Author Topic: Chrono Origins: The TV Tropes version. (And other oddities.)  (Read 9052 times)


  • Poet of El Nido
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Chrono Origins: The TV Tropes version. (And other oddities.)
« on: December 13, 2022, 01:16:03 pm »
Hello again all. It's me. Welcome to another unorthodox attempt at me making notes for my next story... since I don't have a reliable way of keeping notes. *cough*

With my last story, Sea of Dreams, it was a full-blown story synopsis. This time, it's the wonderful life-ruining magic of TV Tropes! :D

Disclaimer: Due to the nature of TV Tropes, there will be SPOILERS for a story that hasn't been written yet. Yes, it is madness. No, I don't give a crap.

Edit: Also, because there is no 'spoiler' type font or html that I know of around here, things that can be considered spoilers will be put in parenthesis.

Disclaimer 2: Because said story has not been written, I don't want to actually put this on TV Tropes quite yet. Not until I can find a way to get off my duff and start writing.

*record scratches*


……wait a second. This spiel seems awfully familiar…

……Ehh. I'll figure it out later.

Edit: Due to recent interviews from Masato Kato and the resulting broken pedestals in their wake, I have been pensively reconsidering the direction I want this story to go. In light of this, I will be making some heavy changes to the plot and excising some unneeded elements.

I will also include an official story synopsis so this topic doesn't look solely like a notes page.

Hope you all enjoy the changes… when I get around to them.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2024, 01:03:14 pm by skylark »


  • Poet of El Nido
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Re: Chrono Origins: The TV Tropes version.
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2022, 01:32:18 pm »
Other notes: These Tropes will be written under the assumption that a fanfic and a fan game for this story was completed.

Obviously NOT the case, but I digress.

So let's start this bad boy!

General Tropes:

Adaptation Expansion - Of Antiquity as a whole out of necessity. The entire Kingdom of Zeal is overhauled into a City of Adventure, and characters such as Schala, the Gurus, and Dalton are given much more characterization as a result.

- Chrono Cross' search for the Dragon Crests in the altered timeline, and much of the post-Fort Dragonia adventure specifically for that matter, is expanded by switching between Serge/Lynx's party and Kid's.

Arc Words - “Ours is the power to shape reality.”

An Aesop - Power in itself is not good or evil, but it is easily corruptive, and it takes wisdom and a strong will to avoid said corruption. At the same time, those without power cannot protect what they hold dear, so do not be afraid to seek it out as long as one is mindful of the consequences.

- You will fail. That is an unfortunate part of life. However, that doesn't mean you have to give up. As long as you can grit your teeth and get back on your feet, you can find a way to succeed.

And Man Grew Proud - The first half is the story of how.

And Now for Someone Completely Different - Beginning a New Game+ doesn't depict the prologue as normal. No, it puts you in the shoes of Kid post-Chrono Cross and her attempts to put things right when reality starts crumbling around her. Before that, you play as Crono during his Last Stand in the Fall of Guardia.

- In the altered timeline Schala becomes the controllable character when exploring the Lost Archives.

- Also in the altered timeline, during Serge's time in Lynx's body, the perspective will switch twice  to Kid's perspective and the allies Serge left behind as they deal with the fallout of Fort Dragonia and aid in the collection of the Dragon Crests, with Schala as the liaison between both parties in the latter. In Serge's case, Cain steps back from the central protagonist spot after the body swap to give Serge his chance to shine until after the events of Chronopolis.

Anti-Frustration Features - Completing one of the bonus endings does not send you back to the title screen, but to the moment before entering the Green Gate with your progress saved and said ending unlocked.

- The Developer's Room is no longer tied to an ending, and is unlocked by beating the game once. However, it will be generally empty until the player unlocks all the different endings, in which it will be filled by bestiaries, music, character bios, and bonus artwork.

- The altered timeline version of Terra Tower is mercifully much shorter than in Chrono Cross, and the elemental mini bosses fuse to become a singular boss fight instead of having to search for all six.

Battle Couple - It takes an altered timeline and a time skip, but Cain and Schala eventually become this.

Beach Episode - The setting (an artificial beach in Tristan's territory) for a mid-game Side Quest, complete with the party in beachwear (which is even reflected by their dialog portraits). Besides being a source of fanservice, there's a more practical reason for the quest: The whole trip is a plot by Eiric to give Cain and Schala a moment to relax and reconnect without their respective burdens hampering them. (Despite a couple of setbacks, it works.)

Big Damn Heroes - In the altered timeline, Eric, Eva, Zhao, and Tristan come to Cain's aid during what was originally his Last Stand against Magus and giving him the opportunity to live to fight another day.

- In the altered timeline events of Chrono Cross, Serge's allies from before the body swap finally put aside their previous hang-ups and come to Serge's aid in Home World Fort Dragonia to Hold the Line against 'Dark Serge' when the latter proves to be more persistent than his previous timeline self.

Book Ends - At the beginning of the Prologue, Cain and Schala first meet and become friends as children during Zeal's Founder's Celebration. At the end of the Normal Path before the climax, Cain dances with and reveals that he's been in love with Schala ever since as adults during Zeal's Founder's Celebration.

Boss Rush - As it was with Trigger and Cross, the Very Definitely Final Dungeon in the altered timeline holds one of these courtesy of a demonified Arvis and the members of his Conspiracy escaping from Hell and preparing to wreak havoc. The three generations of heroes must stop them before they can reach Thanaton.

Cain and Abel and Seth - We have Cain, the anti-hero main protagonist. On each side of the morality spectrum is Abel, leader of the comparatively squeaky-clean Alphard Coalition who is upright to the point of concern that ends up ultimately hamstringing his own organization's efforts to avenge the king. On the other side, we have Seth, head of Zeal's Inquisitors, who in Cain's own words 'is a right dick', but is far more proactive and helpful in bringing Arvis to justice.

- For bonus points, Seth outlives both Cain and Abel in the original timeline, surviving the Fall of Zeal and helping Eiric lead the remnants of humanity as his Number 2.

Central Theme - Justice, vengeance, and the razor-thin line that separates them.

- Power, and all its incarnations. The power to protect, the power to destroy, power's corrupting influence, and the pitfalls of overcoming said corruption.

Companion-Specific Sidequest- Each party member has a personal quest unlocked during New Game+ in which they have a problem that Cain can help solve, and completing each one is required to unlock Another Path.

- Eiric's involves him being forced to throw his hat in the ring concerning his family's Succession Crisis, and ends up fighting all four of his siblings to not only become head of the Guardia household, but to prevent it from joining Arvis' faction.

- Zhao's involves the forced closing of his forge due to 'royal decree', and has him confront a major proponent of the Anti-weapon law, a local lord (and former student) who enforces his personal views of pacifism even as monsters bleed his lands dry.

- Eva's involves the Coalition's spy network, specifically their leadership, switching sides to Arvis' camp, and Eva's conflicting loyalties between her mission for the Coalition and her duty to her organization.

- Tristan's involves the disappearances of his fellow empaths once employed by King Alphard, only to discover that the collective corruption of society has since transformed them into a hive mind.

- Schala is unique in that the entire first half of Another Path's story is this for her. In essence, because Cain survives his run-in with Magus, she is never driven to Nihilism, develops the inner strength to fight Dalton during the invasion of Guardia, and grows to become a worthy successor to her father's legacy.

Crippling Overspecialization - The Enlightened Ones wholly rely on their magic, with very few of their soldiers proficient in actual close-quarters combat due to their false pacifism. This naturally ends up biting them in the ass in Another Path when Cain gathers an army in rebellion. Turns out that all the magical shields in the world aren't so effective against an arrow or a stone axe to the face.

Damned by Faint Praise - Played with. When Eiric speaks with Schala to try and restore her and Cain's strained relationship, the princess ultimately says of the latter that despite her disagreements with him, his willingness to stick to his principals is a virtue. While this may sound like faint praise, considering that many of the Enlightened Ones at that point had sold their souls to worship Lavos, Cain's stubbornness seems like a genuine breath of fresh air.

Dance of Romance - Cain offers Schala a dance during the kingdom's Founder's Celebration gala near the end of the story. This happens regardless of story route.

Dangerous Forbidden Technique - Opening the Seventh Gate ends up being this. It's said that doing so unlocks the secrets of time and the universe, allowing the opener to achieve 'enlightenment'. Unfortunately, the reality is that the massive infusion of power and information shatters the mind and warps the body into something beyond comprehension, as revealed to be what happened to Norstein Bekkler. Cain takes the risk during the Final Battle, feeling that it's the only way to put down Thanaton. Thankfully, the Entity had other ideas.

Darker and Edgier - While the Chrono series is no stranger to heavy themes such as prejudice and existentialism, Origins puts them on the forefront and beyond with subjects such as genocide and the inevitability of death… as well as the lengths (or depths) some people would go to stave off the latter. It also has much coarser language, with Cain in particular as quite the potty-mouth.

Darkest Hour - Almost all of the major Conspiracy players are dead, but the Coalition failed to protect the fleeing Earthbound, and the Underground is in complete ruins. All of this cascades to the point where Chancellor Arvis finally has justification to crack down on our heroes. Weapons are outlawed across the kingdom and the Coalition's reputation is in shambles. Abel is under house arrest. Melchior, Zhao, Eva, and Tristan are arrested and sent to Mount Woe (with the latter three scheduled to be executed to make an example), while Eiric is spirited away by the remaining few sympathizers to parts unknown. Cain is utterly isolated, his only ally left being Schala…

Downer Ending - Due to being a prequel to Antiquity and most of the characters not appearing in Chrono Trigger, this was inevitable. A few of the bonus endings go down this road as well. Not so much in the altered timeline path, however…

Earn Your Happy Ending - Cain, Schala, and many others end up going through hell for it, but completing Another Path brings out the best ending possible for everyone.

Everyone Can See It - The painfully obvious attraction between Cain and Schala when the former first arrives as a ward can be seen by everyone, especially King Alphard. Even with the changes in attitude the two undergo after the king's death, Eiric and the rest of the party still comment on the tension.

Evil Only has to Win Once - Thanks to Thanaton's interference (and Balthesar's ignorance), the Time Devourer is still in play even after its defeat in Cross. All it will take is one reality where Serge gives up and doesn't use the Chrono Cross to stop it. Lo and behold, Serge is wiped from history and the world is sliding into chaos, forcing Guile and Kid to set up a massive gambit to save the one person who could possibly prevent all of this.

Family Unfriendly Aesop - Revenge is Not Justice. However, while this is true, some people are so selfish and monstrous that any peaceful solution is outright impossible. In such situations, there is no other choice. The Villain Must Be Punished.

Fantastic Racism - Played with in the fact that it's the magically empowered people abusing those without it. Unfortunately, unlike how it's glossed over in Chrono Trigger, Origins pulls no punches depicting how much it sucks to be an Earthbound One in an Enlightened-controlled society.

Five-Man Band - Cain's party runs with this dynamic.

- The Leader:  Cain

- The Lancer: Eiric

- The Big Guy: Zhao

- The Smart Guy: Tristan

- The Chick: Eva

- The Sixth Ranger: Schala

Fix Fic - Of epic proportions. New Game+ outright establishes that the primary goal of the story is to save the lives of everyone screwed over by Thanaton, with Cain, Schala, Crono, and Serge in particular.

Foreshadowing - During the Final Battle of the Normal Path, blue flames begin sparking around Cain, and his actions start becoming more feral, causing Magus to take off the kid gloves and deliver a fatal curb-stomp battle to Cain. This foreshadows the Final Battle of the altered timeline where Cain fully awakens the Seventh Gate against FATE and Thanaton.

- Near the start of the story, Cain witnesses on of Gaspar's lessons in which under very specific circumstances, the timeline can tweak itself to prevent possible paradoxes. Sure enough, in the altered timeline, to keep Chrono Cross! Kid's cessation of existence from creating a paradox and sending the timeline into the DbT, events have been tweaked so that Eiric had rescued Cain. Cain is understandably confused at first because he remembers Kid's presence, but then remembers Gaspar's lesson and stops questioning.

Free-Range Children - There seem to be a lot of children in Zeal allowed to roam around without any adult supervision whatsoever, with Cain having grown up as such. Slightly justified in that 500 years of royal decree state that no citizen of Zeal is to be denied food or healing, more so in that the majority of these kids hail from the Enhasa area and thus their parents are assumed to be in a constant state of sleep.

Gameplay and Story Integration - Origins actually has quite a few good examples of this, especially concerning the altered timeline.

- During certain heated or emotional battles, Cain is in permanent Super Mode.

- In the normal story path when fighting the Prophet, not only does the above Super Mode apply, but Cain's HP bar shatters as he keeps fighting, showing that he's not going to survive the battle. On a related note, once he's down to a certain HP threshold, Magus counters every attack Cain makes for 9999 damage, further emphasizing the inevitable.

- Completing all sidequests being a requirement to unlock the altered timeline story route becomes this. By performing these goodwill deeds, Cain proves to many of the Enlightened Ones that he isn't quite the demon their peers paint him as. In addition, the testimonies of his allies and those he's helped upon returning to Zeal ultimately convinces those fearful of reprisal from Queen Zeal and Arvis to rise up and oppose them.

- Getting (almost) all of the bonus endings to unlock the alternate story path is this as well. (Cain ends up viewing these endings in Chronopolis and comes to the realization of not only that he dies in every other timeline he exists in, but that it's by design, officially kicking off the endgame meta-plot with Thanaton.)

