Author Topic: Let's Play 2023 - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete  (Read 33960 times)

Chris Cruz

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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #240 on: October 17, 2023, 12:20:25 pm »
I was just musing to myself, and all that stuff abt. Marle|Frog|Ice/Water but I was just noticing I'm partial to the element of Air and was wondering why it's not in Chrono Trigger? What's your take on it, I know we just like to discuss now. Why is there no air? Has anyone ever asked that question before?

Srry. for the dbl.-post.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #241 on: October 19, 2023, 12:22:04 am »
Hey hombre!

For PS4, I'm doing Secret of Mana

Man, Secret of Mana is one of my all time favorites. It's not as good as Chrono Trigger, but it's pretty damn close. Right after I first beat Chrono Trigger in 1996, I ran to a FuncoLand and picked it up. I knew next to nothing about the game, but liked the art style and knew that it was made by the same company. The first time I played the game I even named the lead character (whose canon name is Randi, I think) 'Crono,' and the princess was named 'Marle.' I can't remember what I named the sprite (who I thought was a girl).

I picked up the remaster/remake on PC but have yet to play it. One of these days...

My dogs is well. I'm writing for reality and that's going well I think I just got Excel to work and I sign-uped a Microsoft account it Works should've came with the Dell though wired?

Nice! I am working on an excel document right now, myself. Having to do some budget planning for 2024 and it's a pain.

I'm trying to start a recipe book for my fambam but I was thinking of collecting all the Food data from RPGs and just starting off with an RPG Cookbook

DUDE. This is a solid idea!!! Could be something you could set up on Kickstarter. I'd back it!

The only things I can think of off the top of my head is "Jerky" from Chrono Trigger, and "Hekran Bone Soup" from Chrono Cross. If I remember correctly, I think the Bravely Default series leaned really hard into food - especially desserts. FFXV also comes to mind -- that game had some AMAZING looking food. I'll have to keep thinking.

Hey for some reason it keeps aksing me the fault questions over and over for ea. post.

That's weird. What kind of questions?

I was just musing to myself, and all that stuff abt. Marle|Frog|Ice/Water but I was just noticing I'm partial to the element of Air and was wondering why it's not in Chrono Trigger? What's your take on it, I know we just like to discuss now. Why is there no air? Has anyone ever asked that question before?

Oh man, great question. I always really liked the elemental representation in Chrono Cross better than Chrono Trigger. Ted Woosley's English translation of Chrono Trigger also had some differences from the Japanese version. For example, Crono's element in Japanese was called 'Heaven' and was moreso lightning/light/holy/air, whereas it was just called Lightning in the English version.

The Japanese version actually makes more sense when you think about it... the magic elemental books that you can open in Zeal (to find Balthasar's secret laboratory) are of fire, wind, and water... so even in Zeal, they viewed the Heaven/Lightning element more akin to wind.

So yeah, I like the whole Holy/Light, Shadow, Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind (which also sort of had plants/life) thing in Chrono Cross. Whether or not the elements are actually from the Reptite dimension or are the truer interpretation of the planet's elements, well, that's a whole 'nother theory.

I've actually been wanting to play Chrono Trigger recently. When we were on vacation last week I told my kids the story of Chrono Trigger as a sort of bed time story over the course of several nights. They had trouble remembering all the characters, but they were pretty into it.

Chris Cruz

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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #242 on: October 19, 2023, 03:28:10 am »
Hey I read your post but I'm really busy, I'll edit in a complete response later,

I saw Chrono Trigger is available on PS3 PSN Store rn and I don't think its the anthologies compilations version so just a heads up I'll buy it if you wanna do another dual play of CT

Edit: Good. That's nice that your kids are into your bedtime stories. I'm more into swords you seem to be more into elements.

Its Ted Woolsey but that's fine everybody seems to have a hard time remembering that guy's name. I think he pretty much did all of the RPGs for SNES's Squaresoft library, to some degree. He moved onto Xbox now I think. And they were located in Redmond, Washington at the time. Lol, I'm such a stalker and read the boxes and manuals. As a kid.

Well, I like to stick to our translation. I think its easier that way. Usually when a site has a Japanese section of the game I just never open it. I'm like fixed American innate. Um! Well my first thought was just that Ayla has no magic. Then the two Shadow magics. And that's pretty much it. I got confused when you said Reptite magic cause I thought magic didn't exist yet in the Prehistoric era. And most people are just like Survivor, or something I incorporate. Like, water, food, water, food. Sticks. Rocks. Doesn't Ayla have a move where she throws the enemy up into the air? That's the first thing I thought of? And the Dactyls's fly.

