Author Topic: Chrono Cross Remaster and Radical Dreamers Localization Announced!  (Read 43600 times)


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Re: Chrono Cross Remaster and Radical Dreamers Localization Announced!
« Reply #46 on: March 13, 2022, 08:52:59 pm »
English version Q&A

Thank you!!

I know this is separate from the Japanese one, but we should still compile a list of questions to submit (or one questions that's of utmost importance), and if someone with a Twitter account would like to volunteer to tweet them, that would be amazing!

ALSO... I know maybe it may have been more prudent to make an actual thread of it's own, but CT's birthday was a few days ago as you all know, and there is new merchandise (music) and a cool tweet of the OG team I found, credit to RPGSite.

Take a look! :)

Chrono Trigger music

The OG team


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Re: Chrono Cross Remaster and Radical Dreamers Localization Announced!
« Reply #47 on: March 14, 2022, 12:41:13 pm »
You might want to temper expectations a bit. Sometimes it's just social media interns answering stuff like this. And a lot of the questions out there are like "What's your favorite character and why?" and "Will there be physical copies of the game released?" type stuff. It doesn't appear many are asking about the type of stuff we tend to dig into here. Not many "What is Zoah's true identity" type ones.


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Re: Chrono Cross Remaster and Radical Dreamers Localization Announced!
« Reply #48 on: March 15, 2022, 01:25:57 pm »
You might want to temper expectations a bit. Sometimes it's just social media interns answering stuff like this. And a lot of the questions out there are like "What's your favorite character and why?" and "Will there be physical copies of the game released?" type stuff. It doesn't appear many are asking about the type of stuff we tend to dig into here. Not many "What is Zoah's true identity" type ones.

Yeah, I doubt they'll answer any lore stuff since it would be potential spoilers, so I just asked whether there will be any bonus features like the ones included in re-releases of Chrono Trigger.

But I do have a list of questions I'd love to see answered, originally posted in this thread:
  • Who or what are the ghostly children? Are they the ghosts of the Chrono Trigger team (since "Lucca" addresses Kid personally) or are they walking infodumps summoned by the Entity for some inexplicable reason (since they know things those characters couldn't possibly have known while alive)?

  • Who or what are the ghostly researchers in Chronopolis? Some will react to your presence and answer questions while others seem ignorant of anything that's happened since just before the Time Crash.

  • What are the implications of the Darkness Beyond Time? Did Crono and his friends really cause the people of 2300 AD to be sent there by preventing the Day of Lavos? Are those people aware of their plight, suffering for eternity, or were those same souls born into the happy future instead?

    (In other words, is there one Doan, blissfully ignorant of the original future, or are there two Doans, one born into the happy future and another suffering forever in the Darkness Beyond Time?)

  • Did Kid merge with Schala at the end? If so, that's terrible—you freed Schala from being forcibly merged with another being, only to have the same thing happen to Kid, who was even less deserving of such a fate.

  • How were the timelines merged? Did Home World's history simply overwrite Another World's? If so, that's terrible—wouldn't it doom Another World's people to the Darkness Beyond Time?

  • How did Guardia fall, and what are the fates of Crono, Marle, and Lucca? This only tangentially touches the plot of Chrono Cross (via Kid's backstory), but come on, it's something Chrono Trigger fans NEED to know.

  • Was the Time Crash intentional? If so, how did Belthasar possibly foresee the extremely complex sequence of events that would eventually lead to the creation of the Chrono Cross? Indeed, how did he know that the Chrono Cross could even exist, let alone that it would be the exact thing necessary to free Schala? Even with the benefit of FATE's spacetime monitoring at his disposal, this level of knowledge seems nothing short of godlike.

  • If the Time Crash was not intentional, was everything that happened simply the result of extraordinary luck and Belthasar "winging it?"

  • Did the Time Crash send Chronopolis back 10,000 years to 7,600 BC, or 14,400 years to 12,000 BC? This isn't crucial to the plot, but it's an annoying discrepancy.

  • What's the deal with the ape skeleton on the display in Chronopolis? It directly contradicts what we're shown in Chrono Trigger—that humans in 65,000,000 BC were anatomically identical to modern ones. Ayla was a hot babe, not a monkey. And grammar issues aside, she seemed perfectly capable of understanding everything that was going on. Not only that, she had some of the deepest insights of the whole cast. So I think the whole business about the Frozen Flame speeding up human cranial development, thus making humanity the offspring of Lavos and extraneous to the planet, needs to be dropped. It would make much more sense if the Frozen Flame was the catalyst that enabled humans to use magic, and magical ability was the aberration instead of brain size.

  • Was the Frozen Flame the "strange red rock" mentioned in the book in Belthasar's secret room at Enhasa? If so, did the writers plan the Frozen Flame from the very beginning, or was that passage referring to Dreamstone, and the fact that it could also be interpreted to mean the Frozen Flame was just a happy accident? (This is just a personal curiosity, it probably couldn't be covered in the game without breaking the fourth wall.)


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Re: Chrono Cross Remaster and Radical Dreamers Localization Announced!
« Reply #49 on: March 15, 2022, 04:47:05 pm »
You might want to temper expectations a bit. Sometimes it's just social media interns answering stuff like this. And a lot of the questions out there are like "What's your favorite character and why?" and "Will there be physical copies of the game released?" type stuff. It doesn't appear many are asking about the type of stuff we tend to dig into here. Not many "What is Zoah's true identity" type ones.