Garden of Love - Cain first falls for Schala in the palace gardens during the Prologue. Thus, it ends up being the place where most of the more romantic scenes in the story take place.

Golden Ending - This is one that takes a while to pull off. One has to complete the Normal Path, complete all of the bonus endings, and complete the New Game+ sidequests to unlock Another Path.

Grand Finale - Of the Chrono Trigger mythos. At least of the 'Lavos Saga'.

Happy Ending Override - For Chrono Cross due to a rather cruel case of Surprisingly Realistic Outcome. The Chrono Cross in fact didn't magically retcon Lavos out of existence, only deprived it of its food source. In addition, it's revealed that the Schala Serge and co save isn't Schala at all. That means, of course, that the origin event of Schala being absorbed still happens, so the Time Devourer still exists in some timeline. Cue Serge popping out of existence and reality coming apart at the seams, and it takes a desperate gamble between Guile and Kid to put things back together.

Hotter and Sexier - Going hand-in-hand with the mature themes depicted in Darker and Edgier above. Eva is the story's resident Ms. Fanservice while Schala seems to be packing more than is advertised, with both girls having alternate outfits and swimsuits that emphasize their curves. The boys are no slouch in the fanservice department either, as Cain is somewhat Tall, Dark, and Handsome, Zhao has some impressive muscles despite his advanced age, and Tristan is straight up Bishounen. Even King Zeal is depicted as a Silver Fox.

If You Kill Him, You Will Be Just Like Him - Deconstructed in regards to the Conspiracy, as vengeance issues aside, Cain is an agent of the crown dealing with what amount to terrorist threats from within the kingdom, and killing Arvis in the altered timeline is seen as overthrowing a tyrant.

- Reconstructed in the story path where Cain fights Magus in the Ocean Palace, as both men continue to fight despite the fact that said palace is crumbling around them, and Cain continues pummeling Magus long after it's clear that the latter can no longer fight back. If it wasn't for Schala and Frog, Cain would have ended up sacrificing his friends, allies, and loved ones for the sake of his revenge, just as Magus had done in the original timeline.

In Spite of a Nail - In the altered story path, Schala still stays behind in the crumbling Ocean Palace. The difference is that Cain stays with her… putting him in the perfect position to thwart the creation of the Dream/Time Devourer.

- Even in the altered timeline, Lynx still manages to burn down Lucca's orphanage. However, Cain and Schala's presence ensures that he's at least driven off before he can harm Lucca.

- With the above in mind, Balthezar's counter-time experiment still splits the timeline, thus the events of Chrono Cross still happen. Only this time, it's due to a genuine miscalculation instead of it being Balthezar's design.

- This is actually an in-universe phenomenon. Circumstances behind them may change, but some things in history will always be set in stone. Zeal will always fall, Guardia will always end up warring with the Mystics in 600AD, and Mother Brain/FATE will always attempt to seek absolute dominion.

Irony - The Enlightened Ones spent their lives in the pursuit of mystical fulfillment and Nirvana, and sacrificed their collective morality to try and achieve it once Lavos worship became widespread. In the altered timeline, Cain, who had long since been ostracized by the people and considered lower than an Earthbound, is the only person out of all of them to ever actually attain it.

- Doubly ironic is Cain, who for most of the Origin arc believes that Humans Are Bastards, is the one to ultimately champion humanity against Thanaton.

- Zeal was founded by six noble families who wanted to create a land that could withstand both the eternal winter and the test of time. 500 years later, their descendants all end up playing a part in its destruction.

Jurisdiction Friction - Plenty of it between the Alphard Coalition and the Inquisitors whose leaders can best be described as oil and water. Cain was assigned as an attaché to try and smooth relations and work together, but… well… It's Cain.

Lady and Knight - Cain and Schala's dynamic, especially during the prologue. After the first time skip into the story proper with Cain adopting his Terror Hero outlook, their dynamic transforms into that of the Light Leige, Dark Defender variety.

Loyalty Mission - Cain privately fears that the allies who end up joining him are Fair-Weather Friends at best, and unfortunately, that view is not without merit; Eva and Tristan join with noticeable hangups against Cain, while Zhao holds sympathies but worries that Cain's actions may bring more trouble than they're worth, and while Eiric personally has Cain's back, his household in general does not. These all lead to Cain's inevitable isolation during the Normal Path, and it is only after beginning a New Game+ and completing all other side quests that four new Companion-Specific Sidequests appear, in which all are required to unlock Another Path.

Mood Whiplash - In universe. For much of the story past the prologue, Cain is seen as an insufferable, hateful, and violent anti-hero, almost deserving of Schala's increasing wariness of him. However, when Eiric prods her to follow Cain to Alghetty, Cain shows for the first time in the story actual kindness, humility, and charity around the Earthbound, and that his negative traits and disdain are reserved solely for the Enlightened Ones and their society. The contrast is so jarring that Schala has no idea what to think or how to react.

Multiple Endings - It wouldn't be a Chrono story without them. To be more specific, there are two main story endings and eleven bonus endings. Due to revelations in the altered timeline, 10 out of the 11 bonus endings are also Non-standard Game Overs. To wit:

- The Normal Ending: The Hero Dies, setting up the events for Crono and co's arrival in Antiquity.

- The Good Ending: Lavos and Lynx are defeated for good, and anyone else screwed over by the Greater Scope Villain gets to live out the rest of their lives in peace.

- Bonus Ending 1: Trapped in Nothing - Cain attempts to rebel without getting stronger or acquiring any allies, which goes about as well as expected, and is thus sealed as punishment in a realm of utter darkness. Generations later, a couple of Mystics open a gate to this realm only to learn that yes, Cain died a loooooong time ago.

- Bonus Ending 2:

- Bonus Ending 3: Gladiator -

- Bonus Ending 4: The Eyes of Madness - Cain rebels before thinking of reconciling with Schala. Sure enough, she witnesses Cain killing her mother and completely snaps. Years later, a beaten and wounded Cain is brought before the new Queen of Zeal to be executed, and it becomes very clear that Schala has replaced her mother as Lavos' sockpuppet…

- Bonus Ending 5:

- Bonus Ending 6:

- Bonus Ending 7: Everything Ends With Nu - We see various Nu becoming caretakers of Zeal. However, as the credits continue to roll, it's clear that there are no other living beings on the planet. It's heavily implied that Queen Zeal summoned Lavos early in response to Cain's rebellion, with the beast concluding that humanity would be more trouble than it was worth and went full planetary genocide. The Nu represent the planet eventually restoring itself…

- Bonus Ending 8:

- Bonus Ending 9: Cain's Folly - Cain finally launches his rebellion on his own terms, but ultimately gives in to his hatred and becomes a tyrant even worse than Arvis. Years later, Schala, Eiric, Eva, Zhao, and Tristan are the only ones willing to stop him.

- Bonus Ending 10: A World of Light - Cain rebels, but on Schala's terms, and his plan to return Zeal to the surface goes off without a hitch. Enlightened and Earthbound are forced to reconcile, with Cain and Schala ruling the ever-thawing lands as king and queen. Sadly, it's implied that Cain will soon die to illness.

- Bonus Ending 11: History's Slideshow - The only true Joke Ending, where Eiric, Zhao, and Tristan rope Cain into a slideshow of women throughout history as a callback to a similar ending in Chrono Trigger.

Murder Inc. - Downplayed. The Royal Inquisitors are essentially Zeal's secret police, given an official license to kill and the authority to be considered above the law. Granted, they are considered a last resort, and they are only allowed to kill insomuch as to expedite malcontents on which the death penalty already apply. At least they're supposed to. Abel fears Cain gaming the system to enact revenge fantasies upon the Enlightened.

Mythology Gag - Some among the fandom dictate that the people of Zeal, especially the royals, dyed their hair. Turns out there is one who did just that. (It's Cain, who started off blonde but dyed his hair black in mourning for the King's death.)

Never the Selves Shall Meet - Just as with the original timeline, the altered timeline events of Chrono Cross completely avert this trope. Cain actually encounters his Home World counterpart, which goes far in convincing Norris of Serge's plight and Lynx's duplicity.

Non-Standard Game Over - Due to the reveal that Cain dies in every timeline, 10 of the 11 extra endings count as this.

Once More, With Clarity - At the start of the game, we see the massacre that is the Benedict Estate Incident, and a younger Cain slaughtering everyone he can find. All of this is from Schala's perspective, and is the cause of her 'power is evil' mentality, as well as the cause of her and Cain's strained relationship. However, upon witnessing the slaughter of countless Earthbound Ones at Priestess Olivia's hands and Cain's subsequent fury causes her to remember that the former incident only happened after Cain was wounded trying to protect her.

One-Winged Angel - Remember Queen Zeal's final form on the Black Omen in Trigger? This story reveals it to be a corruption of the Sixth Gate when the wielder is overcome by extreme negative emotion. Each consist of a disembodied face/head and cognizant limbs. The Queen naturally undergoes said transformation when fighting her for the bonus endings. Lynx naturally has the FATE interface as well.

Perfectly Arranged Marriage - It's revealed halfway through Origins that King Zeal planned one of these between Cain and Schala ever since the prologue through his final will, and not without good reason. Granted, his death and the conflict of ideals between the two of them over the next couple of years threatened to undo this, but by the end of the story arc, they manage to find enough middle ground to make it work. Or, at least in the original timeline, agree to disagree.

Playable Epilogue - After achieving the Golden Ending in the altered timeline, there's a brief playable segment capping off Cain's character arc set to preparing for Kid and Serge's wedding, and giving a proper goodbye to these characters and the setting.

Poor Communication Kills - Ultimately happens between Abel and Cain throughout the story. Abel constantly criticizes Cain for his recklessness, Cowboy Cop antics, and vigilantism. Cain in turn accuses Abel for dragging his ass on solving King Alphard's murder and selling out his Earthbound roots. It all comes to a head after the destruction of the Underground when the two engage in a brief fist fight and are both forced to be held back by security on Schala's order. This ends up being that last time the two see each other as Abel is found dead in his office within the next few days.

Pre-Climax Climax - Due to the events described in Darkest Hour above, Cain is ready to die in a last stand against the Chancellor and the kingdom. Schala, desperate to stop him from throwing his life away recklessly, gives him a reason not to by invoking the arranged marriage her father set up for them. The brief exchange after their honeymoon and events depicted after the Normal Ending all but outright spell out (that Kid is the result of this union).

Pre-Mortem One-Liner - With the exception of Arvis, each member of the conspiracy (and Lynx in the altered timeline) is given one of these by various party members. Of particular note is the one given to Benedict by Cain in the prologue.

Cain: (as he's cooking Benedict alive) For your treachery… for the murder of our King… This is less than you deserve!!

The Promise - In the altered timeline, Schala has Cain promise not to lose himself (as part of their wedding vows). Later, during Cain's rematch with Magus in the Ocean Palace, that promise becomes very sorely tested.

Prophecy Twist - Cain is prophecized from a young age to be the cause of the world's end (i.e. the Fall of Zeal), which is one of the many reasons he's ostracized, and implied to be the reason there are so many overworld fights with bandits and mercenaries in the so-called 'peaceful' Zeal Kingdom. The twist is that aside from ultimately inciting rebellion he never does anything that leads to Zeal's destruction while alive. It's his death that brings everything into motion, as it drives Schala head-first into nihilism and ultimately summoning Lavos at the Ocean Palace.

Punished for Sympathy - One of the major reasons why otherwise decent Enlightened Ones end up looking the other way towards the suffering of the Earthbound.

The Reveal - Being the saga's Grand Finale, there are plenty of these to go around.

- Those chosen to be Arbiter have their life force siphoned by the Frozen Flame, meaning that every interaction Schala had of communing with the Mammon Machine was slowly killing her. This also means that Serge was ultimately doomed regardless of the aftermath of his quest.

- The Entity, once the subject of discussion between Crono's party, is confirmed to exist, and that it has an Evil Counterpart in the form of the God of Death Thanaton… and that both are fragments of Zurvan the Dreamer's soul torn away when Lavos crash-landed on the planet.

- The purpose of the Chrono Trigger/Assassin of Time being to break the chains preventing the planet's salvation and restoration of Zurvan's mind. Or in layman's terms, ensure that Cain lives long enough to fulfill his destiny.

- The 'Schala' that Serge and his allies save at the end of Chrono Cross is actually a homunculus created by the Time Devourer to keep its existence going after the real Schala's sacrifice in creating Kid. Because of this, Project KID was ultimately doomed to fail.

Shout Out - Cain’s attaining Enlightenment before the Final Battle with Thanaton plays out exactly like a Dragon Ball Z/Super transformation. Word of God says this is an intentional tribute to the late Akira Toriyama.

Stealth Sequel - The story is initially presented as a prequel to the events of Antiquity in Chrono Trigger. Once you start New Game+ however, the fact that Kid becomes a focal point reveals the story as a sequel to Chrono Cross.

Super Mode - Anyone who has fully mastered the Six Gates of magic theory is capable of incredible power, manifesting in-game as a colored aura tailored to the character's personality. (We only see it briefly in a flashback but King Zeal has a multicolored aura, Queen Zeal has a sickly green one with jutted spines not unlike Lavos during her fights in the bonus endings, Schala has a golden aura that occasionally manifests as dove wings befitting her otherwise gentle personality, Sigmund has a deep red aura with phantom swords representing his bloodlust, Cain has a royal blue aura with six phantom arms depicting his righteous fury towards the cruelty and corruption plaguing the kingdom, and finally, Magus has a dark purple aura that he can channel into a phantom red scythe.)