Yeah, I am playtesting a bunch of RPGs rn and SoM is one of them. I'm just thinking since I live on my own and I have to make food I might's well just use my love of RPGs and actually learn something from them like lifting all the food names and desc. So I know what to create when I'm at home by myself. Like, I guess its a good start but Secret of Mana leans heavily into candy. I guess chocolate and jam, honey is just 'Candy.' And it does perk me up a bit when I feel sleepy.

All I remember from CT is in the Future they had no food. So shrug. In the Medieval Ages/Dark they had tons of food almost a surplus cause of wartime. Present Millennial Fair they had soda, sack lunches, cat food. Food for animals, even special. Sweet water in Ayla's. Zeal seemed kinda empty as there was no food ever mentioned I don't think they just seemed zealous to me hence zeal. Just magic-obsessed. But can you create food?

Maybe I take RPGs too literally but I'd never kickstart my idea for a RPG Cookbook. Its my own personal idea project but I'd probably just post it online for everyone else too lol. Cause I think its kinda cool! :D What's up with you and the casseroles? I've still never had one yet in my lifes lol. Seems very... meme. Like what you were talking about the things only white people do. Yeah, no problem with that though. I remember my one friend freaked out cause I've never had stuffing. It just tasted like bread and turkey mashmush.

With no gravy or anything. Very dry, stuff, lol!!! :p

Not even no white sauce.

I'm just doing a Excel document for Suvivor Social Visibility.

Its asking me who's the princess...? And what's the "default" name of the timemachine?

Yeah, I mostly stick to the American. I don't like to confuse myself and go crazy.

Edit (2): I will pick a avatar tonight, cause I know everyone hates when a mu poster posts without one.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2023, 11:45:09 am by Chris Cruz »

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #243 on: October 29, 2023, 04:39:46 pm »
I got confused when you said Reptite magic cause I thought magic didn't exist yet in the Prehistoric era. And most people are just like Survivor, or something I incorporate. Like, water, food, water, food. Sticks. Rocks. Doesn't Ayla have a move where she throws the enemy up into the air? That's the first thing I thought of? And the Dactyls's fly.

A common theory is that the elements (as equipable/consumable "items") came over from the Reptite/Dragonian dimension as seen in Chrono Cross. That's what I was referring to.

I will pick a avatar tonight, cause I know everyone hates when a mu poster posts without one.

Naw, nobody cares at this point. We're just happy to have real posts! :D

Did you ever play Wild Arms? I tend to listen to podcasts and long-form YouTube videos to and from work, and I recently listened to one that talked about the Wild Arms series. It's a series I've NEVER played, but I'm really curious about it. I really liked that mid-to-late-90s era of scifi westerns like Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, etc. and this is a series that always evaded me for some reason.

I even backed a spiritual successor on kickstarter called 'Armed Fantasia' a while back. It's much of the same development team as the original Wild Arms, and it looks (and sounds) awesome:

What's up with you and the casseroles? I've still never had one yet in my lifes lol. Seems very... meme. Like what you were talking about the things only white people do. Yeah, no problem with that though. I remember my one friend freaked out cause I've never had stuffing. It just tasted like bread and turkey mashmush.

We don't do that many casserole's in my family, but we def do some every now and then -- normally when we do them they're a side dish. Like green bean casserole or stuffing mix. You're not missing out, though.

Tonight we're doing homemade shoyu ramen with chashu pork and all the topping, plus some pan-pried gyoza.

Chris Cruz

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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #244 on: October 29, 2023, 05:48:02 pm »
Yeah, the consumables function as just herbs right? I dunno why they have innates.

I’ll take it down then.

Yeah I did.

I mostly eat whatever.

Chris Cruz

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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #245 on: October 31, 2023, 10:57:38 am »
Why didn't you respond? (lol)

Hey, I was waiting for you to confirm dl on PS3 PSN Store: Chrono Trigger? $2.99, American.

I was thinking about it and it looks kinda cool SNES is kinda down now, lol.

Also on the topic of elements: I want to do Air, Plastic, Glass and (cooking) Oil.
Being a step up from the rest.

Btw what does YOUR family call it plastic or seran wrap?

We can cont our Let's Play! series: with CT. (Chrono Trigger)
« Last Edit: October 31, 2023, 11:03:57 am by Chris Cruz »

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #246 on: November 01, 2023, 05:38:36 pm »
Hey, I was waiting for you to confirm dl on PS3 PSN Store: Chrono Trigger? $2.99, American.

Go for it! I don't know much about it, although I'm guessing it's similar to the DS version that was ported to iOS and Steam a while back?

Also on the topic of elements: I want to do Air, Plastic, Glass and (cooking) Oil.
Being a step up from the rest.

Haha! The elements of COOKING! The ramen was excellent the other night. I've started buying enoki mushrooms and they're one of my favorite things to add to ramen these days.