I hear you 100% and I appreciate that, however I disagree. Granted the American twitter account will not be as active, and may not have the powers to forward certain questions to the development team (as they did state they would actually be doing), but that shouldn’t stop us from engaging with them. If no one is asking that kind of stuff, then let us be the ones that do. Whether it is answered or not, we at least MADE the attempt… we at least DID something while CC and Chrono in general are trending and back in the news cycle. An opportunity like this may not come again for a long time. If they are indeed sharing these with devs, then let us ask the devs burning questions the community have been dying to ask. It’s a golden opportunity with so much to gain and nothing to lose.

We should still keep an eye out on the Japanese CC page as well.


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Re: Chrono Cross Remaster and Radical Dreamers Localization Announced!
« Reply #50 on: March 17, 2022, 03:23:59 am »
The Japanese one has started posting answers!

回答者:Wright Flyer Studios加藤正人(ディレクター)

Actually, it seems to have started several days ago!
« Last Edit: March 17, 2022, 03:42:13 am by Vehek »


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Re: Chrono Cross Remaster and Radical Dreamers Localization Announced!
« Reply #51 on: March 17, 2022, 02:39:33 pm »
Does anyone know if Chrono Cross Remaster is a re-translation??

I'm aware that Radical Dreamers was originally a 'fan-translation,' so this will be the first 'official' translation, but is it at all possible we may get some slightly varied wording for some scenes in the upcoming remaster'd chrono cross? Thanks!


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Re: Chrono Cross Remaster and Radical Dreamers Localization Announced!
« Reply #52 on: March 17, 2022, 02:44:00 pm »
You might want to temper expectations a bit. Sometimes it's just social media interns answering stuff like this. And a lot of the questions out there are like "What's your favorite character and why?" and "Will there be physical copies of the game released?" type stuff. It doesn't appear many are asking about the type of stuff we tend to dig into here. Not many "What is Zoah's true identity" type ones.

I hear you 100% and I appreciate that, however I disagree. Granted the American twitter account will not be as active, and may not have the powers to forward certain questions to the development team (as they did state they would actually be doing), but that shouldn’t stop us from engaging with them. If no one is asking that kind of stuff, then let us be the ones that do. Whether it is answered or not, we at least MADE the attempt… we at least DID something while CC and Chrono in general are trending and back in the news cycle. An opportunity like this may not come again for a long time. If they are indeed sharing these with devs, then let us ask the devs burning questions the community have been dying to ask. It’s a golden opportunity with so much to gain and nothing to lose.

We should still keep an eye out on the Japanese CC page as well.

Oh I agree, definitely worth trying. And I personally did ask some questions. I'm just not expecting much. Maybe it's just because every time a band on social media asks for set list suggestions, most just suggest the greatest hits and the requests for deep cuts are ignored. I feel like the same will happen here. I'd truly love it if I was wrong though. I keep checking this thread in hopes that I'm wrong, honestly lol.


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Re: Chrono Cross Remaster and Radical Dreamers Localization Announced!
« Reply #53 on: March 17, 2022, 02:45:48 pm »
Does anyone know if Chrono Cross Remaster is a re-translation??

I'm aware that Radical Dreamers was originally a 'fan-translation,' so this will be the first 'official' translation, but is it at all possible we may get some slightly varied wording for some scenes in the upcoming remaster'd chrono cross? Thanks!

They havent said anything about a re-translation yet, and so far the screenshots have been identical outside of an instance where Kid refers to the fortune teller as a "dearie" instead of "mum" or something inconsequential to that effect.


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Re: Chrono Cross Remaster and Radical Dreamers Localization Announced!
« Reply #54 on: March 24, 2022, 02:59:08 am »
Maybe this is worthy of a separate news post, but the Japanese Twitter account posted a video of the new songs!
From the video description:


 ボーカル:Aisling McGlynn、原詞:加藤正人

 ボーカル:Aisling McGlynn、原詞:加藤正人

■航海 アナザー・ワールド
 演奏・編曲:Dreamers’ Circus

 演奏・編曲:Dreamers’ Circus

 演奏・編曲:Dreamers’ Circus

 演奏・編曲:Dreamers’ Circus

Track 1 sounds like the intro theme to Radical Dreamers, and track 4 the end theme.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2022, 03:04:20 am by Vehek »


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Re: Chrono Cross Remaster and Radical Dreamers Localization Announced!
« Reply #55 on: March 24, 2022, 03:56:16 pm »

Now that I've had time to sit down and listen to this a few times, I have to say I like the Radical Dreamers intro and hate the rest. I doubt it's a coincidence that the one song I like is the only one credited to Yasunori Mitsuda.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2022, 04:58:24 pm by Razig »


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Re: Chrono Cross Remaster and Radical Dreamers Localization Announced!
« Reply #56 on: March 24, 2022, 07:38:23 pm »
Saw the post this morning, wow I genuinely thought we were getting just 1 track.


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Re: Chrono Cross Remaster and Radical Dreamers Localization Announced!
« Reply #57 on: March 25, 2022, 12:16:18 pm »
The songs are so different, but I do like them so far, especially the vocals! It almost feels like a new game with these unique tracks… thanks for sharing!!


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Re: Chrono Cross Remaster and Radical Dreamers Localization Announced!
« Reply #58 on: March 26, 2022, 09:21:33 pm »

Asia only again like its predecessors; Legend of Mana, Saga Frontier, Romancing Saga 2 and 3, and any other Square title that got a remaster. 


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Re: Chrono Cross Remaster and Radical Dreamers Localization Announced!
« Reply #59 on: March 26, 2022, 10:21:15 pm »
Oh, those are nice!