- Cain uses a minor version of this during the Normal Path. Yes, it makes him powerful as all get out for a few turns, but it doesn't have the aura, representing his stubborn nature and lack of focus at the time, which bites him in the ass when he becomes no longer of sound enough mind to control it.

Surprisingly Realistic Outcome - According to sources, the Chrono Cross was meant to pull Schala from the Time Devourer before its creation, leading it to be ultimately ret-gone. Unfortunately, Serge and his allies had never met Schala, and thus never knew what she looked like. With the reveal that what they saved was a homunculus in Kid's image, this means that the origin point of the Time Devourer's creation remained intact, and that Serge's party wasted their one chance to make things right, leading to the dire straits necessitating the altered timeline.

The Very Definitely Final Dungeon - The story has two of them, dependent on story path.

- Normal Path: Zeal Palace. Having been framed for Abel's murder, Cain fights through five floors in a Last Stand before confronting the Prophet (and his own demise) in the Grand Hall.

- Another Path: The Frozen Sea of Dreams. With Cain's survival altering the timelines of both Trigger and Cross, the three parties of heroes across time are forced to do battle with the God of Death Thanaton for the right to survive and change their fates.

Three Faces of Adam - By the time of the altered events of Chrono Cross, Serge is the Hunter, Crono is the Lord, and Cain is (ironically enough) the Prophet.

Tragic Keepsake - The Astral Amulet that Kid wears in Chrono Cross retroactively becomes this during the normal ending, as it once belonged to Cain.

Wham Line - “Inquisitor Cray! You are under arrest on suspicion of the murder of Commander Abel!”

Wham Shot - In the altered timeline battle with Lavos, it fuses with an alternate Time Devourer, becoming Lavos Terminus. Unlike the normal Time Devourer, its fused humanoid host is pointedly male, and then it unsheathes a corrupted yet familiar double-bladed spear/boat oar

Would Hurt a Child - As Cain can personally attest to, yes, the Enlightened Ones can and will hurt a child if and when it suits them. In the altered story path, Dalton threatens this upon Janus to force Schala to return with him to the Ocean Palace.

Wretched Hive - The Underground of Zeal has this reputation, being a hiding place for thieves and killers, as well as being a 'red light district' where the citizens above indulge in various vices. Ultimately subverted in that in spite of the above, many of its denizens are simply exiles, social pariahs, and non-mages just trying to make a living.

Eiric: Welcome to the Underground: our fair Kingdom of Zeal's biggest, dirtiest secret.

Xanatos Gambit - Guile's plan to save reality post-Chrono Cross is for Kid to not only save Serge through time, but to save Cain as well, banking on the latter's loyalty and devotion to Schala to be at her side when Lavos attempts to absorb her. It ultimately pays off with the threat of the Time Devourer ending for good.

(To be continued)
« Last Edit: January 29, 2025, 06:39:07 am by skylark »


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Re: Chrono Origins: The TV Tropes version.
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2022, 02:04:27 pm »
Main Characters:

Cain Cray: The main protagonist of the story as a whole. Formerly a member of the Kingdom of Zeal's Royal Guard, he now serves as an Inquisitor investigating the assassination of King Zeal. Although young, he is a prodigy in the arts of magic and warfare. Having lived a troubled childhood, he tends to hold people in general with disdain to outright contempt, and prefers to solve problems with violence. The only person he seems to hold any affection for is Princess Schala…

…however, in an altered timeline, the sacrifices of a generation change his fate, surviving the Fall of Zeal and transported from Antiquity to the present day. In the years since, Cain has become a radically changed man, far more willing to compromise and put faith in others. When the machinations of Lynx threaten to uproot all he has come to hold dear, Cain joins the vanguard once more, unknowingly being guided towards his true destiny…

Action Dad - Cain definitely becomes this in the altered time post Fall of Zeal, able to save the Kingdom of Guardia while still being a doting father to (Kid).

All Your Powers Combined - As one who has mastered the Sixth Gate, Cain has access to all six major elements, and can combine them for some of his upgraded Techs.

Because You Were Nice to Me - The source of his devotion to Schala, as she was the first person to ever show him unconditional kindness.

Berserk Button - Has a few, such as insulting King Alphard's memory and the systematic abuse of the Earthbound. Unfortunately, he sees modern Enlightened society as guilty of both.

- Threatening to harm Schala or worse, as Dalton finds out the hard way.

Blade on a Stick - Cain wields a Guardian's Spear in the prologue after becoming Schala's bodyguard. After the first time skip and becoming an Inquisitor, he switches to his fists, but still utilizes the spear in one of his Techs.

Bodyguard Crush - Cain pretty much crushes hard towards Schala, even after the time skip. It takes time and work, but his feelings become something more.

The Chosen One - As revealed in the final dungeon of the altered timeline, Cain was chosen by the Entity long ago to be the one that destroys Thanaton. This ends up being the reason why said dark god took great pains to prevent any incarnation of Cain from existing.

Combat Pragmatist - Cain is not afraid to fight dirty, as one of his critical animations is that of a telling low blow. Hell, this is the basis of his Explosion Rune Tech, where he slaps the magical equivalent of a sticky grenade on a foe, kicks them into a crowd of enemies, and watches the ensuing fireworks.

Defrosting Ice King - Over the course of the story, Cain begins to lose the hard edge to his demeanor through his interactions with Eiric and others. It's especially noticeable in the altered timeline when it finally hits him that no, not all of the Enlightened Ones are deserving of his scorn.

Doomed by Canon - In the normal story path, he dies at the hands of the up-and-coming Prophet. Averting this trope is the express point of the altered timeline story path.

Dreaming of Things to Come - An unusual variant in the altered timeline that happens in the span of a few moments. When Magus finds a way to activate the Mammon Machine, instead of throwing the Ruby Knife like Crono did, Cain does a downward stab to try and stop it, causing him to be awash in the Frozen Flame's power. In quick succession, he receives visions of the original timeline, including his own death, Schala's absorption into Lavos, the Fall of Guardia, and Schala's subsequent sacrifice to bring Kid into the world. Unfortunately, as all of these events are a consequence of Magus' actions, it firmly cements Cain's subsequent desire to kill him after Lavos peaces out.

Full-circle Revolution - This is what Cain desires in the darkest parts of his heart, especially after King Alphard's death; for the Earthbound to rise up against the Enlightened and bring suffering to their former oppressors as karmic judgement. The altered timeline story path slowly eases him out of this mindset.

Good Is Not Soft - Even after his Character Development in the altered timeline, Cain refuses to pull his punches out of principal.

Good Old Fisticuffs - Cain's preferred fighting style, honed by years of getting into fights.

Heroic BSoD: Suffers one just after driving off Sigmund from the Underground after its destruction by the Way of Lavos, lamenting his failure to save the Earthbound. Suffers another one in the middle of being arrested for Abel's murder (of which he was framed).

- One that's played for laughs is Cain's eventual reaction to Schala's literal proposal to follow through on the Arranged Marriage with him her father made.

Heroic Sacrifice - In the altered timeline, after defeating Thanaton, Cain stays behind in the Sea of Dreams to ensure that the essences of Thanaton and the Entity are reintegrated back into Zurvan. Thankfully, the 'sacrifice' part doesn't stick, as the credits show Cain eventually returning to his family and allies.

Hilariously Abusive Childhood - Averted. Cain's childhood was abusive, and it is absolutely not Played for Laughs, to the point of leaving long-lasting emotional scars and driving him to believe that Humans Are Bastards.

Hot-Blooded - Tackles all his troubles with an over-enthusiastic amount of gusto.

Infinity +1 Sword - The Preserver Gauntlets, acquired after purging Hatred's Shade from the Masamune.

Knight in Sour Armor

My God, What Have I Done? - In the altered timeline, after Schala emotionally slaps Cain to his senses after his fight with Magus, Cain finally notices the Ocean Palace crumbling around them, and quietly utters this upon realizing that Schala's pendant no longer has enough power to transport everyone to safety because of said fight.

Mythology Motifs - In conforming to Akira Toriyama's influences of India with Zeal, Cain, with the spectral arms granted by the Sixth Gate and his ultimate desire to destroy and purify the corrupt aspects of Zeal so Schala can pave the road for something better, shows multiple aspects of Shiva, the Hindu God of Destruction.

- In the altered timeline, with his Character Development and new role as father after the time skips, Cain's aspects become more in line with Vishnu, the Preserver. His ultimate weapon is even called the Preserver's Gauntlets to drive the point home.

Pelts of the Barbarian - Cain does not dress like your typical Enlightened One, sporting actual armor, furs, and various animal horns and teeth with his normal clothes, giving him somewhat of a comparatively savage look from his peers.

Playing With Fire - In spite of being able to use all six elements, Cain is a red innate, and most of his skillset involves fire.

Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs - His first Tech, Desperate Rush, consists of this. Its upgraded version, Phantom Rush, has Cain's Battle Aura form into six spectral arms, allowing him to unleash his inner Jojo.

Scars Are Forever - Has a noticeable one down his left eye acquired during Bendict's coup in the prologue. He also has a couple of nasty ones on his abdomen (from the same event).

Shell-shocked Veteran - At various points, Cain shows slight signs of PTSD. Not from a war, but by being on the wrong end of the divide between Earthbound and Enlightened while growing up and having the perpetrator of that divide as a father. It all comes out in full-force in the altered timeline during the party's expedition to the Lost Archives. The memories of his abusive childhood manifest and begin a feedback loop, causing Cain to have such a massive Freak Out that he has to be benched from the party for the remainder of the mission.

Sir-Swears-a-Lot - Oh, this guy has quite the potty-mouth, even uttering the series' first F-bomb.

There Is No Kill Like Overkill - Even with the weakest weapon equipped, Cain's Phantom Rush Tech can turn any normal enemy into a fine pink mist.

Took A Level In Kindness - In the altered timeline during the Invasion of Guardia arc, Cain shows definite signs of this after a few years of (being a father). By the altered Chrono Cross arc, one would be hard-pressed to believe that the resident Team Dad was once a violent anti-hero in his youth.

Undying Loyalty - To King Alphard for taking him in, and thus reuniting him with Schala.

Unwitting Instigator of Doom - In the altered timeline, Cain finally leaves his hatreds and grudges behind in the Ocean Palace. Unfortunately that hatred comes to reside in the Masamune, gaining in strength until it becomes its own entity after the conflict with Porre, usurping Masa and Mune as the blade's spirit and enacting a bloody rampage for the next fifteen years. Whoops!

Well-Intentioned Extremist - With the purging of the Underground and the knowledge that powering the Mammon Machine in the Ocean Palace will kill Schala, Cain is forced to become one of these by necessity and plans to cast Zeal back to the frozen wastelands in order to force the gap between Enlightened and Earthbound closed, all but declaring war on the kingdom in the process. The only difference between storylines is how regretful he is, and who joins him.

Cain (original timeline): In the end, these parasites want to hide within paradise without care for the rest of the world. Fine, then! I'll tear off their goddamn wings!

Cain (altered timeline): The Earthbound are dying in droves. Our princess' life is hanging in the balance. We no longer have the luxury of compromise. Either we learn to live as one, or not at all!

With Us or Against Us - Cain holds the whole of Enlightened One society in contempt for their abuse of the Earthbound Ones and their increasing arrogance, and to Hell with anyone who disagrees with him. Deconstructed, as while he has justifiable reasons for having this mindset, it is generally seen as his greatest character flaw and it bites him in the ass more than a few times. Not only does this make him little better than Arvis, it ultimately leads to his falling out with Abel, and in the normal story path, alienates the rest of the Coalition to the point where only Eiric and Schala are willing to interact with him.



Schala Zeal: Princess of the Kingdom of Zeal. Kind and graceful, she tries to see the best in everyone around her. Unfortunately, this makes her a rather poor judge of character, as in her current state, the idea that her kingdom is rotting from within morally is anathema to her. She and Cain first met as children and became fast friends, but the death of her father years later and the violent fallout that followed have since driven a wedge between them. Whether their relationship will be mended or be torn apart forever will depend on Cain's actions….

Blood-splattered Innocents - Happens to her twice, both times from a front-row seat of Cain getting stabbed.

Break His Heart to Save Him - In the altered events of the Ocean Palace Incident, Schala does this to both Magus and Cain after their duel in order to save her brother's life and her husband's soul. It works.

Bystander Syndrome - Suffers from this for two years after her father's death, wanting nothing to do with the world other than her studies or fussing over Janus. It takes Cain literally dragging her to Alghetty and seeing firsthand the miserable conditions of the Earthbound that she breaks out of this mindset and regains her sense of empathy.

Dark and Troubled Past - We see it happen in the Prologue with the Benedict Manor Incident, in which her father is killed in front of her and has a front row seat to Cain's violent retaliation. It ends up being the catalyst for her 'all power is evil' mentality.

Despair Event Horizon - Crosses it completely after Cain's death in the original timeline. The Ocean Palace Incident keeps her there.

Fling A Light Into The Future - What Kid's creation amounts to in the original timeline in hopes of continuing her and Cain's legacies.

Guest Star Party Member - There are a few times where Schala becomes a sixth party member. Averted after the alternate timeline's 1005 AD time skip, where she join full-time by necessity.

The Gloves are Off - In the altered timeline, Schala finally steps up to fight when Dalton threatens to overthrow Guardia. The man played a large role in destroying her old family and home, and she will not let the same thing happen to her new one.