Btw what does YOUR family call it plastic or seran wrap?

Oh man, solid question. I've had to think about this one and I'm not even 100% confident in my answer. I think we call it 'cling wrap' - I know growing up we called it seran wrap, though.

Hope you're having a solid one!

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #247 on: November 03, 2023, 01:46:02 pm »
I don't know if it's 11/4 there in your time zone, VidKid (aka Chris Cruz), but happy birthday! I hope it's a great one and you get to celebrate in style.

Chris Cruz

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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #248 on: November 05, 2023, 09:06:55 pm »
Omg, how do you know its my birthday! Well, thanks.

This's so hot local accounting lol.

Okay, anyways back to posting in style. Profile. Ok, I ordered at $10 USD giftcard, and I'm waiting for it. I have 9.72 in my book rn. I dunno, we were just talking abt it on GameFAQs and we all is in agreeance dat its just all the same original SNES cartridge but they add load times with for whatever ADD reasonings. I dunno. Lol

Ray-men yeah! Fried enoki mushrooms is good I guess I dunno what dipping sauce shrug. What kind of ray-men? If I could have my druthers I'd pick like uhm... besides shrimp tempurra cause that's cheating uhm, lol uh has to be miso base cause that's just hecka good. Uh I guess the soft pork bone broth one is good but I'm totally thinking of something hella plain john lol! I guess its not miso base cause that's gross. Is there beef tempura Udon? No wait. I like the curly wavy noodle too. I think I just get the tempura. What-ever

They have to use plain water lolol.

Why don't you wanna say cover wrap? Lmao Boo. Wait, you buy the circle one that has a elastic string that's super small and reverse gaping

Yeah you say seran cause the other alteration is wired.


Yeah why don't they ever make SPAM ramen like you know they want to in America?

You should try saimin.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2023, 09:13:25 pm by Chris Cruz »

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #249 on: November 05, 2023, 10:23:18 pm »
Omg, how do you know its my birthday! Well, thanks.

You told me a while back, and I remembered. :)

Ray-men yeah! Fried enoki mushrooms is good I guess I dunno what dipping sauce shrug. What kind of ray-men? If I could have my druthers I'd pick like uhm... besides shrimp tempurra cause that's cheating uhm, lol uh has to be miso base cause that's just hecka good. Uh I guess the soft pork bone broth one is good but I'm totally thinking of something hella plain john lol! I guess its not miso base cause that's gross. Is there beef tempura Udon? No wait. I like the curly wavy noodle too. I think I just get the tempura. What-ever

Dude, a strong tonkotsu with some spiciness added is would be my absolute favorite. I feel like it's also the hardest to make if you're making it from scratch, since you need pork bones and it's a very slow boil. I usually do shoyu just because it's easy, and sometimes I'll stop and buy fresh miso (white or red) and do a miso base. It's all good to me! I'm not much on seafood, though, so I don't really make much seafood-based ramen. I think a shio or shoyu would most commonly be with seafood, but I'm not sure.

I like to simmer some bamboo shoots in garlic and soy sauce and add those in... sliced green onions... fresh gari... of course enoki mushrooms (I'll throw them in raw and let them soften in the piping hot broth). If I plan ahead (which isn't that often), I'll make ajitsuke tamago the day before so they have time to soak, but sometimes I just have to do a regular soft egg.

Growing up I loved Maruchan instant ramen, then started to buy some of the fancier products like yakisoba and stuff. Once I went to Japan though and tried the real stuff, it's so much harder to eat the instant kind. Of course, it's like $12-15 a for a quality bowl of ramen here in the SE US, whereas you can get the same in Japan for like $5-8. Anyway, it's one of my favorite foods.

Yeah why don't they ever make SPAM ramen like you know they want to in America?

I actually like all the spam stuff. Spam ramen... spam onigiri... Spam sashimi... Although I won't say that I love the stuff. I just like it. And generally don't order it unless I'm eating at an Asian restaurant that's more like a Hawaiian-style; apparently they have a lot of Asian fusion foods there that use spam, hahaha...

You should try saimin.

For sure! I've tried it a few times and liked it. It's just harder to find, especially on the west coast.

I was thinking about all the food stuff and the Star Ocean series definitely has a lot of food in it. I picked up Star Ocean First Departure R a while back and really should play it, especially now that Star Ocean Second Story R is out. SO2 was one of my favorite RPGs on the PS1 back in the day, and to this day I've played through the game several times but never actually beaten it. I've finished the first one both on SNES (an English-translated ROM) and on the PSP.

Fun series, and I really wish they'd make a GREAT game that would really put the series on the map. There's so much potential with the sci-fi/fantasy fusion, and I don't think they've never successfully capitalized on it as much as they could/should have.

