Author Topic: 2021 Update! Music, Interviews, and More!  (Read 5344 times)


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2021 Update! Music, Interviews, and More!
« on: November 26, 2021, 05:54:49 pm »
As we simmer and boil over these Chrono Cross remaster rumors, let's check out what the community has been up to over the last several months! We'll lead things off with...

Masato Kato's full interview in Mas alla Tiempo has been translated by r66y, as previously noted; check it out here[RESEARCH]  If you haven't checked out our prerelease coverage page lately, stop on by. We have a ton of scans up courtesy of Reld's sleuthing, and have added placeholders for many more magazines that are yet to be obtained or properly scanned. Special credit goes out to this website for creating their massive catalogue of works.  [SHOSHINKAI]  A new addition to that page is Nintendo Power Vol. 68's coverage of the 1994 Space World event; find the page here[V-JUMP VIDEO]  We have a better rip of the 1995 V-Jump special and its interviews. We've backed it up on the Compendium (349 MB, MKV) at this link[E3]  Cross fans rejoice! Square's E3 2000 art asset disc has been recovered and dumped online, and there's some high-quality art and logos available for Chrono Cross (as well as several other RPGs). We've linked it on the new Chrono Cross Prerelease Coverage page, where you can download the ISO (with the logos in original PSD format) or access the art in a gallery.

Here's some miscellaneous news!  [TRIGGER]  For the first time in ages, the Chrono Trigger SPC archive has been updated with Reld's amazing recreations of 1) a version of Frog's theme with the intro added; 2) a better version of the Unknown Fanfare with the drum table fixed; and 3) One Sunny Day When We Met. Grab it here[THERE'S MORE...]  If you'd like to play Chrono Trigger with the full version of Frog's theme added, use this IPS patch[2]  A very high-quality scan of Toriyama's "Resting at Lucca's" artwork was made by Heritage Auctions as part of its sale through the website. We've got it on the Compendium now; check it out here[CROSS]  Kodokami brings us a mostly incomplete Chrono Cross sound effect pack, with a few effects; grab it here. If you can help us find a better pack or rip the sounds from the game, please post in the forums!  [DREAMERS]  More pictures of the old Radical Dreamers Music Box have been added to its merchandise page here, in case you were curious what it looks like up close.

[TRIGGER MODDING]  Fauntleroy's Chrono Trigger: Schala Edition is now at version 2.1! If you haven't checked it out yet, read more here[2]  From C-Dude comes Reptite Redraw, which slightly edits the Reptite sprites to match their PSX cutscene appearances.  [3]  belthegor has released a patch that removes the extra copyright text in the US version of the game's pendulum screen to match the Japanese version; find it here[4]  Lastly, phi has output a stat tab hack for Chrono Trigger which allows modification of base Stamina! Check it out here. NOTE: This patch may break when PCs level. Check out this thread for a fix.  [TRANSLATIONS]  ExtraOrdinary has finished a new Chrono Trigger translation into Arabic! Check it out here. The Turkish translation project also has a new release (version 0.6); check it out here.

[CROSS MODDING]  legaiaflame has put together a great guide for installing the Chrono Cross HD texture upscale project; check it out here[2]  Saiferoth has provided some helpful notes on working with Chrono Cross's videos, and has also alerted us to jpsxdec, a powerful tool for PSX games. Check out the work here[3]  AwesomeHairo's helpful notes on using Terminus Traduction have been added to the Utilities (PSX) page. Now I can stop randomly pinging Yazoo, heh...A helpful note has also been added at the top of that page to remind users that most PSX tools should not be run on .bin images of games.  [4]  Dark_Ansem's written a helpful guide on how to change songs played in the Steam version of Chrono Trigger; see it here[5]  Grobycftw has put together an awesome tutorial for turning Dario into a player character! I've backed it up with all his tools at this page.

[OTHER MODIFICATION]  Encyclopedia updates have been made to: Tech Data Notes (updated with Layer 3 packets); Modification (Temporal Flux section updated with troubleshooting tip for NET 3.0);  ATB Code and Delay (new article from Pseudoarc); Enemy AI (note on what Action 12 does) by inuksuk; and SPC Commands (Drum Table) by Reld.  [CROSS]  Cross Fieldscript Notes by Grobycftw, who explained five commands; Chrono Cross shop pricing research by grobycftw; 1925-1930 Bend of Time notes by grobycftw; Game Mechanics by glennxserge and hexhexhex; Chrono Cross Enemy Stats (HP research) by glennxserge;

[MERCHANDISE]  A couple old Wayback machine links have been dug up showing Square and Digicube's online shops around the time of Chrono Cross's release: [ SquareShop ][ ShopCube[2]  Thanks to an Ebay listing, we've got better images of what the Yamaha Chrono Trigger Electone music book and diskette looked like; check it out here.

[OEKAKI]  The old Oekaki has been archived at Oekaki Archive[FAN ART]  Punch Girl Bartenders by Manly Man ][ Several pieces by Prince Janus ][ 83 Elemental Books and 84 Prophet Janus by mysticalpha ][ 'Bout to X-Strike by Ema ][ Rad-ical Dreamer by SileniaDream ]  Lastly, we have a special collection of archived works by Sakutarou556, wonderfully collected by hekset (as the original links are all dead). Find them in this thread (they've also been added to the encyclopedia).

[FAN FICTION]  Crimson Cold War: Agency by Doc Cigarette  ][  Graven and Shadows of Schala by Kitt ][ Friendlord by Prince Janus ]  [AFFILIATES]  We've added a new affiliate, Gamepad Music; go check it out!