Author Topic: When and why was knowledge of Lavos lost throughout the ages?  (Read 4530 times)

Beach Bum

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When and why was knowledge of Lavos lost throughout the ages?
« on: August 15, 2022, 05:38:17 am »
In the original Lavos timeline, the early humans still witness the Fall of Lavos, and name him Lavos as a result. Ages later Lavos' power is tapped into in the kingdom of Zeal. Presumably the Fall of Zeal happens much as in the keystone timeline, with survivors living among the Earthbound. Knowledge of Lavos should be intact up until this point. The survivors of Zeal know for a fact it exists, and the Earthbound should too, even if they've never directly felt its power. All of them should be aware that Lavos is still there, deep inside the planet's core.

Yet somewhere, over the course of 13,000 years, this knowledge was lost. It seems like it wasn't even reduced to a legend, because nobody in 600 AD or 1000 AD even refers to it as such. If humanity had known about Lavos' existence, I feel like somewhere down the line they could have staged an admirably pre-emptive attack, or even a defense in anticipation of its impact. Yet by 1999, the world was caught completely off guard.

How was this knowledge lost throughout the ages? Did the surviving Zealians and Earthbound not think to warn future generations of the danger sleeping deep inside the planet?

It's especially strange considering Melchior was displaced to 1000 AD, so they had a Zealian alive and well in the present day era who had been fully capable of warning the world about the threat Lavos posed. Yet he seemingly sat idly by as the world lived in ignorance until the Day of Destruction.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2022, 06:24:18 am by Beach Bum »

Acacia Sgt

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Re: When and why was knowledge of Lavos lost throughout the ages?
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2022, 10:47:27 pm »
It's even more weird since thanks to Magus the Mystics/Fiends were well aware of Lavos well into 1000AD, and some even think he's just slumbering and will wipe out humanity once it awakes.

And then there's that Lithosphere Report from Cross that shows awareness of Lavos and that it might rise up to the surface one day. The Arris Dome Director also knows about Lavos.

I can think knowledge might've been indeed lost in those 13K years, and it's only thanks to Magus that anyone knew of Lavos again. Then at some point humans learned about it, either through the Mystics or from their own research into the planet's crust.

Regarding Melchior... well, would he had reason to think Lavos simply went back to sleep and would rise again to destroy the world?

Beach Bum

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Re: When and why was knowledge of Lavos lost throughout the ages?
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2022, 02:46:00 pm »
I can't say much about the Lithosphere report, since there's almost no context around it... we don't even know for sure when it was created.

Dunno, but he equally had no reason to think the Lavos problem just vanished. The last he remembers from his own time period is that the beast woke up and was actively damning his home kingdom. Also, I think somewhere (don't remember where) it's said that there were earthquakes prior to Lavos' eruption... that should have been a dead ringer.

Acacia Sgt

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Re: When and why was knowledge of Lavos lost throughout the ages?
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2022, 03:50:15 pm »
Well, at least before 1999AD, since Lavos is still deep within the earth when the report was made.

No, the earthquakes were from 1000AD. In the prerelease/demo/etc. it was the reason the Zenan Bridge was not there in the 1000AD map. In the final build the mention of quakes is still there, but the bridge is fine. Still, earthquakes can be from various reasons, I doubt Lavos would be his first guess.


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Re: When and why was knowledge of Lavos lost throughout the ages?
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2022, 03:12:15 pm »
The Lithosphere Investigation Report is weird. It's dated 2300 AD and shows a picture of the Day of Lavos, but speaks of Lavos as if it had yet to awaken:

Quote from: Monitor
   2300 A.D.
   Lithosphere Investigation Report
   - Report no. 27 -
   [Unknown Life Force,
    Parasitic to the Planet]
   Geologic Stratum Result - 65,000,000 B.C.
   Code - '"Lavos"'

   Slumbering deep beneath the crust...
   When Lavos awakes, this planet will...

Beach Bum

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Re: When and why was knowledge of Lavos lost throughout the ages?
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2022, 07:06:29 pm »
Well, at least before 1999AD, since Lavos is still deep within the earth when the report was made.

No, the earthquakes were from 1000AD. In the prerelease/demo/etc. it was the reason the Zenan Bridge was not there in the 1000AD map. In the final build the mention of quakes is still there, but the bridge is fine. Still, earthquakes can be from various reasons, I doubt Lavos would be his first guess.

Yeah idk I just find it hard to imagine that you're dunked out of a portal in 1000 AD and just forget about all this Lavos business that was in the process of destroying your kingdom before you got portaled. But perhaps Melchior didn't share Belthasar's curiosity and just decided to let bygones be bygones and live out his life uneventfully.

The Lithosphere Investigation Report is weird. It's dated 2300 AD and shows a picture of the Day of Lavos, but speaks of Lavos as if it had yet to awaken:

Quote from: Monitor
   2300 A.D.
   Lithosphere Investigation Report
   - Report no. 27 -
   [Unknown Life Force,
    Parasitic to the Planet]
   Geologic Stratum Result - 65,000,000 B.C.
   Code - '"Lavos"'

   Slumbering deep beneath the crust...
   When Lavos awakes, this planet will...

The only explanation I can think of is that 2300 AD is when it's accessed, which means the time period the Dead Sea is frozen in. And that the picture isn't an actual recording of the Day of Lavos, but an illustration of what was likely going to happen once Lavos woke up.

If that's true, it means at least part of humanity in that timeline was aware of Lavos' existence before it destroyed the surface of the planet, but I guess were unable to mount a suitable defense.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2022, 07:14:40 pm by Beach Bum »


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Re: When and why was knowledge of Lavos lost throughout the ages?
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2022, 01:45:12 pm »
I don't think the Zealians, including Melchior when he got to 1000 AD, had any knowledge or clear reason to believe that Lavos would someday awaken and wreak havoc on the planet. They may have known it was still sleeping underground, although even there, they didn't necessarily know that it would continue to live for thousands more years; in any case, just because it continued to live underground wouldn't necessarily mean there would ever be a "day of Lavos" to worry about. So that could explain why Melchior didn't think there was anything to warn anybody about.

As for the Lithosphere Investigation Report, I assumed it came from a dimension, similar to the keystone dimension I guess, where people knew about alternate timelines and knew that Lavos had the potential to awaken and destroy the planet, but that in that timeline it had been stopped, perhaps by Crono and co. But perhaps there's a solution where the report comes from a dimension unaware of such things, where the Day of Lavos either happened or it didn't; I'm not sure how that would work.