Author Topic: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger  (Read 15008 times)

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #75 on: July 08, 2024, 12:13:13 am »
Hey man! Sorry for the delay - I've been SLAMMED and just got back from a trip. I haven't logged into the Compendium in probably two months, but I'm BACK! Although the gaps in logging in will probably remain, haha... I'm just not gaming much anymore.

... I was thinkin’ abt it today and I know it seems like I’m playing a lot of games at the same time but this playthrough of Chrono has been really meaningful to me I dunno if it’s bec of all our talks in this thread too but: it’s helped me become a better me. It reminded me of a time where I was careless as a child is but everything seemed to always just work out for me. ...

Glad to hear it, homie. I always have a blast doing this, too. Had we met five or six years ago and started doing this, I would have been much more engaged and we could have grinded through even more games. Regardless, I'm glad you've gotten something out of it -- I have, too. Cool dude fist bump from me to you!!!

Now on to Chrono Trigger as we wrap it up...

I actually got a diff ending this time the one where Crono and Marle float up with balloons.

The best ending, and I think it's the "true" ending. Something about that tune and Crono/Marle floating through the night sky is just magical.

The PS1 version had an anime ending and it ended up that Crono and Marle get married—that went over my head. And another part about Lucca finding a baby in the woods with a pendant. Is this a clue to Chrono Cross/Kidd? o_O

So from what we know... This anime ending pretty much thinly sets up the events of Chrono Cross. Yes, Lucca (with her cute little mini-Robo) finds Kid from Chrono Cross and adopts her. And the sacking of Guardia in 1005AD is indeed the fall of Guardia as seen in Chrono Cross - events we later learn in the DS version of Chrono Trigger are the machinations of Dalton. This is also when the Masamune is stolen and corrupted.


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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #76 on: July 14, 2024, 08:40:39 am »
Hi, Boo. I just decided to go back to my regular screenname just because lol. I didn't even know why I made that other one. Anyhoo- It's great you're back I wondered why you suddenly just stopped posting. I'm doing great alone at the farm again I've been trying to experiment with my medication because I'm off it right now and I FEEL GREAT I don't feel high, low energy and sleeping for 12 hours not getting anything done. I'm seriously gonna axe my doctor about it. I think it did its job and I often wonder if I don't have depression anymore why do I have to take this? Doc says it's for sleep BUT I DON'T WANT TO SLEEP ANYMORE.

Ok, glad to know the ending I got for CT was at least substancial. And I got a different one this time. I was wondering if you're still down to do another game sometime around Christmas this year, you said? I think I can download Chrono Cross: Radical Dreamers Edition off PSN or we could do a different game if you're willing to switch it up... ? I don't have any suggestions off the top of my head but it would be wild if we did like Elder's Ring or something random LOL. Hit me up. Lemme know.

I'm still dieting, doing push-ups. I'm so tired of eating and sleeping which's what most YouTube videos say to get a lot of. I hate being knocked out. I've been giving myself massages on my bed like the sinuses of my face, my neck, shoulders I'm hugging all over myself I think after losing so much fat I can finally twist and turn into different positions now and my body's like whoa, Nelly! But anyway still tryna be more active than not with all the sedentry gameplaying.

Not much going on w/ me just mainly re-watching Survivor and trying to catch up to Big Brother. I think the Mole: season 2 is on Netflix rn I have to try to catch it on. I still watch a lot of reality T.V. mainly the competition ones. I might take notes on the Mole as I'm watching it live just to see if I get it right. The first one was kinda of obvious I hope they do a better job of hiding him/her.

Hope you're doing good and just having fun. I'll be here whenever you wanna game again. Cheers! ^_^

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #77 on: August 11, 2024, 04:26:10 pm »
Glad you're still on the self-improvement train, homie! Keep up the good work.

I've been keeping busy myself. My wife had emergency surgery not too long ago, so I've been holding down the fort and pulling double duty on all of the responsibilities - the house, the kids, etc. It'll continue to be this way for another four to six weeks or so.

Other than that, not much else is new. No gaming for me in months, although I did download the demo for Visions of Mana the other day. I doubt I'll ever play it, but I wanted to help show support to the Mana series. Even though the series has had some real stinkers, it's a series that I love dearly and love almost as much as Chrono and Lunar.

At this point in time, I'm not really planning on playing any video games in the near future, unfortunately. Just too much real life stuff going down.

Hang in there, man! Sounds like you're doing great!