Happily Married - Ultimately follows through on her Arranged Marriage with Cain after the trying events of the Underground's destruction, and the two are shown to be genuinely happy… for about the day and a half before Cain is framed and arrested, ultimately leading to his death. The latter part is thankfully averted in the altered timeline where they're actually able to live out their married life.

Heroic Sacrifice - In the original timeline, once Serge's cries remind her of her humanity, Schala wastes no time in using her life force to bring into being the child she had conceived with Cain. She then uses the rest of it to send the newborn Kid through time to escape Lavos. The effort naturally ends up killing her.

Hidden Buxom - There are a few scenes which show that Schala is packing quite a bit more than her baggy robes advertise. No longer hidden during the 1005 AD time skip in the altered timeline, where her outfit is far more flattering.

I Choose to Stay - Chooses to stay in the collapsing Ocean Palace while teleporting Crono's party (and Magus) to safety. In the altered timeline, Cain stays with her. A far less bittersweet version of this happens after the two of them end up in 1002 AD, where they decide not to return to Antiquity.

Mama Bear - In the altered timeline Chrono Cross, Schala drops everything to arrive in El Nido with the Viper's Venom antidote once Cain informs her of Kid's poisoning, and has more than a few choice words for Lynx on the matter in Fort Dragonia.

Mission Control - Plays this role in the altered timeline Chrono Cross, eventually coordinating Serge and Kid's parties in the search of the Dragon Crests. She rejoins the roster for good once Serge gets his body back.

OOC is Serious Business - Invokes this Trope during the altered Ocean Palace in order to stop Cain from pulling a Vigilante Execution on a weakened and defeated Magus.

Together In Death - Schala's final fate in the original timeline. After she dies sending the newborn Kid to safety, a spirit heavily implied to be Cain pulls her soul away from her body before both disappear.

White Magician Girl - Schala generally checks all the boxes when she's playable; compassionate, a skill set dedicated mostly to healing and buffs, and motherly. The latter more so in the altered timeline where she actually becomes a mother.



Janus Zeal/(Guile): Prince of Zeal and Schala's little brother. A morose child with little to no empathy towards anyone other than his sister and his cat, he was born seemingly without magical ability. In truth, he holds potential even greater than Cain, of whom the boy sees as an annoyance, and later on, a usurper of his place in the royal family. Unfortunately, nobody ever realized how deeply such feelings could fester over time, or how a certain event would ultimately drive him towards terrible villainy…

In the year 1005 however, a man bearing a striking resemblance to the former Fiendlord appears in Truce with no memory of his past. Taken in by the local Magic Guild and becoming its rising star, he would one day come to befriend and become guardian of a certain orphaned girl. Unknownst to him, this girl shares an important connection to his lost past, and his buried memories could ultimately be the key to changing the fates of those he may have once wronged…

Curb-Stomp Battle - In the original timeline, Magus gives Cain one of these during the latter's Last Stand before killing him. In the altered timeline, he gets a taste of karma in the Ocean Palace after Cain realizes that Lavos had drained him of much of his powers.

Deadpan Snarker - The one trait that carries over across every one of his incarnations.

Heel Realization - In the altered timeline, ruminating on Schala's admonishment of his actions as Magus in the Ocean Palace as well as being made persona-non-grata to the Last Village causes him to have one of these on the North Cape. Far sooner than he does in the original timeline.

Hero Killer - This story reveals that killing Cyrus wasn't enough. In order to get into Queen Zeal's good graces, Magus poses as a prophet and uses his knowledge of the future to 'divine' Cain's death, and then does the deed personally to ensure his ascension.

I Hate Past Me - Much prefers his life as Guile over his life as Janus.

The Resenter - Janus begins holding contempt for Cain for claiming his birthright as Alphard's heir and 'stealing' the affections of his sister. As a child, this manifests as numerous, but ultimately harmless pranks. Once he grows up and becomes Magus, those feelings of resentment fester and become murderous to the point where he holds Cain as high on his kill list as Lavos.

Unperson - In the altered timeline, Eiric makes it perfectly clear to Crono's party that Janus/Magus will never be welcome in the Last Village because of his actions. It's this plus what he thinks are Cain and Schala's Heroic Sacrifice that prompt his Heel Realization.

« Last Edit: January 29, 2025, 12:33:23 am by skylark »


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Re: Chrono Origins: The TV Tropes version.
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2022, 02:40:49 pm »
Characters - Party Members


Eiric Istane Guardia: Youngest in a long family line dating back to one of the founders of Zeal, he is considered by his peers a useless layabout, and was only drafted into the Alphard Coalition to keep him out of the way. That said, he's a dab hand with a bow, and if one manages to catch his interest, they'll find that they now have a friend for life.

An Ice Person - Can imbue his arrows with Ice magic in one of his Techs, freezing and inflicting Stop on a single enemy.

Archer Archetype - Wields a bow and arrows.

Badass Family - Considering his family contains the likes of Ayla and Marle, this is no surprise.

Bottomless Magazines - No matter how many arrows he fires, his quiver never empties. Justified, since he replicates his supply with magic.

Handsome Lech - Downplayed. He's not a sleazeball, but he is a shameless flirt.

Healing Hands - His first Tech is Aura, and he ultimately learns Cure All and Arise.

Hero of Another Story - In Chrono Trigger. While Crono's group was infiltrating the Ocean Palace, Eiric was busy trying to evacuate the Kingdom. After Zeal's fall, he was out searching for survivors, explaining why the party never meets him. That there were ANY survivors left in Antiquity were due to his efforts.

Making a Splash - His innate color is blue, and his elemental attack line is Water.

Noodle Incident - Has been involved in more than a few, and no, he will not elaborate.

The Lancer

Only Sane Man - Like Cain, he seems to be the only other person in Zeal to realize something is deeply wrong with society.

Shipper on Deck - For Cain and Schala. In the Normal Path, he's the one who convinces Schala to try and understand Cain's views and mend their strained relationship.

Suckcessor - How the rest of his family views him. He even personally describes himself as 'the spare to the spare of the spare of the spare', referring to his family's lines of succession between his many brothers. Ironically, he ends up outliving them all after the Fall of Zeal.

Took a Level in Jerkass - Developer's Room archives imply (and one of the bonus endings confirms) that Eiric grows to be an angry, tough-as-nails, and uncompromising leader after Zeal's fall in the original timeline. According to said archives, not only has he had to deal with the grief of all of his friend's deaths, he's also had to deal with renegade Enlightened who've refused to learn from past mistakes and are illegally practicing magic, as well as being forced to decry Cain, his best friend, to be forgotten from history so Earthbound and Enlightened wouldn't let old grudges simmer. It's clear that these events have destroyed his faith in humanity.


Lenghan Zhao: A former combat trainer who now spends his twilight years running Zeal's greatest forge of elemental weaponry. When the kingdom 'officially' moves towards pacifism and tries to shut down his forge, Zhao understandably worries for his livelihood. Once Chancellor Arvis decides to push the issue by arresting his employees and sticking them in the Underground's colosseum, Zhao takes up arms in order to save them.

Blow You Away - His innate color is green, and he's a master of wind magic.

Cool Old Guy - The oldest of Cain's party members and a jovial guy all around.

Doomed by Canon - In the Normal Path, he and the rest of the Alphard Coalition is imprisoned in Mount Woe after Cain's death, and is executed before Crono's party ever learns of his existence.

Dual Wielding - Halberds with rather large axe heads.

It's Personal - When Isaac kidnaps his non-mage workers for the Underground's colosseum, Zhao takes it upon himself to rescue them.

Old Master - Was once the combat instructor for Zeal's Royal Guard, and the only other party member besides Schala that Cain knows personally.

The Big Guy

Ultimate Blacksmith - Zhao is close friends with Melchior and taught the latter everything he knows about smithing.


Eva Baele: A young woman employed by the Alphard Coalition as its Spymaster. Cool-headed and aloof, she's introduced investigating strange happenings in the abandoned Benedict Estate. Able to manipulate stone and metal with her powers, she creates an armored humanoid golem by the name of Benmaru.

Action Girl

Becoming the Mask - Eva began working as a dancer in order to gather info for her spy work, but eventually came to enjoy it on its own merits. After finishing her personal quest, she admits to wanting to be a dancer full-time after she retires from the spy game.

Bedlah Babe - Her outfit heavily invokes a belly dancer vibe. Slightly justified as she moonlights as a dancer when gathering intel.

Big Damn Heroes - Joins the party and officially introduces Benmaru during the battle with Issac and his colosseum beasts, turning the tide.

Blade Below the Shoulder - Has a baton attached underneath her armband that she can call to her hand with a thought. Said baton also conceals a hidden blade with which she fights reverse-grip.

Clark Kenting - The only difference between her civilian attire and 'spymaster' attire is a long scarf. Nobody else but the Coalition can tell the difference, and it confuses them greatly.

Combat Hand Fan - Uses these attached with Razor Floss to puppeteer Benmaru.

Cool Big Sis - Becomes this to Schala. Is literally this to her own sister in Alghetty.

D-Cup Distress - Downplayed, but Eva mentions to Schala during the Beach Episode sidequest that 'they get in the way at the worst times' when the latter expresses some slight jealousy.

Deadpan Snarker

Dishing out Dirt - Her innate color is yellow, and she can manipulate earth to create constructs.

Doomed by Canon - In the Normal Path, she and the rest of the Alphard Coalition is imprisoned in Mount Woe after Cain's death, and is executed before Crono's party ever learns of her existence.

Fragile Speedster - She can hit harder than the norm, but Eva is the fastest member of the party.

Gadgeteer Genius - She considers herself a student of Balthasar, and has a knack for building and repairing technology. In the altered timeline, due to Dalton taking a trip through the golem portal early, she's the one who installs wings onto the Epoch.

- Turns out it runs in the family. Her sister's descendant eventually marries into the Ashtear family during the foundation of Guardia, according to the Developer's Room Archives.

Heroic Seductress - Eva's not afraid to use her body in doing her job as a spy, and admits to Schala that she's laid with more than a few of her targets and/or informants. In the version of said conversation after her personal quest, she also notes that she's enjoyed some of said liaisons.

Jack of All Stats - Not in terms of battle per se, but in her place in the Five-Man Band. During the brief times Schala joins the party, Eva immediately proves her flexibility in group dynamics. With Benmaru, she can double as The Big Guy to help take the load off Zhao, her tech savvy meshes well with Tristan's knowledge as The Smart Guy, she can offer insights that Eiric can't as a second Lancer, and although she's not as fitting for the role of The Chick on her own, she becomes the firm hand to contrast Schala's gentle touch.

Marionette Master - Controls Benmaru with mystical wires when using him to attack. Eventually subverted during her personal sidequest, as Benmaru ultimately cuts his strings and moves of his own accord, shocking Eva.

Ms. Fanservice

Ninja - The closest Zeal has to one.

Proud Beauty - She may wear a mask of indifference, but she knows she looks good and has the confidence to match. She even lets her mask slip to give Schala some romantic advice.

Eva: A shake of the hips or cute gestures may be enough for the average pursuit, but when you're chasing the one who truly matters, you have to believe - truly believe - that you've got every milksop in a five-mile radius wrapped around your finger.

Samurai - What Benmaru is modeled after, complete with stylized antler-horned helmet.

Secret Test of Character - Has been conducting one on Cain since even before the two meet, under the orders of King Alphard. The test is to confirm Cain's suitability to become the future king of Zeal.

Scarf of Asskicking - Sports a long on appropriate for her role as Spymaster, though it doesn't quite match her outfit.

Ship Tease - Between herself and Eiric.

Shock and Awe - Although she can create earth constructs, the attack spells she has that are governed by her innate are Lightning-based.

Sultry Belly Dancer - She's damn good at it too.

Tomboy and Girly-Girl - The Tomboy to Schala's Girly-Girl.

We Have Reserves - No matter how many times Benmaru is destroyed, Eva can just reconstruct him again.


Tristan Arlan: An Enlightened of noble birth with an ancestry reaching back as far as one of the Six Founders of Zeal. He is the governor of the kingdom's southeastern landmass, is a staunch supporter of King Alphard, and beloved by his people. He is a member of the Alphard Coalition, but due to his upbringing and his unique powers, he is the slowest of the party to warm up to Cain.

Blue Blood - He is a noble of quite high standing, and one of the few aligned with the Alphard Coalition.

Casting a Shadow - His innate color is black, and he utilizes the Dark series of attack spells, as well as Dark Bomb.

Doomed by Canon - In the Normal Path, he and the rest of the Alphard Coalition is imprisoned in Mount Woe after Cain's death, and is executed before Crono's party ever learns of his existence.

The Empath - Tristan is psychically in tune with the emotions of those around him. Cain's clear distaste and anger towards society is enough to make him wary, and the sheer rage felt when the latter goes on their doomed rampage against the Prophet nearly causes him to pass out… in his cell on Mount Woe.

Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold - He has blonde hair and is one of the few nobles left in Zeal who still considers the Earthbound Ones people.

Innocently Insensitive - As an empath, Tristan has a unique way of dealing with people. Unfortunately, it seems he never quite gets the memo that just because you can read minds doesn't mean you should vocalize other people's thoughts willey-nilley.

Martial Pacifist - He would rather not kill if he doesn't have to, but neither will he abide threats to the people under his care.

Royal Rapier - His weapon of choice.

The Smart Guy













Kid (aka: Kalyana Isabel Zeal):

(For Tropes relating to her original timeline counterpart, see Those Behind the Curtain.)

