 3.87 entropy
0x80011454: P09.OBJ, 2.90 entropy
0x800112A4: P01.OBJ, 3.31 entropy
0x80011224: E04.OBJ, 3.67 entropy
0x80011594: P18.OBJ, 2.45 entropy
0x80011974: P40.OBJ, 3.23 entropy
0x80011514: P14.OBJ, 2.52 entropy
0x80010F94: E00.OBJ, 4.40 entropy
0x800116B4: P27.OBJ, 2.43 entropy
0x80011824: P35.OBJ, 3.86 entropy
0x80011384: P05.OBJ, 3.47 entropy
0x80011614: P22.OBJ, 2.52 entropy
0x80011714: P30.OBJ, 3.37 entropy
0x800115B4: P19.OBJ, 2.52 entropy
0x80011164: E03.OBJ, 4.69 entropy
0x80011264: P00.OBJ, 4.12 entropy
0x80011944: P39.OBJ, 3.49 entropy
0x80011694: P26.OBJ, 2.43 entropy
0x800114F4: P13.OBJ, 2.37 entropy
0x80011574: P17.OBJ, 2.52 entropy
0x80011364: P04.OBJ, 3.33 entropy
0x800115F4: P21.OBJ, 2.43 entropy
0x800117C4: P34.OBJ, 3.97 entropy
0x800113E4: P07.OBJ, 3.71 entropy
0x80011674: P25.OBJ, 2.43 entropy
0x800118D4: P38.OBJ, 4.41 entropy
0x80010D74: BREAK.OBJ, 4.17 entropy
0x800114D4: P12.OBJ, 2.52 entropy
0x800110F4: E02.OBJ, 4.16 entropy
0x800116F4: P29.OBJ, 3.87 entropy
Applied OBJs for 2MBYTE.OBJ: 1/1:
0x80010000: 2MBYTE.OBJ, 3.26 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBC2.LIB: 1/50:
0x80010244: BCOPY.OBJ, 3.38 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBSND.LIB: 2/223:
0x80010270: VM_KEY_2.OBJ, 0.99 entropy
0x80010270: DMYNOT1.OBJ, 0.99 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBCOMB.LIB: 1/3:
0x80010270: COMB_3.OBJ, 0.99 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBC.LIB: 1/55:
0x80010324: A56.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBC2.LIB: 1/50:
0x80010324: EXIT.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBC.LIB: 1/55:
0x80010334: ITOA.OBJ, 3.74 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBC2.LIB: 1/50:
0x80010334: ITOA.OBJ, 3.74 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBC2.LIB: 1/50:
0x80010374: LSEARCH.OBJ, 4.42 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBSND.LIB: 1/223:
0x800107A4: SSVM.OBJ, 2.22 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGS.LIB: 3/167:
0x800107A4: GS_102.OBJ, 2.22 entropy
0x800107A4: GS_101.OBJ, 2.22 entropy
0x800107A4: GS_124.OBJ, 2.22 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBC2.LIB: 1/50:
0x80010924: STRCMP.OBJ, 3.23 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBC2.LIB: 1/50:
0x80010A24: STRSTR.OBJ, 3.46 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBC.LIB: 1/55:
0x80010A94: STRTOK.OBJ, 3.68 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBC2.LIB: 1/50:
0x80010A94: STRTOK.OBJ, 3.68 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGPU.LIB: 1/60:
0x80010D74: BREAK.OBJ, 4.17 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGPU.LIB: 1/60:
0x80010F94: E00.OBJ, 4.40 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGPU.LIB: 1/60:
0x80011084: E01.OBJ, 4.17 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGPU.LIB: 1/60:
0x800110F4: E02.OBJ, 4.16 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGPU.LIB: 1/60:
0x80011164: E03.OBJ, 4.69 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGPU.LIB: 1/60:
0x80011224: E04.OBJ, 3.67 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGPU.LIB: 3/60:
0x80011324: P03.OBJ, 4.16 entropy
0x80011364: P04.OBJ, 3.33 entropy
0x800112C4: P02.OBJ, 4.43 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGPU.LIB: 1/60:
0x80011384: P05.OBJ, 3.47 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGPU.LIB: 1/60:
0x800113E4: P07.OBJ, 3.71 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGPU.LIB: 1/60:
0x80011424: P08.OBJ, 3.17 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGPU.LIB: 2/60:
0x80011714: P30.OBJ, 3.37 entropy
0x800116F4: P29.OBJ, 3.87 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGPU.LIB: 2/60:
0x80011744: P31.OBJ, 3.87 entropy
0x80011764: P32.OBJ, 3.60 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGPU.LIB: 1/60:
0x80011824: P35.OBJ, 3.86 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGPU.LIB: 1/60:
0x80011894: P36.OBJ, 3.18 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGPU.LIB: 1/60:
0x80011944: P39.OBJ, 3.49 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGPU.LIB: 1/60:
0x80011974: P40.OBJ, 3.23 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGPU.LIB: 1/60:
0x800119A4: P41.OBJ, 4.22 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBMATH.LIB: 1/59:
0x80018694: SQRT.OBJ, 4.21 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBMATH.LIB: 1/59:
0x800187D4: GEDF2.OBJ, 4.28 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBMATH.LIB: 1/59:
0x800188B4: ADDDF3.OBJ, 4.82 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBMATH.LIB: 1/59:
0x80018C34: FIXDFSI.OBJ, 4.73 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBCARD.LIB: 1/18:
0x80018D44: C171.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBCARD.LIB: 1/18:
0x80018D54: C172.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBCARD.LIB: 1/18:
0x80018D64: C173.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBCARD.LIB: 1/18:
0x80018DA4: A78.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBCARD.LIB: 1/18:
0x80018DB4: A79.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBCARD.LIB: 1/18:
0x80018DC4: A80.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBCARD.LIB: 1/18:
0x80018DD4: A92.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBCARD.LIB: 1/18:
0x80018DE4: A93.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBCARD.LIB: 1/18:
0x80018DF4: CARD.OBJ, 3.41 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBAPI.LIB: 1/89:
0x80022934: A11.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBAPI.LIB: 1/89:
0x80022984: A50.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBAPI.LIB: 1/89:
0x80022994: A51.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBAPI.LIB: 1/89:
0x800229A4: A52.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBAPI.LIB: 1/89:
0x800229C4: A54.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBAPI.LIB: 1/89:
0x800229D4: A67.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBAPI.LIB: 1/89:
0x800229E4: A81.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBAPI.LIB: 1/89:
0x80022A34: FIRST.OBJ, 4.57 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBAPI.LIB: 1/89:
0x80022CD4: A66.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBAPI.LIB: 1/89:
0x80022FE4: A18.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBAPI.LIB: 1/89:
0x80022FF4: A19.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBAPI.LIB: 1/89:
0x80023004: A20.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBAPI.LIB: 1/89:
0x80023014: A21.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBAPI.LIB: 1/89:
0x80023024: PATCH.OBJ, 3.21 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBAPI.LIB: 1/89:
0x800230C4: CHCLRPAD.OBJ, 3.04 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBCD.LIB: 1/51:
0x8002369C: S_020.OBJ, 3.41 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBDS.LIB: 1/36:
0x8002369C: DSSYS_3.OBJ, 3.41 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGTE.LIB: 1/535:
0x800253EC: GEO_03_3.OBJ, 4.06 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGTE.LIB: 1/535:
0x80025514: FOG_01.OBJ, 3.54 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGTE.LIB: 1/535:
0x800257B4: MSC02.OBJ, 4.56 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGTE.LIB: 2/535:
0x80025AB4: MSC06_2.OBJ, 3.56 entropy
0x80025A64: MSC06_1.OBJ, 3.53 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGTE.LIB: 2/535:
0x80025C74: MSC06_6.OBJ, 4.14 entropy
0x80025C14: MSC06_5.OBJ, 4.00 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGTE.LIB: 1/535:
0x800260E4: MTX_009.OBJ, 3.45 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGTE.LIB: 2/535:
0x80026AA4: SMP_11.OBJ, 2.77 entropy
0x80026A94: SMP_00_7.OBJ, 3.08 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGTE.LIB: 1/535:
0x80026C34: SMP_04.OBJ, 3.03 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGTE.LIB: 1/535:
0x80026FE4: FGO_09.OBJ, 3.85 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBAPI.LIB: 1/89:
0x800281E4: A24.OBJ, 2.65 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBSPU.LIB: 1/126:
0x80029574: S_M_UTIL.OBJ, 3.85 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBSN.LIB: 1/44:
0x8002AE38: CREAT.OBJ, 3.26 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBSN.LIB: 1/44:
0x8002AF18: SNWRITE.OBJ, 3.15 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGTE.LIB: 1/535:
0x8002FAF0: FGO_04.OBJ, 3.43 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGTE.LIB: 1/535:
0x8002FC90: FGO_05.OBJ, 3.41 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGTE.LIB: 1/535:
0x8003DD54: REG08.OBJ, 3.07 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGTE.LIB: 2/535:
0x80049E50: FGO_00.OBJ, 3.67 entropy
0x80049E90: SMP_01_1.OBJ, 3.57 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGTE.LIB: 2/535:
0x80049F30: SMP_01_4.OBJ, 3.79 entropy
0x80049F60: SMP_01_5.OBJ, 3.75 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBSPU.LIB: 2/126:
0x8004BC64: S_R.OBJ, 4.10 entropy
0x8004BC64: S_W.OBJ, 4.10 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBSPU.LIB: 1/126:
0x80056440: S_SIA.OBJ, 3.87 entropy
Applied OBJs for LIBGTE.LIB: 1/535:
0x80056480: CMB_07.OBJ, 3.82 entropy
All of this said, I can't proceed from here; I've hardly used Ghidra before. I can't be of any help except to maybe provide you a working ghidra extension if that's needed..?