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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #78 on: August 16, 2024, 03:59:29 am »
I hope your wife feels better. <3

Ah, so it looks like our dual-playing has come at a crossroads. It’s quite alright, man—I’ve always wondered how regular joes like you do it - living the double life of holding down a job, keeping up a family / as well as gaming. I don’t have a traditional job where I have to sleep cause I have to be somewhere the next day/do something at a certain time so I guess I have more freedom. Anyway, if you ever want to start up again just hit me up!

I’ve been kinda all over the place finishing up some JRPGs for PS3 here and there and picking up trophies here and there, I use my Switch whenever there’s no electricity which the Phils. has a lot of can’t control it & I’m just now getting used to the introduction of the PS5 in the family so lots of PS4 and PS5 games to catch up on. I’m pretty set. I pretty much just game, diet/eat, exercise mostly just doing granny stretches to stay mobile and flexible and I just got a 15 lb. dumbbell to work on my baby muscles. I’m just trying diff things see what works and what I like. I’m not aiming to be jacked just moderately healthy. lol

I’ll keep checking here from time to time. I hope and wish for you the best, Boo-bro! Had tons of fun gaming and discussin’ w/ ya! You basically were the one to kinda help me shape up in the physical department. I’ll never forget it. Ciao for now

Edit: I was thinking of going through Legend of Mana. It’s one of those RPGs I never got around to on PS1.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2024, 04:02:25 am by VidKid369 »

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #79 on: August 16, 2024, 06:08:34 pm »
Even if we're not gaming, we can still chat here! I check in periodically, as well. And you should have my Discord user name, although I'm not regular there, either. Regardless, this isn't a goodbye - just a pause on the gamin' front.

Legend of Mana is a solid game. The remaster from a few years ago was really good, too. I love the Jumi arc the most. The soundtrack is also excellent. If you played any of the Seiken Denstsu / Secret of Mana games prior, Legend of Mana is really different and weird... at first I wasn't sure I liked it, but now I love the game. I think I like it more with each playthrough (of which there's been maybe 3 or 4 since it was released).

Fun fact: the Legend of Mana game came with a Square Enix demo disc, and Chrono Cross was one of them. I knew that in buying Legend of Mana... only to find out it was only in Japan. I was pissed as a thirteen year old (or however old I was at the time).


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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #80 on: August 17, 2024, 03:53:26 am »
Ah, yes I was wondering if you were gonna leave lol.

Ok, I suppose I’ll try to get through LoM on my own maybe I’ll post in here how I’m doing and updates. I have a few other RPGs I’m wErkin’ on too at the moment. I’ll prep myself for Legend of Mana. Do you suggest I follow a faq on where to place the artifacts? That was one of the reasons why I never got through it cause the artifact placing could be so random and I’d wonder if I miss out on certain shit if I didn’t place it in the right spot. Anyhoo I’ll add it to my lineup

Do you have any experience w/ the SaGa Frontier games that got a remaster as well and I was thinking of just playing the original on PS1 to save money. I’ve only beaten one scenario in the first game and that was more than enough for me. SaGa Frontier II seems interesting though I was thinking of giving that one a whirl too..

Just eating / dieting and stretching a lot. Playing with my dumbbells. Been going to sleep early and waking up early so iHave all day to game. In between I watch reality t.v..

Glad I can still talk to you lols

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #81 on: August 19, 2024, 08:57:40 pm »
Do you suggest I follow a faq on where to place the artifacts? That was one of the reasons why I never got through it cause the artifact placing could be so random and I’d wonder if I miss out on certain shit if I didn’t place it in the right spot. Anyhoo I’ll add it to my lineup

Yes, if you want to 100% complete the game, absolutely use a guide. Some quests can only be triggered if you have the right Mana levels on your locations, which is based on the locations placed next to it. Also, make sure you talk to Lil' Cactus after EVERY mission.

It took me three or four playthroughs to 100% the game, and I definitely had to use a guide to do so.

Do you have any experience w/ the SaGa Frontier games that got a remaster as well and I was thinking of just playing the original on PS1 to save money. I’ve only beaten one scenario in the first game and that was more than enough for me. SaGa Frontier II seems interesting though I was thinking of giving that one a whirl too..

I played the original back on the PS1. While I like the different character mini-stories, I never liked the leveling system. FFII had a similar stat-increase system where you only increase based on the skills you use, rather than leveling up. Womp womp.


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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #82 on: August 21, 2024, 07:12:18 am »
Hey. I beat like 2 missions so far in LoM and I’m kinda enjoying it it is kind of a little weird lol. I think I already fucked up the placement of the artifacts but I’m just going along with it I plan on just getting through the game not necessarily 100%’ing it. Lol I’m tryna knock out JRPGs here and there on my backlog list.

