Namesake of the Oregon Trail, full service gas, no sales tax, home of Portland's famed northwest quarter...Oregon has it all! And James has dysentery!
The no sale's tax thing is nice when I'm passing through and all, but if you look at the economy of Oregon next to Washington (which has high sales tax but no income tax) it becomes clear that it is not a wise plan, economically.
Eh, it's not that simple, nor am I convinced that the Oregon economy is hindered by its tax-revenue scheme.
Washington has no income tax, but a high sales tax. The only people who get to have their cake and eat it too are the ones who live in Vancouver and shop in Portland. Everything else is up for discussion. However, I for one believe more firmly in the income tax, which is progressive, than the sales tax, which is regressive. But it's not really a one-or-the-other question, or at least it doesn't have to be. Most states have both taxes, each at lower rates.