Adaptational Heroism - In the altered timeline, due to Cain's presence during the escape from Viper Manor, Kid never takes Riddel as a hostage. Also because of the butterfly effect from her father's survival, she never becomes bitter and resentful enough to want to see the world destroyed.

Adaptational Modesty - Played with. Due to El Nido's temperate climes, Kid's outfit is more or less the same as in the original timeline, but she now wears a pair of Modesty Shorts under her skirt/wrap (at both her parent's understandably fervent insistence).

Adaptational Nice Girl - It's made abundantly clear that the altered timeline smoothed out many of the original Kid's rough edges. She has a much more Just Like Robin Hood approach to thievery, she's much nicer in general due to her family's positive influence, and although she still has a spicy temper and doesn't suffer idiots, she's much more understanding of her allies' quirks.

Badass Adorable - She'll rob you blind, but she's a cutie.

Berserk Button - In spite of her better fortunes in this new timeline, Lynx is still this for her, for justifiable reasons. And unlike the original, she gets a chance to vent her frustrations on both Dark Serge and FATE.

Daddy's Girl - Like her mother was for Alphard, Kid adores the ever loving hell out of her father, and considers him the coolest person ever.

Determinator - Once Kid puts her mind to something, nothing and nobody can stop her.

Devious Daggers - Still has one as her Weapon of Choice. One of her new Techs and the Dual Tech Z-Strike with Serge has her dual wielding them.

Energy Weapon - Her Hotshot Tech returns, though it's been renamed Hotshot Mk1, implying the existence of another model. Indeed, Hotshot Mk3 appears as a Triple Tech between Kid, Lucca, and Cain.

Full Name Ultimatum - Played for Laughs. Kid knows she's in trouble when any member of her family drops her full name, and gets appropriately flustered.

Hot-Blooded - Restless enthusiasm, inherited from her father. This and her general youth tends to land Kid in dangerous situations requiring Cain or Serge to bail her out, but it also makes her a Determinator.

Perspective Flip - In this timeline, the rescue of Serge and Poshule from Karshe and the Shaker Brothers is played from Kid's perspective.

Spared by the Adaptation - This version of Kid doesn't go through nearly as much shit as her original counterpart. Both of her parents and Big Sis Lucca survive Lynx's orphanage fire, and she never ends up brainwashed to become his follower after the body swap. She still gets poisoned by Lynx, but Schala arrives in Guldove in short order with the cure, and she's still forced to relive the trauma of the fire, but Serge pulls her out of it like in the original timeline.

Video Game Stealing - Her Pilfer Tech makes a return, and she has a Dual-Tech with her father that guarantees a 100% success rate as long as the enemy has an item to steal.

Wave-Motion Gun - Kid's Hotshot Mk3 Triple-Tech ends up being one of these, incinerating an entire line of enemies.


Guile: See Janus Zeal's entry under Main Characters.

Harle (aka: Dragon Goddess Tsukuyomi)

Adaptational Jerkass - When Cain's party first meets her, she forgoes flirting with Serge and sniping at Kid, instead launching a series of hateful taunts on Cain, implying this trope is at work. She even refuses to join after Serge and Lynx switch bodies, and remains an antagonistic force during the journey through Home World simply because Cain is there. However, it's ultimately revealed that Harle is the last survivor of the original timeline's destruction, and that she personally holds Cain responsible.

Continuity Nod - To Another Eden's Complex Dream. The events from it enabled Harle to reinforce her sense of self so that she would survive assimilation with the other dragons. She even stops just short of name-dropping Aldo.

Cute Monster Girl - What Harle actually looks like underneath the harlequin makeup and trappings; a humanoid with dragon features, horns, a tail, and like her biological template, a complete cutie.

Lunacy - Appropriately for the dragon that represents the moon, all of her Techs and spells carry a lunar theme.

Sole Survivor - By the time she's confronted atop Terra Tower, it's revealed Harle is the last survivor of the original timeline.

Took A Level in Kindness - In the True Final Dungeon after confronting the last remnant of Original Timeline Kid, Harle begins to drop her animosity towards Cain and is later seen attempting to connect with the current timeline's Kid and Starky.


The Resenter - In the altered timeline, refuses to join Serge even before the body swap due to Cain having been the one to kill his father during Porre's war with Guardia years ago. He Gets Better after some Character Development, and officially joins before the party heads to Chronopolis.

You Killed My Father - Towards Cain, who for most of the Cross arc regards him with equal parts respect and resentment.


My God, What Have I Done? - Upon realizing that Serge really had swapped bodies with the Demi-human Lynx, Home World Leena runs off in grief over how she treated him, believing he'll never be able to trust her again. Sadly, due to his own guilt in inadvertently having to kill her father Miguel, Serge is in no hurry to correct her.


Evil-Detecting Dog - If Poshule is in the party at Fort Dragonia, she'll suddenly start growling at 'Serge', clueing Cain in that Lynx has swapped bodies.

















« Last Edit: January 07, 2025, 01:53:37 pm by skylark »


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Re: Chrono Origins: The TV Tropes version.
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2022, 02:47:01 pm »
Supporting/Other Characters


King Alphard Zeal

Mentor Occupational Hazard


Abel Lorre: Former bodyguard of King Zeal, current commander of Zeal's security forces, and leader of the Alphard Coalition. A dour man who always follows the letter of the law, much to Cain's chagrin.

Armor-Piercing Question - In the altered timeline Schala asks him if helping her father save her mother from King Victor was a mistake. (Keep in mind that Schala would not exist if that hadn't happened.) Abel's belief in law is so ingrained into him that without thinking, he answers 'yes' before realizing the implications of her question. This ends up being the final straw that shatters Schala's belief in Zeal's system of law, and causes Abel to finally reevaluate his priorities.

Big Good - Becomes this after King Zeal's death. At least, he tries to be. Becomes somewhat deconstructed due to his innate prejudice towards Cain and inability to see the bigger picture, both of which Arvis uses to his advantage.

Broken Pedestal - Has become one to Cain by the beginning of Origins proper. Becomes one to Schala as well in the altered timeline.

By the Book Cop - Abel isn't stupid. He knows Arvis is guilty of regicide, but wishes to have him punished within the law. Unfortunately, the enemy is a corrupt bureaucrat that continually twists the law to his own ends, leaving Abel constantly hamstrung.

Cain and Abel - Throughout Origins, this trope seems closer and closer to being played straight to the point where the two briefly come to blows. However, the trope ends up being turned completely on its head as Cain is framed for Abel's murder.

Category Traitor - Cain accuses him of being this, enjoying the 'perks' of Enlightened society at the expense of his fellow Earthbound. Considering he never knows of many of the abuses suffered through the story until after the fact, even he finds it difficult to argue that point.

Charles Atlas Superpower - Has no magic in his blood whatsoever. Can wield a seven-foot greatsword with the best of them.

Doomed by Canon - Dalton being commander of Zeal's security forces by the time of Trigger pretty much tells us Abel isn't going to survive this tale.

Freudian Excuse - It is heavily implied (and in the altered timeline, confirmed) that Abel was unable to reconcile Alphard executing King Victor in the prologue and the need to rescue then princess Samaela. Since then, he obsessively tries to do everything within the law even if doing so ultimately jeopardizes the goals of the coalition. This, unfortunately, ends up alienating Cain, and in the altered timeline, Schala.

Inspector Javert - To Cain. Whenever things go south, Cain is the first person he blames. Granted, he isn't always wrong, but never truly knows the full story.

Mystical White Hair - Averted. Word of God directly states that Abel is Albino.

Obstructive Bureaucrat - While never his intention, he's this to Cain and the party. He's so obsessive in performing proper procedure that any gains or openings that the party makes for the investigation ultimately slips through his fingers.

Parting Words Regret - In the altered timeline, his last thoughts as he's dying is that his last conversations with Schala and Cain ended on such bitter conclusions and wishes them both to survive the inevitable storm.

Resentful Guardian - Mentor in this case, but as the story goes on, it becomes clear that Abel never trusted Cain, wholeheartedly believing the slander of him being a 'Bringer of Calamity'. Cain's Cowboy Cop antics and general belligerence do nothing to dissuade him from this mindset.

Sacrificial Lion

Smart People Wear Glasses

To Be Lawful or Good - Ultimately the dichotomy between him and Cain, Abel chooses lawful. Every time. It ends up getting him killed. Somewhat subverted in the altered timeline as certain events force him to finally reconsider his stance and ultimately choose good in the end. Too bad he never gets the chance to act on it before his death.


Seth Volron: The leader of the Kingdom of Zeal's royal Inquisitors, and Cain's direct superior. He constantly exudes an aura of danger and untrustworthiness, and is more than will to bend or even break certain laws, but it becomes clear to all who meet him that his loyalty to Alphard's vision is unbreakable.

Jerk With a Heart of Gold - He is abrasive and does not suffer fools, but he truly does have the well-being of Zeal in mind.


Gaspar, Guru of Time

Melchior, Guru of Life

Balthasar, Guru of Reason

Elder Xander: The elder of Alghetty village.

Raul: A young, outspoken hunter of Alghetty, and one of the few friends Cain had made during his time there.

Violet: A student of Melchior who was tasked with protecting a sacred sapling after the Guru's arrest. She is the ancestor of 600 AD's Fiona.

Small Role, Big Impact - On two fronts. One is her small part in eventually restoring the forests of Porre. The other is the fact that she is the one that keeps Eiric out of Cain's rebellion, at least in the normal ending, thus ensuring the birth of the Guardia royal line.

Pitch: The proprietor of the 'Pitch Black' Tavern in Zeal's Underground, and unofficial representative of the Earthbound living in it.

Good Guy Bar - Runs one of these.

Killed Off for Real - Is killed during Ophelia's purge of the Underground.

Wayne: One of Zhao's apprentices, an Enlightened One who believes that the best defense is a good offense. He is the one the Origins party goes to improve their weapons.

Defector From Decadence - The purge of the Underground becomes a wake-up call for him. From then on, especially in the altered timeline where he leads the prison revolt in Mount Woe, he aids the Origins party by forging whatever they need against the Queen and Arvis.

Distressed Dude - Gets captured twice. First by Isaac, then later on sent to Mount Woe for defying the recent 'no weapons' policy.

Expy - To the similarly-named character from Parasite Eve, right down to sharing personal philosophy.

More Dakka - Offers to turn Eiric's bow into a repeating arrow cannon. In the altered timeline, he manages to create such weapons when Cain leads the Earthbound to war.

Vitriolic Best Buds - With Torres.

Torres: An apprentice forger under Zhao partnered with Wayne. Unlike his partner, he's an Earthbound One who eschews violence, believing that nothing beats a superior set of armor.

Actual Pacifist

Expy - Of the similarly-named character from Parasite Eve. He even dies without putting up a fight.

Killed Off for Real - Like his namesake, he dies during the Underground's purge.

Vitriolic Best Buds - With Wayne.

Cain's Mother/Shannon Cray: An influential scholar of some renown during the days of King Victor. Meets and eventually becomes the wife of Arvis Cray. Dies giving birth to her son Cain.

Devil's Advocate - For King Victor. Unfortunately, she knew nothing about the Frozen Flame or its corrupting influence, making her bias stand out all the more.

Horrible Judge of Character - Two-fold. As nice as she was, she was one of Victor's loyalists, and thus found a 'kindred spirit' in Arvis, who would go onto use her influence to rise to power.

Inspector Javert - Believes Alphard Zeal to have usurped King Victor's power, despite the fact that Victor was no longer himself due to the Frozen Flame or that Alphard did what he did to save then-Princess Samaela.

No Name Given - Not during the main story. Developer's Room Archives reveal it to be Shannon.

Posthumous Character - She dies long before the story begins.

Spanner in the Works - Her Death by Childbirth ends up being one of these to her husband's political aspirations. Unfortunately, her newborn son became the focus of Arvis' subsequent wrath.

Unwitting Instigator of Doom - She holds the belief that regicide is unforgivable, and thus holds umbrage that Alphard was allowed to be crowned king despite leading a coup against King Victor. Unfortunately, she never realized just how influential her stance was, which Arvis uses to great effect to plant the seeds of his own coup…























Marbule Elder

« Last Edit: October 18, 2024, 06:28:39 pm by skylark »


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Re: Chrono Origins: The TV Tropes version.
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2022, 02:55:07 pm »
Characters - Villains


Queen Samaela Zeal

Be Careful What You Wish For - Spends the earlier part of her adult life trying to find out why her father had gone mad. Once the Frozen Flame is in her possession, she finds out the hard way.

Bonus Boss - She ends up being this for the bonus endings.

Fighting From the Inside - Heavily implied that she is aware of her moments of mania under the Frozen Flame's influence during the Prologue, but she doesn't have the mental fortitude to drive them back. Once Alphard is killed, any trace of her former self is gone for good.

In the Back - In the altered timeline, she is killed this way by Magus in order to use her life force to forcefully activate the Mammon Machine.

Puppet King - What she supposedly is to Arvis… until regardless of Cain's fate, she and the Prophet set the record straight.

The Puppet Has Cut Its Strings - In the altered timeline after Arvis rants at the Prophet for Cain's survival, the Queen makes it clear to her Chancellor that she only allowed him the reigns because he was getting results for the kingdom's prosperity, and she could strip him of that power at any time she wishes. Not only that, she vetoes on the spot his plans to kill all the Earthbound and instead plans to use them to build the Ocean Palace, all with a self-satisfied smirk that leaves the smarmy chancellor unnerved for the first time in the story.