Mostly I’m still on Persona 3 Reload. I love the graphics. I’m definitely looking forward to PS5 remasters of older JRPG games if there are anymore. It makes it more playable for me. So that’s my main focus. And I’m kinda hovering around the PS3 and buying and knocking out easy JRPG titles for it. Pretty much the gist of my day around here these parts.

Been going to sleep super early and I still get my mini, mini-workout in push-ups and the dumbbells now. I’m trying to just straighten out my body and push the fat around. Like I said before I love cracking my body so sometimes for 2 hours I kinda do that at night LOL.

Hope your wife and your family’s doing good man. Best wishes!

Edit: I plan on getting Star Ocean: The Second Story R as the original PS1 game is like one of my ultimo-favoritest RPG.
Edit (2): Ah Boo I thought I’d ask you here I’ve made it about 4 hours into LoM and wanted to inquire about equips? I’ve managed to make it through the boss fights thus far with just my beginning MenosSword and a few pieces of armor I picked up along the way like a WindCap and DragonNecklace but towns don’t really carry anything you can equip on the main char. I’ve done the Watts stories and have access to blacksmithing and figured that’s how you make better swords. Do you have any advice on how to go about blacksmithing or what to do about item equips? Thanks
« Last Edit: August 31, 2024, 11:12:35 am by VidKid369 »

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #83 on: September 01, 2024, 04:36:25 pm »
I would just recommend using GameFaqs for Legend of Mana, haha... The equipment smelting / enhancing can be a lot. I think I went through the whole game not ever doing it -- you'll get stronger weapons both in new cities and via drops, but if you want end-game loot, that's the way to go.


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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #84 on: September 02, 2024, 08:50:19 am »
Ah, just as I read that I was at the Tower of Leires with Pearl and happened upon two sword drops that upped my offense! I’ll definitely just follow your lead, Boo, and just get equips thatt-a way!! I’m definitely enjoying the game so far. It’s like a ton of short, little vignettes and I’m a sucker for that type-kind of storytelling cause you can kinda see what all the other characters are up to! I also think the game is beautiful? It’s so whimsy, or whimsical like all the NPCs are creatures that you don’t think ALL belong in the same world it gives me NeverEnding Story vibes, where you see all the mythological creatures in the beginning at the Ivory Tower and they all look so different from one another. I wish there was some way to turn the brightness up, I’m almost interested enough to look into the remaster. It sure is bright and colorful compared to like a Final Fantasy 8 with the gray background. Blaggh!!

Edit: I find myself getting addicted to finishing each and every story vignette staying up late til the morning. There’s something so satisfying about finishing 2-3 short stories, saving & coming back for more. I happened upon gameplay of the remaster and it looks good the brightness was turned up!
« Last Edit: September 04, 2024, 01:08:37 pm by VidKid369 »


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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #85 on: September 12, 2024, 11:01:08 am »
Hey, Boo. I managed to finish Legend of Mana just a little bit earlier awhile ago. I wanted to thank you for mentioning it cause there’re some PS1 JRPGs that’ve been nagging at me, to finally finish and LoM was surely one of them. I managed to do all the events I believe there’re 67. It was really like a non-linear (definitely!!!) random game I don’t see how you’d be able to finish it in a limited time without the use of a guide. It was fun though. The characters tread on the whimsy, whimsical side for me and the char portraits are well-drawn. I liked the design a lot the weapons, the towns, the artifacts, the lands. It was all really cool, and beautifully done. Doing some of the events, I don’t see how you can figure it out much on your own (even as a kid) without looking it up unless you just have the TIME to explore everything out and figure it out on your own. Basically the gist is thanks for pushing me in the right direction!

Much appreciated!!

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #86 on: September 12, 2024, 09:39:48 pm »
Glad you enjoyed it! Did you have a quest storyline that you enjoyed the most?

I loved the Jumi storyline; I find the whole jewel-hearted people fascinating. And I loved their city (and the song that plays there: City of Flickering Destruction.)!

This one:

Man, listening to that tune... really, the whole soundtrack of that game is stellar. That whole game is something weirdly special. Great music, fun gameplay, and it has a really cool art style; I love the whole storybook aesthetic. And the soundtrack, as I said, is amazing. The whole game is sort of a weird fever dream and really took the Mana series is a weird, new direction. Hard to believe before this it had just been Final Fantasy Adventure (aka Seiken Densetsu I), Secret of Mana (Seiken Densetsu II), and Seiken Densetsu III (which never made it to the United Stated until a few years ago, as Trials of Mana), and then Legend of Mana.

In fact, I hear the new Visions of Mana game has some minor connections to Legend of Mana. Have you played any of the other Mana games?

The first one will always be a personal favorite. I think the Mana series has some of the best jRPG music of all jRPG series. Second to Chrono Trigger, of course.