Why don't you wanna say cover wrap? Lmao Boo. Wait, you buy the circle one that has a elastic string that's super small and reverse gaping

By the way, my wife added this to the grocery list and she definitely called it 'seran wrap,' hahaha! So I guess that's both of us that calls it that. Just how we grew up, I guess!

Anyway, I hope you had a solid birthday and got to do something fun. I'm prepping for my week -- it's going to be a full one.

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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #250 on: November 06, 2023, 12:37:07 am »
Wow, you're like Speedy Gonzales with hitting the reply. Jk. Anyways, I have a initial thought before I reply in detail: I think I'm a pretty good cook too I just taste what I'm doing as I go through the process and find that daci I'm looking for I guess me and everybody likes savory over sweet and salty. I'm just like everybody else. And but, I like to actually shamone into things explaining how or why I'm eating what I cook, and I didn't just look up a ramdon recipe on YT. I think thats more just like honest. I find it wired when people just know how to make something. Anyway I'm still doing my RPG Cookbook thing and just to say I'm learning something from video games and not just a deadbeat.

Did I? lmao I thought it's just in my profile.

My memory posted tonkotsu on my Facebook I thought that's why you said it. I don't really like ray-men too much if you remember that one really Japanese judge on Iron Chef she said its really too oily for her. I don't want to shine more than I already do. I really don't understand those random Japanese stuffs. My favorite is Chili. Yeah What? Its just funny to me RPGs. I worked on my birthday.

Hey I have CT in my cart whenever your ready to play it
« Last Edit: November 07, 2023, 07:07:54 am by Chris Cruz »

Chris Cruz

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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #251 on: November 08, 2023, 05:38:53 pm »
I'm a start without or with you, mang. Lol


Dling rn...
« Last Edit: November 08, 2023, 05:40:37 pm by Chris Cruz »

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #252 on: November 09, 2023, 09:31:13 pm »
Wow, you're like Speedy Gonzales with hitting the reply.

Things have been a little slower right now. Both of the kids don't have sports just yet, so we've got our evenings free again, haha... Our in-laws are moving to our city, though, so we've trying to help them house hunt and get everything ready. I've had a little bit more time than I have since spring, luckily.

Anyway I'm still doing my RPG Cookbook thing and just to say I'm learning something from video games and not just a deadbeat.

What's been the coolest thing you've discovered or made since starting your jRPG foodie adventure?

My favorite is Chili.

Nice! My wife makes a mean "texican" chili. She also makes a pretty good white bean chicken chili, although it's not as good as her normal chili.

A guy I work with also does an incredible version where he smokes a steak and diced it real good before it adding it to his chili, and then he puts the whole vat of chili in a smoker and let's it sort of absorb some of the smoky flavor. I'm sure my description isn't really doing it justice, but what he makes is amazing!

Hey I have CT in my cart whenever your ready to play it

I probably won't be able to start anything until around Christmas time, but I'm ready!

Chris Cruz

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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #253 on: November 10, 2023, 03:39:03 am »
That sounds fun. What are you gonna do in the meantime? Maybe taco night? Both sets of in laws? Thats gonna be crazy. Why so suddenly concerned about both of you? From where, out of state? Why not let them take you to Home Depot? And then you can sneak off and look at a tire while wifey looks for pot? Well to be honest San Francisco is like Open Houses GALORE my Mom and I would househunt since I was an expert child everytime I would call her and tell here's an open today and we go check it out afterschool/work. You would love it there. I thought things were slow but you have a lot of time?

I like udon noodles w/ mushroom soy sauce (I think it's Thai), just that tempurra dipping sauce and das' it. I don't know what that is. And I tried to make "potato-chicken" soup: stirfry trinity of your choice onions, carrots, garlic, oil, water throw in dice potatos rosemary and chicken cubes boullion I forgot if I put cabbage or not? It was a hit at the house. No salt no black pepper.

Oh, I meant Maruchan has a Chili flavor its the green packet.

Its REALLY the best.

I dunno, my friend Daniel (he's like half white/Chinese) always would eat afterschool and make steak with soy sauce and onions. LOL! I think we had rice too.

Well, I started already.

Chris Cruz

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Re: Let's Play - LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete
« Reply #254 on: November 11, 2023, 06:04:46 am »
Have you guys thought about changing the Bookmark? Its really hard to find as it says "News and Updates" it should really just say Chrono Compendium Forum or something like that summat?

Hey, you're not UndineBlue are you? I'm sorry I'll search for Avarice_Blue|AvariceBlue rn. And what happened to Linked|In? I'm sure you have one I'm not gonna let it go cause I mean everyone has a job.
     Oh, hey I checked both sns and you're not there. Are you sure they're right?
« Last Edit: November 11, 2023, 09:40:10 pm by Chris Cruz »