Chancellor Arvis Cray

A God Am I - Erroneously believes that because the Enlightened One can utilize magic, they are on the path to become gods by divine right. Unfortunately, this causes him to see the Earthbound as impediments towards mankind's progress.

A Nazi by Any Other Name

Archnemesis Dad - He's Cain's father, and a complete and utter bastard.

Back for the Finale - In the altered timeline, he returns as a demon along with the rest of his Conspiracy in the final dungeon Boss Rush to give Schala some much-needed catharsis.

Death is Only the Beginning - His soul refuses to fade back into Zurvan's Dream and he briefly returns to life as a demon in the Very Definitely Final Dungeon as part of a Boss Rush.

Evil Cannot Comprehend Good - Implied to be a major reason why he fails to brainwash Cain's allies in the altered timeline. Specifically, Word of God says that his powers of manipulation were overpowered by the Power of Friendship.

Evil Chancellor - After the red herrings that were 600AD and 1000AD's chancellors, of course it's the chancellor of Zeal that plays this Trope straight.

Final Solution - Arvis wishes genocide upon all of the Earthbound Ones for, in his words, standing in the way of Enlightened humanity's progress.

Greater Scope Villain - Of Antiquity. Arvis masterminds the death of King Alphard, uses the Queen's ensuing obsession with Lavos to usurp power, and is entirely responsible for the divide between Earthbound and Enlightened.

Hate Sink - There is nothing at all redeeming about this man.

I Have No Son! - To the point he wants him dead.

It's All About Me

Karmic Death - In the original timeline, he is the first to be vaporized by Lavos when Schala activates the Mammon Machine. Keep in mind that he's responsible for ordering the deaths of her father and Cain, making it Revenge by Proxy.

- In the altered timeline, Cain takes him out personally by stabbing him in the throat with his old Guardian spear. A fitting punishment for a man capable of brainwashing an entire civilization with his voice.

Maternal Death? Blame the Child! - The moment Cain is born, Arvis curses his very existence. Not for his wife's death, but for depriving him of a political asset.

More Than Mind Control - How his magic seems to work. He latches on to a desire of those who listen, then the magic subtly, but surely, twists them towards his way of thinking. Those effected never change back, either.

Pointy Ears - Has these as a demon. Aside from that and red eyes, he looks just as human as he once was.

The Conspiracy - Leads one against the Zeal Royal Family. He almost succeeds.


High Priestess Olivia

From Nobody to Nightmare - She was once Queen Zeal's handmaiden, but was one of the first to fall prey to Lavos' power. Now she's the dogmatic head of the Way of Lavos cult.

Hoist by Her Own Petard - She is no better at controlling flesh golems than Pavlov is at controlling demons and meets her end at the hands of one of her twisted creations.


Minister Pavlov

Fat Bastard

Hoist By His Own Petard

Starter Villain

'Don of the Underground' Issac

The Beastmaster

Bread and Circuses

Not the Fall That Kills You

'Mother Unit' Hera

Super Prototype - Of what would eventually become Mother Brain and FATE.


Beneath Suspicion - Because he tends to act the fool, nobody sees Dalton as anything more than a Punch-Clock Villain. (He is the one who assassinates King Alphard, and nobody figures it out until the altered timeline.)

Dirty Coward - Constantly resorts to trickery and misdirection during battle. Justified in the altered timeline. After his arrogance costs him his eye, Dalton realizes he will never be able to beat Cain in a straight fight. It takes being augmented by the corrupted Masamune during the Seige of Guardia to finally fight him on equal footing.

Eye Scream- When Cain is arrested following Abel's death, Dalton picks the wrong moment to taunt the fallen Inquisitor. Cue Cain hitting his Rage Breaking Point, breaking free of his restraints, and giving Dalton a gauntlet-clad sucker-punch with enough force to rupture his eye. He sports his iconic eyepatch from then on.

Face Death With Dignity - Subverted at the end of the Seige of Guardia. Dalton knows he's not making it through his execution, so out of pure spite, he magically shatters his restraints and makes one final attempt to assassinate Queen Marle. The shock and disbelief come when he realizes it is Schala who turns his final plot back on him.

From Nobody to Nightmare - Begins Origins as little more than the leader of a band of brigands barely worth Cain's time. In both timelines, he ends as Supreme Commander of Porre's military and a very credible threat.

Karmic Death - In the altered timeline, Dalton ultimately meets his end at the hands of Schala, years after he had killed her father. That he dies trying to assassinate another monarch (in this case, Marle) makes it extra fitting.

Made of Iron - Takes all kinds of beatings throughout the story and still manages (with one exception) to make it out unscathed. It takes four separate beatdowns by the Zeal trio in the altered timeline to finally bring him down.

Obfuscating Stupidity - Generally bombastic and full of himself, Dalton is seen as not much of a threat. However, beneath his machismo lies a calculating mind and an unquenchable ambition to rule over all, and willing to use every dirty trick he knows to come out on top.

This Cannot Be! - Basically Dalton's reaction to Schala (of all people) reflecting his assassination attempt of Marle back at him before dying.


Sigmund: An assassin employed by Arvis, acting as his right hand and personal 'fixer'. Rumor tells that he is a swordsman without peer. Antagonizes Cain throughout the Origin Arc.

Axe Crazy

Blood Knight - There is nothing we won't do for a good fight. Nothing.

Duel Boss - Every fight with Sigmund is one-on-one.

Final Boss - Considering the following fight with the Prophet/Magus is story-scripted, Sigmund is the final enemy Cain faces in the normal story route.

Foil - Strangely enough, Sigmund is one to Eiric. Both find a kindred spirit in Cain, but while Eiric holds sympathies to Cain's Dark and Troubled Past, Sigmund is fixated on Cain's inner desire to tear down Enlightened society, believing that the 'desire to see the world burn' makes them destined rivals.

Katanas are just Better

Multi-Armed and Dangerous - When utilizing the Sixth Gate, his aura manifests six extra arms, each holding a sword.

Noble Demon - As much as he's an Axe Crazy sociopath, he does have his own personal code. He was originally meant to be the one to assassinate King Alphard, but was planning to do so through an honorable duel before Dalton stole his opportunity. Once Cain finally puts him down, he accepts his death with dignity and urges him to aim higher. Finally, he is the only one of the Conspiracy to outright refuse to return from the dead as a Demon in the Final Dungeon in the altered timeline.

The Reason You Suck Speech - Delivers a vicious one to Schala during Olivia's purge of the Underground, tired of her blind insistence on trying to see the good in others. Depending on the story route, she takes it to heart in different ways.

Start of Darkness - While not outright stated even in the Developer's Room archives, it's subtly implied that Sigmund was once an Inquisitor that ended up abusing his License to Kill and was summarily excommunicated, allowing Arvis to poach him for his talents.

Super Mode - He is one of the few characters in the story able to utilize the full powers of the Sixth Gate, and will liberally unleash them in his last two battles with Cain.






Porre High Command

'Supreme Commander' Dalton

The Acacia Dragoons





The Dragon God


(Miscellaneous Bosses)

Liquid Metal Golem: A construct created by Arvis as a battle form, boasting the ability to morph any part of its body into a lethal weapon of unparalleled strength and durability.

Giga Gaia: A gigantic golem created to be Mt. Woe's ultimate defense system.

Hatred's Shade: A fragment of Cain Cray's negative emotions left behind in the Ocean Palace, coming to rest within the Masamune. Absorbing the strength of wills from the blade's subsequent wielders, it ultimately forms a will of its own and usurps control from the Dream spirits Masa and Mune. Possesses those who discover the sword and drives them to maddened bloodshed in order to satiate its drive for chaos and destruction…

Barrier Change Boss - Takes a page from Magus's book and creates an elemental barrier every few turns, and goes the extra mile to counter with a powerful elemental spell when said barrier is broken.

Demonic Possession - Of the Masamune. Defeating the shade purifies the blade, sets the dream spirits free, and grants the Preserver Gauntlets, Cain's ultimate weapon.

Enemy Without - To Cain, being the literal embodiment of his past hatred and prejudices.

Omnicidal Maniac - Being an aspect of Cain's past hatred, the shade takes his past prejudice of the Enlightened Ones to its logical conclusion… and since the Enlightened and the Earthbound have long since integrated, all of humanity is now on the shade's chopping block.

Split Personality Takeover - The shade's ultimate goal is to reintegrate into Cain by force, and one by one, kill every last person in the world.

Superboss - Replaces Dario as Cross' Masamune-wielding challenge boss… and believe it or not, it's even cheaper.

What Could Have Been - An in-universe answer to what Cain could have become had he killed Magus, and it's not pretty.

« Last Edit: December 11, 2024, 03:24:43 am by skylark »


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Re: Chrono Origins: The TV Tropes version.
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2022, 02:56:30 pm »
Those Behind the Curtain

The Six Founders of Zeal:

Original Timeline Kid:

Original Timeline Guile/Magus:

Batman Gambit - Despite what he had done, or maybe even because of it, he knows that if Cain had lived, he would have protected Schala from ever being absorbed by Lavos. Thus he sends Kid to Antiquity to make sure this happens, setting the stage for the Altered Timeline scenario.

Go Out with a Smile - Circumstances aside, Guile dies peacefully after speaking with Cain and Schala from the newly altered timeline, secure in the knowledge that his and Kid's plan to save the two had succeeded.

Heroic Sacrifice - Holds off Lynx's copies in order for Kid to enter the Gate to Antiquity with the newly completed Time Egg. When their world becomes part of the Darkness Beyond Time, he clings to life long enough for Cain and Schala of the newly altered timeline to come across him.

Karmic Death - Feels it rather appropriate that Cain and Schala, the two people his actions as Magus had wronged the most in his timeline, are the ones to witness his final moments.

Mr. Exposition - When Cain and Schala are trapped in the DbT in the altered timeline, Guile is the one to explain their circumstances, what happened to Schala in his timeline and the resulting fallout, and ending with a plea for Cain to protect Schala from Lavos.


Salvaged Story - One of many aspects that never made it fully into Chrono Cross was the idea of a Serge that kills the Time Devourer without using the titular item becoming the Devourer's next host, with only a few cryptic lines and the 'kill Lavos' ending not being an ending at all remaining. The altered timeline brings back this plot point in a big way by Thanaton fusing the dying Lavos with the Serge Devourer during Cain and Schala's confrontation with it, transforming into Lavos Terminus.

True Final Boss - Of the Origins arc of the story in the altered timeline.




The Entity

A Form You Are Comfortable With - Due to its pacifistic nature, the Entity ultimately takes the form of a glowing cat.

Big Good

Fusion Dance - Performs one with Cain during the final battle of the altered timeline in order to keep the infinite power and knowledge of the Seventh Gate from transforming him into something like Norstein Bekkler.

Greater Scope Paragon - For Chrono Trigger, guiding Crono and his allies to ultimately defeat Lavos.

I Cannot Self-Terminate - The Entity's ultimate goal is to return it and Thanaton's essences to Zurvan and restore the balance of dreams. Unfortunately, it does not have to ability to fight Thanaton on its own. Thus, it marks Cain Cray as its Chosen One due to his willingness to risk opening the Seventh Gate to save his family and friends.

Pieces of God

Time Master

Threads of Fate - Represents Lachesis, measuring and preserving the thread of life.


Thanaton: One of two beings that split from Zurvan due to Lavos' corrupting energies. He is the Chronoverse's living embodiment of death and decay, and is the source of the Black Wind uttered throughout the series. Styling himself a God of Death, he sees it as his sacred duty to end all life on the planet.

Balance Between Good and Evil - Subverted. As the Entity rightly points out, without life to balance out death, if Thanaton succeeds in his plots, death will lose all meaning because nothing will be left. Thanaton doesn't care in the slightest.

Berserk Button - Those that defy and try to circumvent death. Unfortunately, this means that Crono and Serge are directly on his radar, and thus he takes great pains to make sure they both lose everything (via the Fall of Guardia and the interference of Project Kid respectively).

Book Ends - His extremely depowered form is fought as the first official boss of the story. Assuming the altered timeline was pursued, Thanaton at the height of his power becomes the Final Boss.

Cain and Abel - The Cain to the Entity's Abel, a literal God of Death that will not stop his 'duty' until all life is extinguished.

Canon Character All Along - Well, background decoration. You see that demon statue in Magus' chambers in Trigger? That's Thanaton.

Casting a Shadow - Fitting for the series God of Death.

Greater Scope Villain - While Lavos is the greater Inciting Incident, its actions are born simply from animalistic survival instinct. Thanaton, on the other hand, is directly responsible for many of the travesties that befall the series and our heroes, all out of an in-born directive to end all life and a near psychotic hatred of humanity.

- By sending Dalton to 1000 AD, he is ultimately responsible for the Fall of Guardia.

- He is the one who sends Schala to the Darkness Beyond Time, thus responsible for the creation of the Time Devourer. As an added insult, he reinforces the creation point, making it so the Chrono Cross fails to ret-gone Lavos, and thus the reason Project KID ultimately failed.

- He is the one who pulls Dinopolis from its reality to counteract Chronopolis, all in the hopes that the Dragonians would destroy humanity.

- Finally, he is the one to guide Magus back to Antiquity in order to specifically kill Cain due to the latter being the lynchpin of foiling his plans.

Gaia's Vengeance - Prioritizes protecting the planet itself more than the lives living on it. Its twisted philosophy would inadvertently be adopted by many extremist non-humans, especially the Dwarves.

