Yea, cause it's not like the Lavoid race doesn't have super genetics and godly magical powers and intellects that make the collective of our entire species look like a bunch of ants. O WAIT!
Your logic is flawed. Even though Lavos got magical powers and "super genetics", we don't know about it's intellect. In the end, that "godly" creature couldn't even communicate with the humans, and it also got killed by them (though this could be refuted).
I could use that logic to refute a lot of theories, such as the pocket dimension one.
Gee, we killed one Lavos, yet strangely enough, Lavos destroyed an entire species, and wouldve destroyed another if it werent for a bunch of raffamuggins know as Crono Co, or SuperHappyDreamRainbowKawaii!!! by Marle...(my plans wouldve succeeded, if it werent for those meddling kids! -Lavos)
But the does the Lavoid race have a little thing called love? yes? thought so. But i bet that the Lavos race can not learn naturally, but rather chemically. pwnd. Why? Well, that adds more adaptation capabilities to us. Lavos took 65million years to adapt to the planet to get the strength to destroy