Six years, now. And on a Tuesday, too. I still remember large swaths of that day.
Since then, I am sad to say that Osama bin Laden has succeeded far more wildly than he had any right to hope for. As every intelligent terrorist knows, the secret to success is to turn the enemy's own power against them. And that is exactly what has happened. The American people live in constant fear of another attack; large swaths of the us are eager to give up whatever liberties it takes to achieve the illusion of safety; so many of us have forgotten the meaning of justice in our fervent support for torture and preemptive war; we have alienated ourselves from our allies; we have invaded a country and destroyed it--with no plan for reconstruction--leading to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people; we have squandered away our economic vitality; we have given Islamic terrorism a jolt of life that will last throughout the century; all the while failing to protect our ports and borders; failing to set an unmistakable standard of leadership that all the world could follow; failing to champion and achieve liberty in the country whose most sacred word is liberty. And, for all these wounds we have inflicted upon ourselves, upon our friends, and upon the defenseless, we have not even caught the man who attacked us six years ago today. He sits in a cave, impervious to all American might, making movies.
Is there anything good that has come of all this? Can anybody name a single thing that we have done right?