God is Evil - Played with due to having been split off from Zurvan. Thanaton is basically what Zurvan would be if it decided 'screw humanity and life in general, I'm clearing the slate'.

God of Death - Of the Chrono mythos.

Grew Beyond Their Programming

The Man Behind The Man - For Dinopolis and the Dragon God.

Pieces of God

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy - It began with a vision of Cain destroying him with the aid of the Entity that Thanaton resolves to destroy every last trace of him that ever existed. His actions, however, bleed into the altered timeline and cause Cain to take notice, ensuring that this conflict inevitably happens.

Stop Worshipping Me - A lore snippet in the Very Definitely Final Dungeon reveals that Thanaton came to be worshipped by the Mystics of 600 AD as their patron saint. Despite Ozzie's faction causing much death and destruction, Thanaton would not condone their use of necromancy, a concept that spat in the face of death.

Threads of Fate - Represents Clotho, 'severing the thread of life'.

True Final Boss
« Last Edit: February 06, 2025, 04:58:20 pm by skylark »


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Re: Chrono Origins: The TV Tropes version.
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2022, 02:19:34 pm »
Crowning Moment of Funny


One particular moment comes during the epilogue of the Golden Ending. Cain attempts to open the Seventh Gate a second time on a whim. However, since he isn't in the proper mindset, the built up power simply fizzles out, but not before giving him one hell of a headache.

Cain: *knocked on his ass* Ow, ow! Son of a…! Okay. Can't do the whole Enlightenment thing whenever you want. Good to know.


Late in Antiquity's story, after Cain and Schala have Their First Time on their honeymoon, the post-coitus pillow talk inevitably turns to Schala's fears about the general populace discovering their private marriage. Cain, being the tactful sort…

Cain: I'm willing to bet three months of my stipend that Eiric figures it out just by looking at us.
Schala: Please tell me you're joking…
Cain: You have not seen that man work. I swear, he can smell purity from a mile away.

And sure enough, the next morning in the altered timeline…

Eiric: Alright, hold up. (Beat) Well, it's about damn time.
Cain: (resigned) I hate it when I'm right…


Earlier than the above is Cain's reaction to marrying Schala. Once it finally hits him that he's going the marry the girl he's been in love with since childhood, he turns into a babbling mess.


In the altered timeline, Cain and Schala become embroiled in a spying mission to Porre, accompanied by Guile, whom Cain has just learned is an amnesiac Magus. When offering fake names at one of the checkpoints, Cain decides to troll his errant brother-in-law by busting out the mother of all Mythology Gags; Mick Van Jovi. It's hard to tell what's funnier, Guile and Schala's non-plussed expressions, or Cain's shit-eating grin.


Eiric reintroducing himself to the story before the Very Definitely Final Dungeon is worth a chuckle due to its use of Crossing the Line Twice.

Eiric: Still, it's amazing how the years change people. I mean, I never thought motherhood would be that kind to Schala.
Schala: (goes beet-faced, realizing he's referring to her bosom)
Cain: (cracking knuckles) Eiric. Buddy. Pal.
Eiric: I mean, I'd say it worked for you too, but aren't you a bit on the small side?
Schala: (suppresses a snort, thinking that last one was Actually Pretty Funny)
Cain: Motherfu… (sighs as if to say 'you get to live for now')

- Considering Serge is the current playable character at this point, there's this follow-up gem.

Cain: Lucca, you and I are going to have words when this is over.

- Eiric's entourage is worth a small chuckle too.

Eva: Why is Eiric like this…?

« Last Edit: August 24, 2024, 12:58:05 pm by skylark »


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Re: Chrono Origins: The TV Tropes version.
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2023, 04:26:12 pm »
Crowning Moment of Heartwarming

Why does King Zeal take Cain in as a ward of the royal family, despite the young man being potentially dangerous in magic, having a chip on his shoulder the size of the kingdom towards its society, and being the son of one of his potential enemies? Because he was the very first friend outside of the palace young Schala had ever made.


In the altered timeline where Cain lives, nearly every interaction he has with the three-year-old Kid can be considered this on many levels. He is incredibly loving to his family and dotes on his daughter constantly, a far cry from the angry youth he was in Antiquity. Judging by his previous experiences, it becomes very clear that Cain will never be the bastard his own father was.


Unlike in Chrono Cross, Kid has grown to be far more well-adjusted in the altered timeline than her counterpart due to having both parents in her life, though she still sees Lucca as her 'honorary' Big Sis. She's even given a proper name of (Kalyana). She still inherits her father's spicy temper, but her new experiences do much to take the edge off. Even after Lynx upends everything she holds dear, she's able to hold herself together over the years as her family goes on the run.


In the altered events of Chrono Cross, Cain is the only person who remains of Serge's original entourage after Lynx's body swap, and nobody else aside from Pip. Why is this? Well, aside from Crono, Serge helped Cain fight off and destroy Lavos Terminus, thereby saving his wife. Then, Serge is transported to the day Lucca's orphanage is sacked and gets Kid to safety, thus saving Cain's daughter. Cain owes Serge a debt twice over, and he's not going to let a small roadblock such as Lynx hijacking Serge's body stop him from helping.


The aftermath of Zeal Team Six's mission to Zeal's Lost Archives. While the mission itself is ultimately a bust and Cain is sidelined out of the party for the majority, it's only after Schala sends the others away that she has a heart-to-heart with Cain, utterly despondent by having his Dark and Troubled Past revealed in full in front of the others. What does Schala do? She hugs him. She hugs him, and he starts to utterly break down crying in her arms. There are no words after, just a silent vow of 'You Are Not Alone'.

Word of God states that this single moment is what causes the canon timeline of Trigger and Cross and the altered timeline of Origins to diverge, as this is the point that Cain's Character Development begins in earnest.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2024, 07:38:45 pm by skylark »


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Re: Chrono Origins: The TV Tropes version.
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2023, 05:22:28 pm »

- The entire confrontation concerning High Priestess Olivia. Regular citizens are driven into a frenzy by Olivia to 'sacrifice' the Earthbound and other denizens of the Underground to 'give more power unto Lavos'. Cain chooses to help Schala and the others protect the fleeing refugees by holding the mob off. Unfortunately, this allows Olivia to set a trap that ends up killing all of said refugees, despite the Coalition's best efforts. Cain is once more consumed by rage leading to a “boss fight” with Olivia, while Eiric and the others are forced to put down the maddened mob that have turned their sights on them. A single line from Eiric proceeds to hammer home not only the hopelessness of the situation, but forces Tristan, Zhao, Eva, and ESPECIALLY Schala to finally confront the reality that the 'paradise' they believed they lived in had become nothing more than a hypocritical lie.

Tristan: You aren't actually suggesting we put down our own people?!

Eiric: Take a damn look around!! These 'things' are NOT! OUR! PEOPLE!!!

- It gets worse. Cain isn't just consumed by rage. All of the hatred that he's built up inside towards society, his father's machinations, and just plain old human cruelty finally erupts in a horrifying display of power. He doesn't even see his opponents as human anymore, just 'sacks of meat' for the slaughter. For Schala, she's basically reliving the Benedict Manor Incident, and tries to break through to Cain. By the time she does, the opposition is already dead and Cain's anger is already spent, causing him to fall to his knees and mutter the question of why people always act like monsters. Recognizing this question from when they first met and with the added context of knowing Cain's history, Schala can only hold and weep for him.

- Just to twist the knife further, Arvis uses this incident as a rallying cry to finally put an end to the Alphard Coalition, leaving the party isolated…


The Normal Ending. Framed for killing Abel, Cain is isolated and realizes at this point the only way to survive is open rebellion. Schala is confined to her room and Eiric is spirited away from Zeal by remaining sympathizers. We see Melchior, Eva, Tristan, and Zhao arrested and sent to Mt. Woe, where the latter three are implied to be executed for treason. Cain mows through the palace defenses only to run into the Prophet/Magus. Not only is he capable of going toe-to-toe with the former, but Cain notices the amulet Schala was making for Janus at a critical moment and puts two and two together.

Cain's brief hesitation costs him, and takes a point blank Darkmatter, killing him. The only thing left of him is a familiar rosary amulet that falls to the ground. Meanwhile, Schala feels the full force of the Black Wind, realizing Cain has died, and breaks down weeping.

After a short cut to black, we see Lavos nuking Zeal to all hell, in far greater detail than in Trigger. Cut to later on, Eiric is at the shores looking for survivors. He sees Schala's pendant wash up on the beach. Picking it up, he laments that everything has been left up to him and sobs, realizing that all his closest friends are dead just before the credits roll.

- It gets worse when you take Chrono Trigger into account. Cain is never mentioned once by anyone. Not the Gurus, not the citizens, not the people of Alghetty, and certainly not Magus (for obvious reasons). The implication is (and confirmed in the Developer's Room Archives) that everybody ultimately held him responsible for lighting the fuse for the Fall of Zeal and the devastation that followed with his ill-fated rebellion after Abel's death, and was thus made persona-non-grata.

- Through the story, Cain shows frequent signs of Black and White Morality that have to be constantly reigned in. His last words end up being a Dying Declaration of Hate not just directed towards his killer, but to all Enlightened Ones. Suddenly, Schala's final plea to Marle and the others takes on a sobering new light with this in mind.

Schala: I know you can't forgive them, but please don't hate mother or our kingdom…

- Cain's final words are a Declaration of Hate. Cain's final thoughts, on the other hand…

Cain: *as he's being vaporized* Schala, I'm sorry… that I couldn't believe in your dream…


The first side quest of the game. Eiric convinces Cain to help build goodwill among the citizens of Zeal. The first client is a nobleman looking for one of his manservants. Eiric and Cain ultimately rescue the man from a sticky situation, only for Cain to note that he's Earthbound. With a bad felling forming, they return to the client only to find him screaming and kicking his now dead manservant. All for accidentally breaking one of the eggs (from the monsters he was saved from, mind) for the man's breakfast. Furious, Cain tries to call the boorish bastard out for such a petty reason, only to get dressed down that a 'lowborn' has no clue of a noble's palate. Cain is so disgusted at this point that he skewers the bastard on the spot.

This plays out more like a vigilante execution than a murder, but Eiric freaks out anyway, claiming the should've called in the authorities, only for Cain to coldly reply 'I AM the authorities' before leaving. Eiric can only look back at the two bodies and lament on how deep the divide between Earthbound and Enlightened has grown. This quest not only shows Cain at the peak of his misanthropy before his Character Development, but also how morally bankrupt the people of Zeal have become compared to the Prologue, as well as just how close Cain is to Jumping Off the Slippery Slope. This outcome also gives some horrifying weight to Abel's belief that Cain signed up to become an Inquisitor partly to have a license to legally kill people.

The kicker? The trophy for completing this first (mandatory, by the way) side quest is called Untrustworthy. Make of it what you will.


Cain's backstory heavily averts Hilariously Abusive Childhood, and has left him some long-lasting emotional scars. His mother dying when he was born caused his already-rotten father to want him dead, and is only spared because Arvis is reminded of the potential scandal a newborn's death would cause. Nonetheless, Cain would grow up treated as little more than a parasite, with what little support dwindling to nothing due to pressure from either society or Arvis himself, until he's old enough to be tossed out into the streets.

At ten years old and no sign of magical talent, Cain would be harassed wherever he went, with one traumatizing incident being used as target practice by a Sadist Teacher for her students. Once, he even visits a fortune teller to see if his fortunes will ever change, only for said teller to sense the Black Wind flowing around him (foreshadowing the power he'll one day come to wield) and decry him as Zeal's future destroyer. Typically, this interpretation spread like wildfire. It gets to the point where he genuinely considers leaping over the edge of the kingdom just to make the pain stop, and he probably would have had he not met a young Schala by chance.

Unfortunately, Arvis receives word of Cain's impromptu play-date with the princess. Since he wants the Crown's eyes off of him while he plots their downfall, he stuffs the poor boy into a cage with other 'undesireables' and exiles the whole lot into the blizzards below. For the next three years, Cain earns his way as a young hunter amongst the Earthbound, but one day his latent magic finally manifests, causing many of the villagers to begin fearing him. The manifestation of such powerful magic draws the attention of King Zeal, who manages to reach the young man before his inner turmoil causes his uncontrolled powers to run rampant.

Alphard takes Cain in as a Ward, and for the next five years it seems his life is finally come around as he sees the Royal Family as the family he never got to have… but then the Queen discovers the Frozen Flame, and Arvis succeeds in his plot to kill Alphard, leading to the Benedict Manor Incident and his new peaceful life crashing down, leaving him jaded, cynical, and hateful. It's no small wonder Cain believes that Humans Are Bastards so strongly after the prologue, and he never truly gets any closure until the altered timeline.


In the altered timeline, Queen Zeal's final letter, stating that it would be the last thing she would ever be able to do under her own power, outright confirming that Samaela as she once was is gone forever, and all that's left is a Lavos-obsessed husk. Much of the letter is actually addressed to Cain, imploring him to 'do what must be done' before it's too late to save her people and family from Arvis. The real gut punch is the last bit to Schala and Janus where she implores them to stay vigilant against 'whatever impostor comes about to wear her face' and that she loves them both.

This letter and the brief scenes in the prologue where she isn't fighting against Lavos' control firmly establish that the Queen Zeal of old was both a good ruler and a good mother. Unfortunately, along with her falling out with Abel, this proves to be the final nail to Schala's hopes that this conflict can end peacefully, and forces her to finally acknowledge that the mother she knew is never coming back. The only silver lining is that this ultimately drives her to become a stronger person.