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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #87 on: September 15, 2024, 02:15:38 pm »
I guess out of all the quest lines - they all kinda blurred together for me - the Larc/Sierra one was really nice cause it was cool to see the dragons. Niccolo is just funny as heck to me, and calling dudes named Nick “Niccolo” makes me laugh. I guess the Jumi one was the best though I thought Pearl was really cute and I wound up taking Blackpearl with me to beat the final boss. I did find Elazul annoying at times though his name, the way his hair covers one eye. The Gilbert storylines had me cackling though cause he came off as such a horndog to me.

Um. Legend of Mana was fun, but I just have way too many associations tied to Secret of Mana. How I played it with my friends, and when I went through it as an adult it was still pretty cool. LoM has its upsides though like some of the characters were pretty cool like I personally liked Pearl and some of the Jumi girls were cute. The only thing is I found it hard without a guide like I wouldn’t know where to go. SoM had that freedom to explore but it wasn’t really like you could get too lost and waste time. I found the Lands/Artifacts thingy cool though.

Oh, I’m planning on firing up Trials of Mana for Switch when I get the chance. I’ve always wanted to play Seiken Densetsu 3 ever since I saw them previewing it in a video game magazine.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #88 on: September 30, 2024, 11:05:05 pm »
Dang, I just saw that they're releasing a LUNAR 1+2 Remaster! Friggin' sweet! Looks like it's for the PS5, but here's to hoping there's a Steam release on PC.

In other news, I had the stomach bug last week and had two or three days with nothing to do. I watched a few episodes of the live-action One Piece television show, which was surprisingly good. I haven't watched the anime, but the first five or six episodes I watched were really enjoyable. I love that kind of "blind optimist" hero like Luffy.

While I was down, I also played the Visions of Mana demo. I gotta admit, it looked, played, and felt like a real successor to the series. If the full game is anything like the demo, it's excellent. The real action combat was fun, and the different classes and weapons had real weight behind them. The scenery was a nice combination of old school Mana with some of the Legend storybook look, and the exploration and world were great to explore.


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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #89 on: October 08, 2024, 08:00:57 am »
Yeah, the LUNAR Remaster has been the talk of the town recently amongst my circles too what a surprise! Tbh though, I’ve been kinda leering away from playing Lunar just because I have so many personal associations to it, and I don’t really wanna revisit or think too much about that part of my life. Basically before I used to always play Lunar once a year even when bad stuff was happening/going on in my life and I kinda wanted to stop, BUT—!!! I have been doing a lot better and I’m not gonna scoff at the remaster release I’m probably most likely gonna pick it up but who knows if I’ll play.

Oh man Boo, I feel ya I’ve been doing my exercises and work-outs everynight but sometimes I feel so tired and fatigued the next day that I have to opt out for a “rest day.” I always feel like kinda bad or guilty, but I dunno if I’m just getting older & realizing I’m not a 20 year old bouncing around anymore. I just eat the usual rice and meat/veggies/fish - work-out & maybe I’ll snack during my sets. I’ve been trying not to eat as much lately and water really helps keep my stomach full.

I haven’t tried out Trials of Mana besides the time I said in my last post. I did manage to beat Persona 3 Reload and I have a whole plan-of-action before the end of the year: I wanna beat Dragon Quest Builders for the PS4, there’s 4 islands and I just got to the last. And either one of Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth/Star Ocean: First Departure R. I think you mentioned playing the latter and it was pretty short. I’m still going strong on my PS3- I wanna beat Folklore it’s only like 10-13 hrs but my disc is crummy and it sometimes freezes on the loading screen. 🤷🏼 I’m also going through Fairy Fencer F and Time and Eternity out of the two I think I like Time and Eternity better. If I can, I wanna squeeze in a PS1 RPG lookin’ at maybe front mission 3, The Legend of Dragoon or Vagrant Story. Save money on remasters.

So yeah. I just wanna beat a couple more titles until I get my fill. My Mom just had a birthday and we talked and I kinda relaxed some, so sometimes I just chill out at night and watch Survivor DVDs. I’m still pretty hooked onto the show. My cousin is visiting next month and I asked her to order more DVDs for me. She’s getting me seasons 31-34. There’s 48 seasons now. I appreciate it a lot cause it’s the ONLY American T.V. show I keep up with (mostly due to just growing up, managing my time & just wanting one show to last me a lifetime) I used to keep the T.V. on in my bedroom but all the Netflix shit and streaming I don’t really bother with those. lol I still analyze and speculate on the show like a nerd and it’s still wholesome, family home-viewing.

Hope you get better, Boo!!!