- Speaking of Abel, the realization that it was him who smuggled this letter to Cain and the others in what is implied to be his first, last, and only act of rebellion against the current regime is confusion on Cain and Schala's parts. Cain had already written him off at this point a bitterly notes that it might be too little, too late, while Schala wonders if she managed to get through to him after all. Neither is able to come to a proper conclusion before he dies, but it’s telling that Abel is one of the people Cain vows to avenge when he confronts Magus.

« Last Edit: August 30, 2024, 07:00:59 pm by skylark »


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Re: Chrono Origins: The TV Tropes version.
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2023, 05:33:16 pm »
Crowning Moment of Awesome

- Cain's invasion of Mount Woe in Another Path. Does he walk up the chain like Crono's party? No. He joins with Benmaru (thanks to Eva who had planned ahead and resummoned him before her capture) to first wipe out the mountain's outer defenses. Once they find the prison compound within the mountain's depths, Cain performs a Dynamic Entry that would make Kamen Rider proud and releases the cell locks. With the ensuing prison riot as a distraction, Cain and Benmaru tear through Zeal forces and rescue Eiric and the others.

- It doesn't end there. Before the group is able to escape, they are stopped by none other than the iconic Giga Gaia. Some time after the battle starts, it flies upwards, inadvertently dragging Cain with it. Cain is eventually launched over the precipice and lands straight in front of a familiar group of time travelers. Yes, Cain is officially introduced to Crono and his team. While the initial standoff starts out tense, the ultimate golem's appearance necessitates the obvious truce. Almost immediately, Cain develops synergy with the group, developing at least three Triple Techs during the fight, culminating with Cain smashing through Giga Gaia by way of the Spectral Strike. Now that is a hell of a team-up.


The culmination of Chrono Cross Guile's gambit in the altered timeline. After Schala whisks away Crono's party (and an utterly defeated Magus) from the crumbling Ocean Palace, Cain stays right by her side. Sure enough, they're both sucked into the DbT, where Cain faces down a dying Lavos… except Lavos isn't dying, no matter how much damage Cain does. The will to protect and the will to survive clash in a similar manner to an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object.

The Awesome part is that thanks to the timey-wimey ball that is Crono's last battle with Lavos, that battle, Cain's battle, and Serge's battle with the Time Devourer all happen in the same plane of existence, and Serge uses the Chrono Cross just as Crono deals the final blow. Schala's pendant carried by Crono, the Astral Amulet carried by Serge, and the Time Egg given to Cain by Kid all resonate, transporting Crono and Serge to Schala and Cain's side. The three heroes team up to finally end Lavos for good and properly save Schala from her doomed fate.


The war between Dalton's Porre and Guardia in the altered timeline. Cain and Schala's presence in these events changes Guardia's fate for the better. With their infiltration mission successful, Guardia is actually prepared to meet Porre head-on as opposed to being blindsighted.

Notable moments are Cain's charge to the frontlines, Marle and Lucca defending the ramparts of Guardia Castle, Schala working together with a no-longer-amnesiac Guile to protect Truce Village, and Crono's duel with Garai. Their successes ultimately even cause half of Dalton's gathered High Command to defect.

The true crowner has to be the final battle with Dalton. Cain fights a corrupted Masamune-empowered Dalton atop his war machine/mobile base. When it seems that Dalton gains the upper hand, Schala, and then Guile drop in for the assist leading to the last living scions of Zeal joining together to beat the usurper down. Then, with his opponent bereft of Masamune and surrounded by a ring of blue fire, Cain has one final duel with the desperate Dalton, and shows in front of all of Porre's soldiers just how much of a bag of wind their Supreme Commander actually is… and it is glorious.


Awesome Music

Like with many fan stories, the author of Origins uses music from other games as placeholders to hopefully set the tone of certain events. - This song (title untranslated) from Saga: The Stage evokes heroism and close bonds, thus the author uses it as the collective theme of Zeal Team 6.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2025, 07:07:17 pm by skylark »


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Re: Chrono Origins: The TV Tropes version.
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2023, 05:42:38 pm »
Nightmare Fuel

The Benedict Manor Incident. The event that signaled the beginning of Zeal's decline into hubris, and changed the lives of Cain and Schala forever, and not for the better.

- It begins with the young Schala stealing the recently discovered Frozen Flame from her mother's chambers and disappearing, sending her father and the Royal Guard into a frenzied search. What they didn't know was that she had stolen off to Benedict Manor, believing that one of her father's allies would be able to help. Unfortunately, Benedict had already been bought off by Arvis Cray, and decides the situation would be perfect for luring the King into a trap. All of this would be horrifying enough, but it gets worse…
- Long story short, the trap is sprung, and Alphard is separated from the guard. Although he finds Schala quickly, the King of Zeal is shot, and soon enough dies in Schala's arms. Some of Benedict's men then prepare to kill the distraught princess, but Cain intervenes, and is nearly blinded in one eye and impaled for his trouble. A terrifying situation indeed, but it gets worse…
- It's at this point that Cain's full magical potential awakens, opening the Sixth Gate. What happens next is a one-sided massacre by Cain against Benedict's guards… and Cain is laughing, reveling at the slaughter, as if finally releasing his all of his hidden grudges against society at once. Benedict tries to stop Cain's rampage with an experimental robot, but the latter takes it apart with ease, and with a deranged grin, Cain literally cooks the traitor alive inside the machine's remains. Schala, still rooted to her dead father's side, witnesses all of this, begging for it all to stop over and over. Unfortunately, this activates the Frozen Flame, bonding her fate to Lavos, and rendering Cain unconscious.
- Although Cain seemed to regain his senses later, he was never the same, while Schala was left afraid of him for at least a year according to Abel. Not only that, she came from the experience believing that power of any kind can only destroy, a mindset that would ironically nearly serve to destroy all reality millennia later…


Cain's nightmare at the beginning of a New Game Plus. It start with a re-enactment of his own death in the Normal Path, but it doesn't stop there. It cuts to a dungeon somewhere in the depths of Mt. Woe where the bodies of Eva, Zhao, and Tristan lie. All three show signs of having been tortured before being executed. It gets worse however, when it then switches to Schala collapsing in front of the Manmon Machine as the Ocean Palace collapses around her. There is no discretion shot here: we see Schala get crushed. The last thing seen before Cain nearly catapults out of bed is Schala's arm sticking out from the rubble and blood pooling on the ground…
« Last Edit: April 14, 2024, 12:01:41 am by skylark »


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Re: Chrono Origins: The TV Tropes version.
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2023, 06:03:15 pm »
Fridge Brilliance

Cain shows plenty of times that he has a soft spot for the Earthbound, and in a few sidequests, even shows sympathy to those in Zeal who have trouble unlocking their potential in magic. Yet, he shows no such courtesy to Janus, who seems to be in a similar situation. However, canon shows that Janus was hiding his potential out of fear of what Schala has been forced to go through, and then it makes sense. Cain knows Janus is holding back and sees the prince as a coward for not tapping into that well of power ease his sister's burden. One may argue that Janus is still just a child, but Cain ended up having to grow up too fast and thus believes that's no excuse, expecting the son of the man he idolized to step up.


Near the end of the Normal Path, after the brief time skip that happens after the capture of his allies, Cain is bereft of his usual confidence, almost listless at times. The room next to Schala's he uses while under her protection is completely barren save for a bed, and during the dance at the gala, he gives her a quiet, if anguished declaration of love. Schala learns soon afterwards that Eva, Zhao, and Tristan are scheduled to be executed, and things suddenly click, for her and the audience. Cain is expecting the coming reckoning, and he knows he's not going to make it out unscathed, so he's putting all of his affairs in order.


Why is Schala able to access the mastered Sixth Gate despite her negative views on power? Because she's the Princess of Zeal. She has been trained in basic, practical, and advanced magical theory since childhood. And despite her pacifism, self-defense is a requirement for a royal.

- Which then begs the question, how was she able to awaken it regardless? It happens in the altered timeline when Cain's Freak Out causes the Lost Archives' Security Guardian to go haywire, and after having just witnessed Cain's Dark and Toubled Past, she is filled with righteous indignation when it attacks him exclusively. And it clicks. For the first time in her life, she wants power, in spite of past experiences telling her 'no, bad idea'. It is the first time her heart and mind are in conflict, and she ultimately chooses the former in spite of her misgivings.

- The best part? It pays off. Cain is saved, ironically validating his own belief that desiring power is not a bad thing as long as it’s used responsibly. The first crack in Schala's long-held beliefs appears, but it does take a couple more incidents before it all finally sticks.


In the altered timeline, Crono and Serge being teleported to the final battle with Lavos Terminus seems much like a deus ex machina, and to be fair, it kind of is. But when you think about it, Schala's pendant, the Astral Amulet, and the Time Egg don't resonate until Serge uses the Chrono Cross. What else is the Chrono Cross used for? Transporting characters from previous playthroughs to your side! That same phenomenon is what's happening here!


In the original timeline, Schala's portrayal doesn't seem to match up to her portrayal in Chrono Trigger. Yes, her mother has lost the plot and her people are abusing the Earthbound Ones, but being so weak-willed that she stays back on the Ocean Palace to die, especially when Marle and the others were more than willing to help her? Seems a bit too extreme after looking at it all under a microscope. Origins gives us an explanation after reading between the lines.

Schala is utterly incapable in handling loss, especially those close to her. Her father's death alone pulls her into a depressive spiral to the point that she's shut away her empathy for two years, and it takes much of Origins to bring back her original fire from the prologue. Then out of nowhere, Eiric disappears, Zhao, Tristan, and Eva are captured and set to be executed, and Cain, her Childhood Friend and eventual husband is murdered by her time-shifted brother posing as their mother's ally. What we see in Chrono Trigger is Schala relapsing after the loss of her Living Emotional Crutches, to the point that Crono, by all intents a complete stranger, dying in front of her in the Ocean Palace completely pulls her over the edge.

It's telling that the altered timeline forces her to harden her heart to the ideas that sometimes, you can't save everyone (her mother) and that loss is inevitable. As seen during the Seige of Guardia, those lessons finally stuck.


Fridge Horror

In the original timeline path, it's revealed that communion with the Mammon Machine was slowly killing Schala, to the point where she won't survive another… and then the Ocean Palace Incident happens. It wouldn't have mattered if Marle and the others found a way to get her out, Schala was already dying. Considering everything and everyone she had lost barely two weeks prior, she has already crossed the Despair Event Horizon, and so tries to go out on her own terms. Unfortunately, as we all know, Lavos had other plans…
« Last Edit: February 08, 2025, 06:53:54 pm by skylark »


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Re: Chrono Origins: The TV Tropes version.
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2023, 06:04:27 pm »
YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary)

Adaptational Villainy - Due to his rise as the False Prophet of Zeal, Magus is given this treatment with his actions in Trigger looked upon in a much harsher light. In order; he allows Abel to be murdered by Dalton in order to set up Cain, then kills the latter in the normal timeline to cement his place at the Queen’s side, forces Schala to seal away Crono's party, and is unwilling to break his cover as Schala is tortured into activating the Mammon Machine.

In the altered timeline? When Cain's survival unravels his plans, he is still unwilling to break his cover under Schala's torture (which gets worse due to Schala outright refusing to activate the Mammon Machine), and when Cain succeeds in stopping the ritual in time, he literally stabs his mother in the back to use her as a sacrifice to summon Lavos. After that, he tries to kill Cain despite the Ocean Palace collapsing and Schala's life thus imperiled.

Magus' villainy only ends after Cain and Schala feed him some humble pie (by kicking his ass and breaking his spirit respectively), and he's forced to bear witness to the consequences of his actions.

Alternative Character Interpretation - Cain's existence and death ends up recontextualizing Schala and Magus' final meeting during the Dream Devourer ending of Chrono DS, and confirms that it was Schala's intention to completely break her brother's spirit. So the question then becomes why.

Did Schala genuinely wish for Janus to finally give up the dark powers that drove him to villainy and find a new purpose? Was she enacting revenge on Janus for what he did to Cain in the only way she could find that didn't compromise her principals? Or could it be a combination of both?

Angst Aversion - Ultimately the reason the altered timeline scenario exists at all. Word of God states that the story was originally meant to end on the Downer Ending of the initial playthrough as the canonical lead-up to the events of Chrono Trigger. Unfortunately, that meant that the story would end on a Downer Ending, with them feeling it would veer too close to Too Bleak, Stopped Caring territory. Thus we were given a New Game+ scenario that, while it still had its moments of pathos, was ultimately far more positive and hopeful.

Author's Saving Throw - Many of these are attempted, whether or not they stick is the question.

- The reveal of Cain being Kid's biological father could be this to those who were understandably put off by Chrono Cross' 'daughter-clone' twist. However, the author does acknowledge that the idea of Schala dying to create and get Kid to safety as a consequence, and Serge and co risking all to save a homunculus with Kid's face and Schala's lingering memories might alienate others.

- A more definite Saving Throw is saving Guardia in the altered timeline. After three decades, Chrono and Marle finally get the Belated Happy Ending they deserve.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2025, 12:23:34 pm by skylark »


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Re: Chrono Origins: The TV Tropes version. (And other oddities.)
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2023, 12:48:05 pm »
Soundtrack List

1. Song Title - (Song used as placeholder)

Disc 1:

1. Origin's Dawn (Title Screen)
2. Dreamers Forward (Theme of Chrono)
3. Guardian Qualification Exam

« Last Edit: September 18, 2024, 11:01:09 am by skylark »